Top Survival Quotes Collection - Page 4

Discover a curated collection of Survival quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 4 provides more Survival quotes.

Image of Leonardo DiCaprio
We are facing a tipping point of environmental crisis unprecedented in human history and our very survival is dependent on protecting nature.
- Leonardo DiCaprio
Collection: Survival
Image of Robert Jay Lifton
There's more and more recognition that a carbon economy is dangerous to us economically. And there is increasing recognition that renewable fuels have economic value as well as obvious value for our health and our well-being and our survival. In fact, as you know, the economic revolution in renewable fuels has been impressive. It really had not been anticipated.
- Robert Jay Lifton
Collection: Survival
Image of T. S. Eliot
Survival is your strength not your shame.
- T. S. Eliot
Collection: Survival
Image of M. F. K. Fisher
Having bowed to the inevitability of the dictum that we must eat to live, we should ignore it and live to eat.
- M. F. K. Fisher
Collection: Survival
Image of Duke Ellington
Selfishness can be a virtue. Selfishness is essential to survival, and without survival we cannot protect those whom we love more than ourselves.
- Duke Ellington
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
I club the thing over the head and that's the end of it.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
I don't know about you, but rattlesnake sounds pretty damn good right now.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Everyone knows the rules of three's, you can survive three weeks without food, but not in this environment.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
The faster you can signal for rescue, the faster you get out of that situation.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
This is looking tasty.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
You know this is a dicey situation anyway you look at it.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Here's the bottom line, we're either going or not.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Looking good Matt, you look like a money.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
This is the first time I've done something like this and I'm really hoping this will work.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Apparently Matts been busier than a centipede at a toe counting contest.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Maya Angelou
No not me go find someone else to bring down
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Survival
Image of Cody Lundin
I'm the Bernie Madoff of this spider.
- Cody Lundin
Collection: Survival
Image of Cody Lundin
It's a recipe for disaster.
- Cody Lundin
Collection: Survival
Image of Rahm Emanuel
Nearly losing my life made me want to live my life.
- Rahm Emanuel
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Altitude sickness is gonna put the screws on you.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
We'll stay warm tonight even if we have to sit by each other and snuggle.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
You have got to control your fear, get in control of your emotions.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
The terrain is thinner, the vegetation is greener, that's a good sign we're getting close to the coast.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Sometimes you have to take the harder course of action.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Jane Fonda
Denial can be a pathology or a survival mechanism - and sometimes it's both.
- Jane Fonda
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
All this is, is a nine hundred dollar hammer.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Dude, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
We can navigate by looking at ant mounds.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
It's probably one of the worst places I've been.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
Now that this torch is lit, we do not have time to dilly dally around.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
That's a bust your ass shot through and through.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
We cannibalized this bike as much as we could've.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
This is like being in the super bowl. It's first down, you're on the one yard line, You either make a touchdown or you're hosed.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
It drops down to a place I ain't going.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
You may only get one chance at something...and that requires confidence in your ability.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Joe Teti
His first instinct was to help me, not sit like a deer in headlights, I now know that Matt isn't one to panic
- Joe Teti
Collection: Survival
Image of Garrison Wynn
Fear is a survival tool not a handicap.
- Garrison Wynn
Collection: Survival
Image of Nadine Gordimer
In various and different circumstances certain objects and individuals are going to turn out to be vital. The wager of survival cannot, by its nature, reveal which, in advance of events.
- Nadine Gordimer
Collection: Survival
Image of Daniel Goleman
Fear, in evolution, has a special prominence: perhaps more than any other emotion it is crucial for survival.
- Daniel Goleman
Collection: Survival
Image of Bear Grylls
I grew up on survival shows and they were always just so...anoraky.
- Bear Grylls
Collection: Survival
Image of John Kenneth Galbraith
It was Herbert Spencer, not Charles Darwin, who coined the phrase Survival of the Fittest.
- John Kenneth Galbraith
Collection: Survival
Image of Jim Goad
Different groups in different areas developed different traits to assure their survival.
- Jim Goad
Collection: Survival
Image of Stephen Hawking
The human failing I would most like to correct is aggression. It may have had survival advantage in caveman days, to get more food, territory or a partner with whom to reproduce, but now it threatens to destroy us all.
- Stephen Hawking
Collection: Survival
Image of Frank Herbert
Logic is good for playing chess but is often too slow for the needs of survival.
- Frank Herbert
Collection: Survival
Image of Learned Hand
The condition of our survival in any but the meagerest existence is our willingness to accommodate ourselves to the conflicting interests of others, to learn to live in a social world.
- Learned Hand
Collection: Survival
Image of David Ben-Gurion
After eighty, there are no enemies, only survivors.
- David Ben-Gurion
Collection: Survival
Image of Frank Herbert
The most important survival ability for any life form is the ability to change.
- Frank Herbert
Collection: Survival
Image of Margaret Atwood
The central symbol for Canada-and this based on numerous instances of its occurrence in both English and French Canadian literature-is undoubtedly Survival, la Survivance.
- Margaret Atwood
Collection: Survival
Image of Joan Baez
All of us are survivors, but how many of us transcend survival?
- Joan Baez
Collection: Survival