Top Vampire Quotes Collection

Discover a curated collection of Vampire quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category.

Image of Calvin Trillin
Following the Romanian tradition, garlic is used in excess to keep the vampires away.
- Calvin Trillin
Collection: Vampire
Image of Jeaniene Frost
All I'm saying is that sooner of later, you'll have to come to terms with yourself. You can't wish away the vampire in you, and you shouldn't keep atoning for it. You should figure out who you are and what you need, and then don't apologize for it. Not to me, to your mum, or to anyone.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Vampire
Image of Jeaniene Frost
Bath toys are reserved only for the oldest, more lethal vampires.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Vampire
Image of Jeaniene Frost
First bubble baths. Now Disney parks. You're shattering every creep vampire myth I've ever heard.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Vampire
Image of Carrie Vaughn
If vampires ever spend less time playing theatrics and living down to their stereotypes, they might actually take over the world someday
- Carrie Vaughn
Collection: Vampire
Image of Claudia Gray
About time you grew up and became a vampire like the rest of us.
- Claudia Gray
Collection: Vampire
Image of Heather Brewer
Vampires,after all,don't sparkle.
- Heather Brewer
Collection: Vampire
Image of Cynthia Leitich Smith
Vampires don't live at all," she points out, "neither do we." She has me there. "Fine, I'll go. But when Kurt leads his minions in a march around the cemetary with our heads on sticks, don't say I didn't warn you.
- Cynthia Leitich Smith
Collection: Vampire
Image of Larissa Ione
She turned to him, her cheeks burning red. “What is this? Vampire porn?” “Yep.” “Oh, and this is a good one. Muffy the Vampire Layer.
- Larissa Ione
Collection: Vampire
Image of Patricia Briggs
I'm a coyote shapeshifter playing in a world of werewolves and vampires---outmatched is n understatement.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Vampire
Image of Christine Warren
You are a vampire. That's big news in my world. I don't generally date the living dead. What sort of dead do you usually date?
- Christine Warren
Collection: Vampire
Image of Peter Tork
Vampires!!! What a time to be caught without a turtleneck!
- Peter Tork
Collection: Vampire
Image of Anne Rice
I can’t help being a gorgeous fiend. It’s just the card I drew.
- Anne Rice
Collection: Vampire
Image of Lisa Lutz
I entered his apartment without being invited, which is perfectly fine if you're not a vampire.
- Lisa Lutz
Collection: Vampire
Image of Charles Baudelaire
I am the vampire at my own veins.
- Charles Baudelaire
Collection: Vampire
Image of Paul Wesley
As everybody knows, chicks dig the vampires.
- Paul Wesley
Collection: Vampire
Image of Paul Wesley
Some of my favorite moments from The Vampire Diaries were from season 3. I found the storyline between Stefan and Klaus to be extremely compelling. It was a friend/foe type friendship, rooted in depth that took us back to the 1920s.
- Paul Wesley
Collection: Vampire
Image of Fred Saberhagen
I am generally way out of touch with trends, except now and then I am surprised to find myself leading one, like sympathetic vampires.
- Fred Saberhagen
Collection: Vampire
Image of Steven R. McQueen
I don't really watch much TV. I watch old movies and stuff like that, so I'm not up to date. My favorite vampire movie would definitely have to be the one with Gary Oldman [Dracula].
- Steven R. McQueen
Collection: Vampire
Image of Mur Lafferty
I've always thought a good whodunnit needed vampires, monks, and gods. P.G. Holyfield has created an engaging world that both fantasy and mystery fans will enjoy.
- Mur Lafferty
Collection: Vampire
Image of Christopher Heyerdahl
He is the vampire that had the greatest love of all times. And lost the greatest love of all times.
- Christopher Heyerdahl
Collection: Vampire
Image of Kirsten Storms
I'm a big Sarah Michelle Gellar [Buffy the Vampire Slayer] fan. Huge. I love her. She's gorgeous. I see her Maybelline ads, and I'm like, 'How can she be that pretty?'
- Kirsten Storms
Collection: Vampire
Image of Ronnie Radke
I'm not a vampire but I feel like one
- Ronnie Radke
Collection: Vampire
Image of David Hayter
A vampire is very easy; you just take a very good-looking actor, put some teeth on them, make them pale, and you're there.
- David Hayter
Collection: Vampire
Image of Magnus
Vampires are such prima donnas.
- Magnus
Collection: Vampire
Image of Thomas C Foster
Ghosts and vampires are never only about ghosts and vampires.
- Thomas C Foster
Collection: Vampire
Image of Oliver Jackson-Cohen
It was just hilarious how my first reaction was, "Oh, no, it's another vampire show. I'm not interested." And then, I read the script and thought it was brilliant.
- Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Collection: Vampire
Image of Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Dracula isn't just another vampire show. It's something entirely different that I personally feel I've never seen on American TV before.
- Oliver Jackson-Cohen
Collection: Vampire
Image of Brigid Brannagh
Aaron Spelling kept trying to bring vampires about, and I feel badly that it happened so much later. He was ahead of his time, in that regard.
- Brigid Brannagh
Collection: Vampire
Image of Richard Matheson
What would a Mohammedan vampire do if faced with a cross?
- Richard Matheson
Collection: Vampire
Image of Anne Rice
Merciful death. How you love your precious guilt
- Anne Rice
Collection: Vampire
Image of Patricia Briggs
He was obviously dead. But since he was a vampire that wasn't as hopless a thing as it might have been.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Vampire
Image of Rachel Caine
You never heard ofplugging her in ? My God, Myrnin, you made a vampire computer?
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Vampire
Image of P. G. Wodehouse
She's a sort of human vampire-bat
- P. G. Wodehouse
Collection: Vampire
Image of Rachel Caine
You're sure he's not a vampire?' Claire said.'I've seen movies. They're sneaky.' She was kidding. Eve didn't smile.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Vampire
Image of Rachel Caine
I just went to work for a vampire, was scared by a spider, and got knocked down by a tanning bomb. And that’s just my day, not my week.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Vampire
Image of Claudia Gray
The first rule of Evernight is that any vampire who seeks sanctuary must be given a place." -Charity
- Claudia Gray
Collection: Vampire
Image of C.C. Hunter
You gotta love an attentive vampire --Kylie
- C.C. Hunter
Collection: Vampire
Image of Jeaniene Frost
He also deeply distrusts vampires, as you had guessed yourself,” Bones added. “Aside from that, all I heard was enough repetitions of ‘how many chucks could a woodchuck chuck’ to make me want to stake myself.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Vampire
Image of Christine Feehan
If you are a vampire, then a vampire is not the creature of the legends.
- Christine Feehan
Collection: Vampire
Image of Richard Kadrey
Twenty percent? What am I, your waiter? I got you five vampires, not a BLT.
- Richard Kadrey
Collection: Vampire
Image of Kiersten White
VAMPIRES I see things you can't see WEREWOLVES I find things that hunt you FAERIES I am your protector SHAPESHIFTERS But even I can't protect you now.
- Kiersten White
Collection: Vampire
Image of Gail Carriger
Lord Maccon looked up. “Grovel, you say?” Lyall did not glance away from the latest vampire report he was perusing. “Grovel, my lord.
- Gail Carriger
Collection: Vampire
Image of Kami Garcia
So either your a vampire or a perv. Which is it?
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Vampire
Image of Patricia Briggs
Vampire politics make the very complicated dance of manners that is werewolf protocol look like the Hokey Pokey.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Vampire
Image of Stephenie Meyer
Bella: "Should I be afraid?" Edward: "Terrified."
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Vampire
Image of Joss Whedon
Angelus: Now that's everything, huh? No weapons... No friends...No hope. Take all that away... and what's left? Buffy: Me.
- Joss Whedon
Collection: Vampire
Image of Jeaniene Frost
I'm great as bait! All the vampires want to eat me!
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Vampire
Image of Rachel Caine
Shane - "Tell you what: you can be Glammera the vampire hunter. I'll stick with being manly and heavily armed.
- Rachel Caine
Collection: Vampire
Image of Jeaniene Frost
That's what vampires do, Kitten. We always come for what's ours, no matter the circumstances." Bones said.
- Jeaniene Frost
Collection: Vampire