Top Talking Quotes Collection - Page 21

Discover a curated collection of Talking quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 21 provides more Talking quotes.

Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
I can't imagine why you're so interested." He shook his head. "Interested? We're talking about you. I'm fascinated.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Talking
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
You're going to have to drive off the road and park behind thoses bushes," I instructed Vee. Vee leaned forward, peering into the darkness. "Is that a ditch between me and the bushes ?" "It's not very deep. Trust me, we'll clear it." "Looks deep to me. This is a Neon we're talking about, not a Hummer.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Talking
Image of Malcolm Forbes
Unconsciously I had discovered the commentator's secret weapon-that so long as you can wield words, it isn't necessary to know what you're talking about.
- Malcolm Forbes
Collection: Talking
Image of Andrew Bird
The weirdest time is when I'm having to explain myself all day to journalists, and then I don't perform, so there's no release, just a lot of self-consciousness. Then what do you do with that at the end of the day? How do you release your brain from talking about yourself all day?
- Andrew Bird
Collection: Talking
Image of Craig Ferguson
The virus in the movie 'Contagion' is based on the bird flu which came out of nowhere back in 2008. Everyone thought it was going to change the way we live and it just faded away. Wait a minute, I'm talking about President Obama.
- Craig Ferguson
Collection: Talking
Image of Bradford Cox
When young groups put out albums, they're always forced to go through this cycle of touring and talking and flaunting and posturing and peacocking. Nobody makes me do that anymore.
- Bradford Cox
Collection: Talking
Image of Greg Gutfeld
The Islamophobia phobes, (ph) the writers and the editors and the talking heads who deny an existence of evil while blaming those who speak up. There no difference - different than the apologists for communism. As communism killed millions, they, they denied it.
- Greg Gutfeld
Collection: Talking
Image of Franca Sozzani
I don't have time, I watch movies, or shows people are talking about. Television is the medium I use the least; I'd rather use my computer, iPhone or iPad.
- Franca Sozzani
Collection: Talking
Image of Jill Stein
We have missiles - nuclear missiles - on hair-trigger alert. We should be in the business of nuclear disarmament right now, which neither of these candidates [Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton] are talking about.
- Jill Stein
Collection: Talking
Image of Frederick Lenz
Psychic development is not a fanatical, freaky study, predicting the future, talking to UFOs, and being able to find out curious facts that are basically irrelevant to one's time in life.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Talking
Image of Larry Ellison
I can't think of anything that isn't cloud computing with all of these announcements. The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion. Maybe I'm an idiot, but I have no idea what anyone is talking about. What is it?
- Larry Ellison
Collection: Talking
Image of Colin Firth
Certainly, from where I stand, I'm not a specialist in wildly different walks and voices. But I find as much variation and nuance as what satisfies me in what I do. So, I don't find this particularly different. He has his own peculiarities. You're probably talking about a cluster of Englishmen in suits but I've done quite a big cluster of guys not in suits as well, which I've occupied myself with. So, I don't find that this is the one that stands out.
- Colin Firth
Collection: Talking
Image of Jonathan Safran Foer
We talked about nothing in particular, but it felt like we were talking about the most important things.
- Jonathan Safran Foer
Collection: Talking
Image of Drunvalo Melchizedek
Bible Code is a subject that is very controversial - most people in the world would not even know what we are talking about.
- Drunvalo Melchizedek
Collection: Talking
Image of Kevin Durant
We're talking too much about what goes on in the stands, nothing about what goes on on the court.
- Kevin Durant
Collection: Talking
Image of Paul W. S. Anderson
Interestingly it's when you come to the comedy, that's where a lot of the discussion is. It's like ten people sitting around talking about what is funny. "Is that funny? Is that funnier than that? Is this slightly funnier than this?" I guess that's what it's like when you're making a comedy movie as well, you just have to sit around talking seriously about the nature of comedy.
- Paul W. S. Anderson
Collection: Talking
Image of Kofi Annan
If you have a problem and you can't find a solution, you meet again tomorrow and you keep talking until you find a solution. You can disagree with behavior or a particular position, but you do not resort to calling an opponent worthless.
- Kofi Annan
Collection: Talking
Image of Mohamed ElBaradei
Everybody's still talking about diplomacy and I'm very hopeful that as long as we talk about diplomacy, as long as we're not talking about enforcement measures, sanctions, et cetera, we are on the right track. But we need to accelerate the process.
- Mohamed ElBaradei
Collection: Talking
Image of Walter Schloss
We do not spend a great deal of time talking to management.
- Walter Schloss
Collection: Talking
Image of Guy Finley
Talking to yourself proves only one thing: you're still unable to tell the difference between good and bad company.
- Guy Finley
Collection: Talking
Image of Meredith Brooks
There are very few interviews I turn down, because I really dig talking to people and hanging out.
- Meredith Brooks
Collection: Talking
Image of Craig Ferguson
Things were very different back in 1992. There was unrest in the Middle East, we had a gridlocked Congress, and everybody was talking about Bill Cosby.
- Craig Ferguson
Collection: Talking
Image of Richard Paul Evans
Some people deal with their problems by talking them to death. In fact, some enjoy the execution so much they resurrect their problems just so they can kill them again.-Nathan Hurst
- Richard Paul Evans
Collection: Talking
Image of Michael Hudson
Oil now, as a result of the Saudi production, is priced so low that there are not going to be new fracking investments made. A lot of companies that have gone into fracking are heavily debt-leveraged, and are beginning to default on their loans. The next wave of defaults that banks are talking about is probably going to be in the fracking industry. When the costs of production are so much more than they can end up getting for the oil, they just stop producing and stop paying their loans.
- Michael Hudson
Collection: Talking
Image of Eve Ensler
We can't walk where we want to walk or be who we want to be or dress the way we want to dress or go anywhere any time of day. I am talking about the freedom that comes with just knowing that you're okay, and that you have value and you have identity, and you don't have to keep proving yourself.
- Eve Ensler
Collection: Talking
Image of Louis Farrakhan
I was talking about [Donald] Trump and certain things he was saying, that he wanted to go into Iraq and just "take the oil." I said he sounded like the Corleone Family from The Godfather, you know, "Let's just get it all while we got the muscle."
- Louis Farrakhan
Collection: Talking
Image of James Fenton
When Mr Ackroyd says that in the 18th century, stranglers bit off the noses of their victims, I feel that he probably knows what he is talking about. I just wish he hadn't told me.
- James Fenton
Collection: Talking
Image of Robert Downey, Jr.
I know if you talk faster and use more ten-dollar words than everyone around you, you convince half of them that they should shut up because you know what you're talking about.
- Robert Downey, Jr.
Collection: Talking
Image of Eminem
I like it when people talk s**t. Because if people weren't talking s**t, there would be nothing for me to come back with. I need that. If I don't have any ammo, what am I going to say?
- Eminem
Collection: Talking
Image of Benjamin Disraeli
I will not go down to posterity talking bad grammar.
- Benjamin Disraeli
Collection: Talking
Image of Frederick Lenz
Don't listen to voices. If you hear voices talking to you, forget it. Disregard the information, even if it is right occasionally. You are dealing with non-physical forces that are trying to influence you.
- Frederick Lenz
Collection: Talking
Image of Conor McGregor
Whoever said it's tough at the top is talking absolute sh*t.
- Conor McGregor
Collection: Talking
Image of Drake
All them 5s need to listen when the 10 is talking
- Drake
Collection: Talking
Image of Lupe Fiasco
I love Obama, and I love the fact that it's a black president of the United States of America, but he's not the first black president. Robert Mugabe is a black president ,too, so let's not get to talking about precedents being set.
- Lupe Fiasco
Collection: Talking
Image of Lykke Li
I had a period after touring the first record where I didn't agree with the way things worked in the music industry as far as how you release music, demand, the pace of everything. You don't know who's talking to you. Who's Spotify? Who's iTunes? Who are all those bloggers? Who says I have to do this? Why do you have to do all this press? Why do I have to do so many shows? Why do I have to do a regular album right now? I don't understand it.
- Lykke Li
Collection: Talking
Image of Darryl Pinckney
Criticism shouldn't be a performance that upstages the work it's talking about.
- Darryl Pinckney
Collection: Talking
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
In this our talking America, we are ruined by our good nature and listening on all sides. This compliance takes away the power ofbeing greatly useful.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Talking
Image of Snoop Dogg
I tell the truth. And I know what I'm talking about. That's why I'm a threat.
- Snoop Dogg
Collection: Talking
Image of Lin-Manuel Miranda
People who don't like musicals like, 'why are they singing? Why aren't they just talking? If you make the lyric feel really conversational, it's much easier for them to bridge that gap.
- Lin-Manuel Miranda
Collection: Talking
Image of Evan Esar
A bore finds it easy to start talking, and even easier to get others to stop listening.
- Evan Esar
Collection: Talking
Image of Jim Gaffigan
The whole idea of comedy, there is nothing normal about going up on stage to make strangers laugh. But I'm also not an exhibitionist like other comics. I'm not up there talking about masturbating.
- Jim Gaffigan
Collection: Talking
Image of Richard Sherman
It's hard coming in here talking a big game. It's hard, it's hard. It's a lamb coming to the wolves and throwing meat at them.
- Richard Sherman
Collection: Talking
Image of Eva Green
I've never been very good talking about myself.
- Eva Green
Collection: Talking
Image of Fred Armisen
I'm a fan of Talking Heads going way back.
- Fred Armisen
Collection: Talking
Image of Jay Asher
That’s what i love about poetry. The more abstract, the better. The stuff were your not sure what the poets talking about. You may have an idea, but you cant be sure. Not a hundred percent. Each word, specifically chosen, could have a million different meanings. Is it a stand-in ―a symbol for another idea? Does it fit into a larger, more hidden, metaphor? ...I hated poetry until someone showed me how to appreciate it. He told me to see poetry as a puzzle. Its up to the reader to decipher the code, or the words, based on everything they know about life and emotions.
- Jay Asher
Collection: Talking
Image of Mary Kay Ash
If I'm talking to someone in a crowded room, I try to make this person feel as though we're the only ones present. I shut out everything else. I look directly at the person. Even if a gorilla were to walk into the room, I probably wouldn't notice it.
- Mary Kay Ash
Collection: Talking
Image of Jeff Foxworthy
When I did the sitcom I was too naive. I thought, Well, they know what they're talking about, let's do that.
- Jeff Foxworthy
Collection: Talking
Image of Rudy Giuliani
Instead of talking about the fact that Hillary Clinton violated about 40 federal laws we are talking about this [that this president's Barack Obama is legitimately elected president of the United States and you say your candidate agrees with you]. It is ridiculous.
- Rudy Giuliani
Collection: Talking
Image of Khalil Gibran
I am bored with gabbers and their gab; my soul abhors them. . . . Is there any place where there is no traffic in empty talk? Is there on this earth one who does not worship himself talking?
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Talking