Don Rickles

Image of Don Rickles
If I have learned anything, it is to keep my wife happy by sending her lavish gifts. Other men can learn from my success and send their wives and girlfriends fresh flowers for birthdays, anniversaries, and of course, Valentine's Day.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Valentines
Image of Don Rickles
You can't study comedy; it's within you. It's a personality. My humor is an attitude.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Attitude
Image of Don Rickles
Political correctness? In my humor, I never talk about politics. I was never much into all that.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Politics
Image of Don Rickles
I like to think I'm like the guy who goes to the office Christmas party Friday night, insults some people, but still has his job Monday morning.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Christmas
Image of Don Rickles
I did a few movies, but the word 'star'... I cannot compare to a star like Clint Eastwood. I used to call Clint 'Larry Dickman' when he would come to my show; then, he started using the name when he would go under cover in a 'Dirty Harry' movie. That's why he's a movie star... he's so creative.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Movies
Image of Don Rickles
You know what's funny to me? Attitude.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Funny
Image of Don Rickles
Half the battle is that people have to like you before you say one joke, one bit of humor.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Humor
Image of Don Rickles
I stopped smoking. But my personality I still have. I get up in the morning, and not everybody loves me, so if you want to call that a bad habit, there's that.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Morning
Image of Don Rickles
Famous people are deceptive. Deep down, they're just regular people. Like Larry King. We've been friends for forty years. He's one of the few guys I know who's really famous. One minute he's talking to the president on his cell phone, and then the next minute he's saying to me, 'Do you think we ought to give the waiter another dollar?'
- Don Rickles
Collection: Famous
Image of Don Rickles
Among my friends, I'm not a little Boy Scout, and they love my humor, thank God.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Humor
Image of Don Rickles
Some people say funny things, but I say things funny.
- Don Rickles
Collection: Funny
Image of Don Rickles
Who picks your clothes - Stevie Wonder?
- Don Rickles
Collection: Funny
Image of Don Rickles
I told jokes badly.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
To me, the stand up part in my life is great. I know I can do that. When I get an acting chance, I'm really thrilled.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I have a problem, if the light goes on on TV and it blinks midnight, I don't know how to fix it.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
Funny is funny.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I still have drive, but everything is relative.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I have to have energy because I have a lot of expenses. A couple of cars, couple of dogs and a big estate.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I was sitting in the toilet and I was by myself. I was tired of playing with the roller, so I said I'd better write a book.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
You lose your energy, you lose that excitement and it gets the audience up.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I'd like to think my performance is today. I never try to - it's so, as you know, watching me, I have a beginning, middle and ending. But every night the show changes and I relate to an audience and I relate to the young people.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I was always the guy - out of insecurities, I was always making fun, even as a kid.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
When I got out of high school, I wanted to be an actor but was getting a lot of rejections. I was getting rejected by life. My mother, God rest her soul, told me not to quit.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
My father was an insurance man and a small-time gambler. He was a good man, but he had an eye for the racehorses, and I saw how it used to bother my mother. I've never gambled a dime. Never, in all those years in Vegas.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I always say, when you're onstage you can't please everybody. I'm sure there are people who may not take to what I do, but that's okay. Thank God the majority are in my corner.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I call myself an actor. I always wanted to be one.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I write my own tweets.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
If something strikes me as funny, I'll put it in my performance.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I've been to Philadelphia a lot of times over the years, playing the old Celebrity Room and most of the other clubs around there that don't exist anymore.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
Sinatra was somebody special.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
Asians are nice people, but they burn a lot of shirts.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
To this day, when I say that I went to the American Academy, people are very impressed. The reputation of the school has always been fantastic.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
Compared to what some of the young comics use for material today, I'm a priest.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
In the 45 years I've worked in casinos, I dreamed of being honored by an organization like the American Gaming Association, especially since I don't even have a hunting license.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I ride a recumbent bike for half an hour every day.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I've never had a written script.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I was 28 when my father died, and I was an only child.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
My wife came into my life, and my mother still wanted to be the boss.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I'm not one of those guys who wants to die on a stage.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I want to be a dog, but I'm a pussycat.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
The average person pushes an elevator button 6 or 7 minutes before realizing it's not working. I did a study on this, you know.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
The man I adored, and miss him terribly, was Johnny Carson.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I have a wonderful road manager, and he travels with me. And my valet and friend travels with me. My little entourage is great, and they take good care of me.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
When you first start out with something new, you're always a little uptight.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
Bob Newhart, who is my best friend, is one of the guys I adore.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
You've got to be able to sell yourself.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
Even when I was in high school and the Navy, I was the guy who could rip somebody, and they'd laugh at it.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
No matter where you go in this world, you will always find a Jew sitting in the beach chair next to you.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
I don't care if the average guy on the street really knows what I'm like, as long as he knows I'm not really a mean, vicious guy. My friends and family know what I'm really like. That's what's important.
- Don Rickles
Image of Don Rickles
After I graduated, I tried Broadway, which was difficult for me. It was tough to get a part on Broadway, so I just started talking to audiences at different social gatherings, and little by little I became Don Rickles - whatever that is.
- Don Rickles