Anita Borg

Image of Anita Borg
If we want technology to serve society rather than enslave it, we have to build systems accessible to all people - be they male or female, young, old, disabled, computer wizards or technophobes.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Technology
Image of Anita Borg
Leaders of the future will have to be visionary and be able to bring people in - real communicators. These are things that women bring to leadership and executive positions, and it's going to be incredibly valuable and incredibly in demand.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Leadership
Image of Anita Borg
If women want to ensure themselves a meaningful place in the future, they need to be among those determining how the technology will be used. They need to be among those deciding whether it will be the great leveler or simply serve to worsen social divisions.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Technology
Image of Anita Borg
We're at unique point in history where the things that we are building are going to significantly impact our social, political, economical, and personal lives.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
None of these devices address that women keep track of many people's lives, not just their own.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
The Internet enables us to share the ideas we have without having to create another hierarchy.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
Women will change the corporation more than we expect.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
Until Systers came into existence, the notion of a global 'community of women in computer science' did not exist.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
The Internet does not have a reputation as being a particularly civilized place.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
Women are starting something like twice as many companies as men, but the money is primarily going to companies started by men.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
There is still a perception that the way women are isn't necessarily what you need for the powerhouse start-ups.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
The stereotypes really play into what kinds of companies women can get funded for.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
I believe women think differently.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
It doesn't help to just get women's opinions and then turn them over to an all-white-male engineering team.
- Anita Borg
Image of Anita Borg
Until Systers came into existence, the notion of a global community of women in computer science did not exist.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Community
Image of Anita Borg
None of these devices address that women keep track of many peoples lives, not just their own.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Track
Image of Anita Borg
Drs. Margolis and Fisher have done a great service to education, computer science, and the culture at large. Unlocking the Clubhouse should be required reading for anyone and everyone who is concerned about the decreasing rate of women studying computer science.
- Anita Borg
Collection: Reading