Top Uncles Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of Uncles quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more Uncles quotes.

Image of Nora Roberts
I didn't get fired." "You didn't punch your boss and get fired from the Tribune? That's what I heard." "I punched what could loosely be called a colleague for cribbing my notes on a story and since the editor–who happened to be the asshole's uncle–took his word over mine, I quit." "To write books. Is it fun?" "I guess it is." "I bet you killed the asshole in the first one you wrote." "You'd be right. Beat him to death with a shovel. Very satisfying.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Uncles
Image of Christopher Paolini
They asked him for help rebuilding the farm, but e only shook his head with a pang of longing in his heart. I'm tracking your killers",he whispered to his uncle.-Eragon
- Christopher Paolini
Collection: Uncles
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
If I couldn't be Eddis, I would be Attolia. If they needed to see my uncle in me, then I would show him to them. And I would take Attolia's advice because if I identified my enemy and destroyed him, Sounis would be safe.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Uncles
Image of William Shakespeare
Go hang yourself, you naughty mocking uncle!
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Uncles
Image of Ilona Andrews
He isn’t so much flirting,” Cerise murmured. “Either he doesn’t like me or he doesn’t know how.” “Of course he likes you. You’re lovely. He probably just doesn’t get it. Some men have to be hit over the head with it. Her aunt rolled her eyes. “I thought I’d have to draw your uncle Jean a giant sign. That or kidnap him and have my evil way with him, until he got the message.
- Ilona Andrews
Collection: Uncles
Image of John Muir
Uncle Sam is not often called a fool in business matters, yet he has sold millions of acres of timber land at two dollars and a half an acre on which a single tree was worth more than a hundred dollars. But this priceless land has been patented, and nothing can be done now about the crazy bargain.... a bad, black business from beginning to end.
- John Muir
Collection: Uncles
Image of Thom Yorke
My uncle used to sit me on his lap and play "ventriloquist", only I wasn't wearing pants.
- Thom Yorke
Collection: Uncles
Image of J. C. Watts
They said that I had sold out and (am an) Uncle Tom. And I said well, they deserve to have that view. But I have my thoughts. And I think they're race-hustling poverty pimps.
- J. C. Watts
Collection: Uncles
Image of Bob Ross
Oooh, if you have never been to Alaska, go there while it is still wild. My favorite uncle asked me if I wanted to go there, Uncle Sam. He said if you don't go, you're going to jail. That is how Uncle Sam asks you.
- Bob Ross
Collection: Uncles
Image of Megan Whalen Turner
The room was quiet, the others flicking glances at me. I ignored them. After years in Sounis's palaces being eyed with disgust by my uncle and my own father and courtier after courtier, I assure you I am unrivaled at pretending not to notice other people's glances.
- Megan Whalen Turner
Collection: Uncles
Image of Melina Marchetta
I wish everyone would stop crying, Tom. Uncle Joe would be so angry about it." But she's crying herself now. "He'd be so angry at us, Tom, for crying so much when all he did was laugh.
- Melina Marchetta
Collection: Uncles
Image of J. K. Rowling
And do I look like the kind of man that can be intimidated?" barked Uncle Vernon. "Well..." said Moody, pushing back his bowler hat to reveal his sinisterly revolving eye. Uncle Vernon lept backward in horror and collided painfully with a luggage trolley. "Yes, I'd have to say you do, Dursley.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Uncles
Image of Edward Norton
When I think of my background, if I was privileged on any level, it was in terms of the kind of exposure to experience and bohe-mian cultural influence that my parents and my uncles and my grandfather gave me. On both sides I come from an extremely eccentric, artsy, intellectually intense, activist family.
- Edward Norton
Collection: Uncles
Image of R.L. LaFevers
I blew that clay pigeon to smithereens. I don't know why Mum got so upset. According to Uncle Andrew she's a crack shot herself. But she says I'm too young. What I'd like to know is how old does a person have to be before they get to do all the fun stuff?
- R.L. LaFevers
Collection: Uncles
Image of Barack Obama
If we are enforcing what should be the rules around Medicare and making sure the people are getting the bang for the buck, it's not going to be possible for insurance companies to simply pass on those costs to Medicare recipients, because ultimately it's Uncle Sam that's paying for those services anyway.
- Barack Obama
Collection: Uncles
Image of J. K. Rowling
Do I look stupid?" snarled Uncle Vernon, a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy mustache.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Uncles
Image of Stephenie Meyer
Uncle Jeb," we croaked in surprise. "You found us." "Well, now," he said, and his gruff voice brought back a hundred memories. "Well, now, here's a pickle.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Uncles
Image of Peter S. Beagle
The woman I loved died because I did not love her enough - what greater sin is there than that?" (Uncle Chaim and Aunt Fifke and the Angel)
- Peter S. Beagle
Collection: Uncles
Image of Don Rickles
Al Capone's my uncle. The old days were a lot different. The Latin Casino was the big time. When I got there I figured that I was doing pretty good, because remember, I started in nothing but after hours joints. I can't even name them now, but that's how I got noticed.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Uncles
Image of J. K. Rowling
Why were you lurking under our window?" "Yes - yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our windows, boy?" "Listening to the news," said Harry in a resigned voice. His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage. "Listening to the news! Again?" "Well, it changes every day, you see," said Harry.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Uncles
Image of J. K. Rowling
The fridge had been emptied of all Dudley’s favorite things — fizzy drinks and cakes, chocolate bars and burgers — and filled instead with fruit and vegetables and the sorts of things that Uncle Vernon called “rabbit food.
- J. K. Rowling
Collection: Uncles
Image of Louise Rennison
When uncle Eddie does his impression of 'Like a Virgin' it's like Madonna is coming out of his body!' Christ what an image.
- Louise Rennison
Collection: Uncles
Image of Terry Pratchett
If anyone wants one my advise is to go where the orthodox Jews shop, because when it comes to a big black fedora, the guys with ringlets and long black coats definitely know a stylish hat when they see one. You want to get it home and use a hot steaming kettle, and bob's your uncle - you have a hat with all the right curves!
- Terry Pratchett
Collection: Uncles
Image of E. O. Wilson
The closer the genetic relationship of the family members, as for example father-to-son, as opposed to uncle-to-nephew, the higher the degree of cooperation.
- E. O. Wilson
Collection: Uncles
Image of Libba Bray
For once, Evie didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t really thought of her uncle as very human. He was more like a textbook who occasionally remembered to put on a tie. But it was clear that he was, indeed, human, with a deep wound named Rotke.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Uncles
Image of Rick Riordan
My dear children!" Nellie whopped him upside the head with her backpack. "Ow!" Uncle Alistair curled over, cupping his hand over his good eye. "Nellie!" Amy said. "Sorry," Nellie muttered. "I thought he was one of the bad guys.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Uncles
Image of Scott Walker
You have phantom income each year. No money is being put in your pocket, but you have to take some money out of your pocket to pay Uncle Sam because the tax is paid based on accretion.
- Scott Walker
Collection: Uncles
Image of Margaret Mitchell
I don't see how it could possibly be made into a movie unless the entire book was scrapped and Shirley Temple cast as 'Bonnie,' Mae West as 'Belle,' and Stepin Fetchit as 'Uncle Peter.'
- Margaret Mitchell
Collection: Uncles
Image of Little Richard
I saw Uncle John with Long Tall Sally, he saw Aunt Mary coming and he ducked back in the alley.
- Little Richard
Collection: Uncles
Image of Jeff Bridges
Taylor Sheridan I think wrote a very good script. It reeked of authenticity. He seemed like a guy who knew what he was talking about and it turned out that Taylor's uncle is a Marshal, so he knew things from that side.
- Jeff Bridges
Collection: Uncles
Image of Roberto Bolano
I’m seventeen years old, my name is Juan García Madero, and I’m in my first semester of law school. I wanted to study literature, not law, but my uncle insisted, and in the end I gave in. I’m an orphan, and someday I’ll be a lawyer. That’s what I told my aunt and uncle, and then I shut myself in my room and cried all night.
- Roberto Bolano
Collection: Uncles
Image of Walker Percy
I don't like to be described as a Southern writer. The danger is, if you're described as a Southern writer, you might be thought of as someone who writes about a picturesque local scene like Uncle Tom's Cabin, Gone With the Wind, something like that.
- Walker Percy
Collection: Uncles
Image of Peter S. Beagle
There's a phrase, "sitzfleisch", which means just plain sitting on your ass and getting it done. Just showing up for work. My uncle Raphael was a painter, and he used to say, "If the muse is late for work, start without her". You have to be there. You have to be there, and do it, and grind it out, even when it is grinding and you know you're probably going to rewrite all this tomorrow.
- Peter S. Beagle
Collection: Uncles
Image of Patricia Briggs
She sees ghosts,” said Samuel, impatient with my whining. I see dead people,” I deadpanned back. Oddly, it was Uncle Mike who laughed. I hadn’t thought he’d be a moviegoer.
- Patricia Briggs
Collection: Uncles
Image of Ray Bradbury
I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane.
- Ray Bradbury
Collection: Uncles
Image of Mia Wasikowska
I didn't shoot any guns then or when we did the scene with Uncle Charlie [Matthew Goode] and Evie [Nicole Kidman] in the hall. I sort of pressed the button but there were no blanks or anything in there because I think it was always going to cut.
- Mia Wasikowska
Collection: Uncles
Image of William Shakespeare
Grace me no grace, nor uncle me no uncle.
- William Shakespeare
Collection: Uncles
Image of Kami Garcia
And you couldn’t control who you loved, even if you wanted to. That had been Genevieve’s problem with Ethan Carter Wate. It had been Uncle Macon’s problem with Lila, Link’s with Ridley. Probably even Ridley’s with Link. Love was how all these knots started to unravel in the first place.
- Kami Garcia
Collection: Uncles
Image of Tiffanie DeBartolo
And if my aunt had balls she'd be my uncle.
- Tiffanie DeBartolo
Collection: Uncles
Image of L. Neil Smith
My current novel, Pallas, is all about that culture war - in fact it's been called the Uncle Tom's Cabin of the Sagebrush Rebellion - and yet what I hear all too often from libertarians is that they don't read fiction.
- L. Neil Smith
Collection: Uncles
Image of Jessica Alba
I went through puberty really early, when I was 11. It makes you feel weird - you know, like your uncle is now hugging you a little bit longer than he used to. I think we all go through wanting to go back - you're not sure you're ready for that body.
- Jessica Alba
Collection: Uncles
Image of Melissa Marr
I've read Reverend Kirk, in fact. My uncle's library has quite a few books of your people. I have read Mr. Lang's fairy tales as well. (Katherine Rae O'Flaherty) "Books are not the same as reality," Devlin stared at her. "My world is not always kind to mortals.
- Melissa Marr
Collection: Uncles
Image of William Butler Yeats
I call on those that call me son, Grandson, or great-grandson, On uncles, aunts, great-uncles or great-aunts, To judge what I have done. Have I, that put it into words, Spoilt what old loins have sent?
- William Butler Yeats
Collection: Uncles
Image of Susanna Clarke
Ha!' said the tall man drily. 'He was in high luck. Rich old uncles who die are in shockingly short supply.
- Susanna Clarke
Collection: Uncles
Image of Rick Riordan
Sadie got up and kissed Amos on the forehead. “Leave it to us, Uncle. I’ve got a plan.” “That,” I said, “sounds like very bad news.
- Rick Riordan
Collection: Uncles
Image of J. D. Salinger
It's nice when somebody tells you about their uncle. Especially when they start out telling you about their father's farm and then all of a sudden get more interested in their uncle.
- J. D. Salinger
Collection: Uncles
Image of George Bernard Shaw
It is necessary for the welfare of society that genius should be privileged to utter sedition, to blaspheme, to outrage good taste, to corrupt the youthful mind, and generally to scandalize one's uncles.
- George Bernard Shaw
Collection: Uncles
Image of Abraham Verghese
Certainly when I got to medical school, I had role models of the kind of physicians I wanted to be. I had an uncle who, looking back, was probably not the most-educated physician around but he carried it off so well.
- Abraham Verghese
Collection: Uncles
Image of Karen Chance
My one-time roommate Claire had inherited the house from her uncle, and when she went off to bigger and better things, she’d left it in my care. And it needed a lot of it. Most importantly, it needed a new roof. There was a worrying stain on the ceiling of my bedroom that had started out roughly the shape of Rhode Island, but now looked more like North Carolina. Another few more days of rain and it was going to be Texas. And then it wouldn’t be anything at all because the battered old shingles were going to cave in on my head.
- Karen Chance
Collection: Uncles