Chris Pine

Image of Chris Pine
I'm so envious of that genetic wiring that immediately puts a smile on your face. My genetic wiring just puts creases in my eyebrows.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Smile
Image of Chris Pine
For me growing up, Christmas time was always the most fantastic, exciting time of year, and you'd stay up until three in the morning. You'd hear the parents wrapping in the other room but you knew that also, maybe, they were in collusion with Santa Claus.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Christmas
Image of Chris Pine
I love architecture.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Architecture
Image of Chris Pine
The more you are positive and say, 'I want to have a good life,' the more you build that reality for yourself by creating the life that you want.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Good
Image of Chris Pine
I enjoy dating. I love first dates. I think they're incredibly fascinating studies in human psychology. When you sit down across from someone on a first date and things are going alright, you talk objectives. We want to win each other over, so how do you win someone over? You have to put the best foot forward.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Dating
Image of Chris Pine
I do like dating cynics - they tend to be incredibly funny.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Dating
Image of Chris Pine
We come from fallible parents who were kids once, who decided to have kids and who had to learn how to be parents. Faults are made and damage is done, whether it's conscious or not. Everyone's got their own 'stuff,' their own issues, and their own anger at Mom and Dad. That is what family is. Family is almost naturally dysfunctional.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Anger
Image of Chris Pine
Work takes up a lot of my brain space. So when I work, it's one thing. I don't have a lot of time to think about dating.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Dating
Image of Chris Pine
For me, fragrances are very - one of these beautiful art forms that bring about a whole host of things. It's what you want to smell like, it's memories that make you smile or are resonant of times in your life, it can remind you of music. If you're a lover of scent, it's a very kind of particular and evocative thing.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Smile
Image of Chris Pine
Dating someone on the opposite end of the happy spectrum teaches you an incredible amount of patience.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Dating
Image of Chris Pine
I like a deep sports massage - a casual beating up. I try to get them whenever I can, usually more if I'm getting in shape for a role.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Sports
Image of Chris Pine
Fear runs our lives. It doesn't matter who you are. You have to understand your relationship with fear. Whether you're scared of getting into a relationship; or taking the new job; or a confrontation - you have to size fear up.
- Chris Pine
Collection: Relationship
Image of Chris Pine
I do enjoy doing action quite clearly, but I also really like doing comedy.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Everybody's got family, or they don't have family, but they come from somewhere.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Anytime you take on a character... you just have to find the parts of the character that you can understand.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
No matter how bad the individual, everybody has reasons for why they do what they do.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I love the spy genre.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Hollywood is like living in a weird bubble. A bunch of people take care of you and get you stuff, and you're the center of that little microcosmic world. You start believing that it is real and... you deserve it.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
If you had no real training, if you hadn't spent years and years studying a martial art, how would you kill the bad guy?
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I like this idea of becoming fully realised.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
L.A.'s a pretty, warm, easy, breezy place. You can sunbathe, get a Mai Tai, and wake up five months later. And it's still sunny. And they're still serving Mai Tais.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
You see Justin Bieber and Robert Pattinson, what they go through, and dude, that's not as exciting as it looks.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I cry all the time - at work, at the shrink's, with my lady. 'The Notebook' killed me. 'Up' destroyed me.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Those big films are scary things. There's so much money behind those things. There's that hype. You enter a machine.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Critics think we try to make bad films. They think we want to spend five months of our lives making something bad. We always go out with the best of intentions, whether it's fluffy comedy or a drama.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
On red carpets, as people throw questions at you, you try and answer as quickly as possible.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I don't usually read self-help books, but I read a great book by a guy called Wayne Dyer: 'The Power of Intention,' which I loved.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
As an actor, it easy to be so self-critical, saying to yourself, 'Am I good enough? Am I good looking enough? Am I smart enough?'
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I really don't get recognized much.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
My name is not 'William Shatner.'
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Sometimes I think I need to get crazy. Go to Vegas.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I usually just end up at home on my couch - reading.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
You have to be able to carry a conversation. I think after the initial attraction kind of dies down. The lust dies down. There has to be the thing that engages you.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Therapy's like going to the gym.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I've worked Keira Knightley quite a bit and Kevin Costner.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I broke my finger in a stunt in a very not-too-romantic way. I was just trying to tackle someone, and I just flicked his forearm and then screamed in pain.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I'm an actor, but I am an awful liar.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
From Drew Barrymore to Robert Downey Jr., there's a long list of people who have faced their troubles, wildly overcome them, and succeeded.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
More than anything, what we do as actors is to sit and watch, and I would never want to get so lost in the celebrity bubble I couldn't do that because my feet no longer touch the ground.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Lying does exist in crazy forms.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
The first audition I went out on was because my father was on an audition for a TV show called the 'Gilmore Girls,' and that kind of snowballed a lot of stuff in my life.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I wanted to become an actor because I wanted friends.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I always enjoyed singing; I played guitar.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Musical theater is great; you get painted up, you get to play princesses and witches, and you sing. The joy alone of that can really carry a lot.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
'Horrible Bosses' is just blatant, outright fun. I've read some of what the critics have said, and it's incredible how mean critics can be about comedies... It's so ridiculous.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
A lot of tragedy can befall us, but there's always something else; there's always hope.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
Imagination is a pretty powerful thing, and when you're in the moment and you're riding a train and you're asked to look scared, I don't know, it just kind of works out. And in those moments where you're actually doing some of the stunts, then it's not so hard at all, because there's an actual fear there.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
At the end of the day, you have a job to do, and if you don't do your job, you're going to get fired. You just have to kind of put your head down and do it.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I never really thought about myself being in really big movies at all. In fact, I always though I'd do, I don't know, smaller movies is not quite the right word, but more character-oriented, dramatic things. I took myself a little bit seriously.
- Chris Pine
Image of Chris Pine
I'm very familiar with Tyler Perry.
- Chris Pine