Top strong Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of strong quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more strong quotes.

Image of Carl Rogers
The way of being with another person which is termed empathic...means temporarily living in their life, moving abut in it delicately without making judgment... to be with another in this way means that for the time being you lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself in order to enter the other's world without prejudice...a complex, demanding, strong yet subtle and gentle way of being.
- Carl Rogers
Collection: Strong
Image of James Agee
And no matter what, there's not one thing in this world *or* the next that we can do or hope or guess at or wish or pray that can change it or help it one iota. Because whatever is, is. That's all. And all there is now is to be ready for it, strong enough for it, whatever it may be. That's all. That's all that matters. It's all that matters because it's all that's possible.
- James Agee
Collection: Strong
Image of Matt Bomer
I like strong opinions - I'll take that any day over someone who agrees with everything.
- Matt Bomer
Collection: Strong
Image of Donald Trump
We will make America strong again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again, greater than ever before.
- Donald Trump
Collection: Strong
Image of Benito Mussolini
Yes, a dictator can be loved. Provided that the masses fear him at the same time. The crowd love strong men. The crowd is like a woman.
- Benito Mussolini
Collection: Strong
Image of Shin Kyung-sook
Life is sometimes amazingly fragile, but some lives are frighteningly strong.
- Shin Kyung-sook
Collection: Strong
Image of Olive Schreiner
We all enter the world little plastic beings, with so much natural force, perhaps, but for the rest--blank; and the world tells uswhat we are to be, and shapes us by the ends it sets before us. To you it says--Work; and to us it says--Seem! To you it says--As you approximate to man's highest ideal of God, as your arm is strong and your knowledge great, and the power to labour is with you, so you shall gain all that human heart desires. To us it says--Strength shall not help you, nor knowledge, nor labour. You shall gain what men gain, but by other means. And so the world makes men and women.
- Olive Schreiner
Collection: Strong
Image of Paul Tillich
One cannot be strong without love. For love is not an irrelevant emotion; it is the blood of life.
- Paul Tillich
Collection: Strong
Image of Frank Sinatra
A friend to me has no race, no class and belongs to no minority. My friendships were formed out of affection, mutual respect and a feeling of having something strong in common. These are eternal values that cannot be racially classified. This is the way I look at race.
- Frank Sinatra
Collection: Strong
Image of Samuel Shem
There is no body cavity that cannot be reached with a number fourteen needle and a good strong arm.
- Samuel Shem
Collection: Strong
Image of Neil Strauss
The strong live off the weak and the clever live off the strong.
- Neil Strauss
Collection: Strong
Image of James Rollins
The strong were always eating the weak.
- James Rollins
Collection: Strong
Image of Tom Selleck
I had a strong, really good upbringing, not puritanical
- Tom Selleck
Collection: Strong
Image of Sarah Wylie
Her expression falls slightly as she senses that my walls are up and she's not nearly strong enough to climb over. Not even today when she is leukaemia's version of Superwoman.
- Sarah Wylie
Collection: Strong
Image of Enid Blyton
You are honest enough by nature to be able to see and judge your own self clearly - and that is a great thing. Never lose that honesty, Bobby - always be honest with yourself, know your own motives for what they are, good or bad, make your own decisions firmly and justly - and you will be a fine, strong character, of some real use in this muddled world of ours!
- Enid Blyton
Collection: Strong
Image of Cindy Sherman
I can be fearlessly strong at times to protect an inner frailty.
- Cindy Sherman
Collection: Strong
Image of Chip Heath
Just look for a strong beginning and a strong ending and get moving.
- Chip Heath
Collection: Strong
Image of Martha C. Nussbaum
Property rights can improve a woman's ability to stand up to violence in the home. You might think education and employment are important because they give women exit options, but property is as well. Give women equal property rights to inherited land, then they have an asset they can take out of the marriage. This gives husbands strong incentives to not beat them.
- Martha C. Nussbaum
Collection: Strong
Image of Andrew Bogut
What I would say is I've only had one injury in my NBA career, that was probably was because my core wasn't strong enough, when I had a stress fracture in my back.
- Andrew Bogut
Collection: Strong
Image of Julius Evola
The much-vaunted sex appeal of American women is drawn from films, reviews and pin-ups, and is in large print fictitious. A recent medical survey in the United States showed that 75% of young American women are without strong sexual feeling and instead of satisfying their libido they seek pleasure narcissistically in exhibitionism, vanity, and the cult of fitness and health in a sterile sense.
- Julius Evola
Collection: Strong
Image of Miuccia Prada
It's still feminine, but not in a romantic way. It's all about masculine and feminine, and being strong.
- Miuccia Prada
Collection: Strong
Image of Amish Tripathi
his burden didn't feel any lighter. but he felt strong enough to carry it
- Amish Tripathi
Collection: Strong
Image of Amish Tripathi
Strong people stick to their morals, no matter what the trials and tribulations, Weak people, many a times, do not even realize how low they have sunk.
- Amish Tripathi
Collection: Strong
Image of Amish Tripathi
Fate controls only the weak, Your Highness. The strong mould the providence the want
- Amish Tripathi
Collection: Strong
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
The principal feature of American liberalism is sanctimoniousness. By loudly denouncing all bad things — war and hunger and date rape — liberals testify to their own terrific goodness. More important, they promote themselves to membership in a self-selecting elite of those who care deeply about such things.... It's a kind of natural aristocracy, and the wonderful thing about this aristocracy is that you don't have to be brave, smart, strong or even lucky to join it, you just have to be liberal.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Strong
Image of P. J. O'Rourke
Some women want the strong silent type, so they can tell him to shut up and rearrange the furniture.
- P. J. O'Rourke
Collection: Strong
Image of Catherine Bell
People are always surprised that I have a funny side because I'm usually so intense, strong and dramatic. But, I'd love to do something really, really silly and funny.
- Catherine Bell
Collection: Strong
Image of Catherine Bell
I've been playing a lot of really strong, able woman, but I think it would be really fun to play a crazy drug addict, or something.
- Catherine Bell
Collection: Strong
Image of William Kent Krueger
I used to ask for an easy life, now I ask to be strong.
- William Kent Krueger
Collection: Strong
Image of Niklaus Wirth
Complexity has and will maintain a strong fascination for many people. It is true that we live in a complex world and strive to solve inherently complex problems, which often do require complex mechanisms. However, this should not diminish our desire for elegant solutions, which convince by their clarity and effectiveness. Simple, elegant solutions are more effective, but they are harder to find than complex ones, and they require more time, which we too often believe to be unaffordable
- Niklaus Wirth
Collection: Strong
Image of David Allen
You can claim that God is guiding you and revealing to you the answer or solution to your problem. Accept the truth that the nature of Infinite Intelligence is to respond to you, and you will receive an answer without the aid of any man. You can boldly affirm, “I am whole, perfect, strong, loving, illumined, prosperous and inspired.” As you continue to affirm these truths and feel and believe what you claim, without the help or cooperation of anyone, you will express what you feel to be true. Remember, whatever you attach to I AM, you become.
- David Allen
Collection: Strong
Image of E.D. Baker
Look at me! I'm big! I'm strong! I'm a superior example of froghood and capable of protecting us both!
- E.D. Baker
Collection: Strong
Image of Dorothea Brande
Old habits are strong and jealous.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Strong
Image of Koren Zailckas
I grew up in a family that despised displays of strong emotion, rage in particular. We stewed. We sulked. When arguments did occur, they were full-scale conniptions, and we regarded them as family failings.
- Koren Zailckas
Collection: Strong
Image of Joel Osteen
When you go through difficult times, make sure you pass the test. Don’t be stubborn and hardheaded. Recognize that God is refining you, knocking off some of your rough edges. Stand strong and fight the good fight of faith. God has called each of us to be champions; you are destined to win. If you will work with God and keep a good attitude, then no matter what comes against you, the bible says that all things – not just the good things in life, but all things – work together for your good.
- Joel Osteen
Collection: Strong
Image of Joan Bauer
I hope you'll have the kind of life where what you stand for is so important that it makes some people outright hostile. You won't know how strong your beliefs really are until you have to defend them.
- Joan Bauer
Collection: Strong
Image of Christopher Pike
Darkness approaches from outside. I feel no light inside me strong enough to resist it.
- Christopher Pike
Collection: Strong
Image of Karen White
Strong winds buffet the sea oats and tall dune grasses, tossing sand and seabirds where it will, winding my sister's golden hair into sunlit spirals of silk until it becomes the only good memory I have of her -- the only memory I allowed myself to keep.
- Karen White
Collection: Strong
Image of Daniel Pinchbeck
I think a lot of people who were addicts are actually people who had that strong innate need to experience non-ordinary states of consciousness. But because our society has turned into this destructive culture of these horrible drugs that nullify you, they have that experience in a negative way. And then they lose that capacity forever, to have it in a positive way.
- Daniel Pinchbeck
Collection: Strong
Image of Joaquin Phoenix
We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures. And nonhuman animals experience pain sensations just like we do. They too are strong, intelligent, industrious, mobile, and evolutional. They too are capable of growth and adaptation. Like us, firsthand foremost, they are earthlings. And like us, they are surviving. Like us they also seek their own comfort rather than discomfort. And like us they express degrees of emotion. In short like us, they are alive.
- Joaquin Phoenix
Collection: Strong
Image of Merle Shain
The romantic myth is so strong that it survives the wear and tear of marriage by simply detaching from it and floating up on ahead, and women who are rather fond of the men they married, as well as ones who are not, go through life with a bag packed for the day when the shining knight on a white charger arrives, just in case he does.
- Merle Shain
Collection: Strong
Image of Halldór Laxness
My motto is strong packaging, clear addressing.
- Halldór Laxness
Collection: Strong
Image of Lisa See
People say you need to be strong, smart, and lucky to survive hard times, war, a natural disaster, or physical torture. But I say emotional abuse—anxiety, fear, guilt, and degradation—is far worse and much harder to survive.
- Lisa See
Collection: Strong
Image of Lisa See
We're told that men are strong & brave, but I think women know how to endure, accept defeat & bear physical & mental agony much better than men.
- Lisa See
Collection: Strong
Image of Eiji Yoshikawa
Not only must a warrior be strong with his bow, but he must have a heart full of pity for all living creatures.
- Eiji Yoshikawa
Collection: Strong
Image of John Wooden
A strong leader accepts blame and gives the credit. A weak leader gives blame and accepts the credit.
- John Wooden
Collection: Strong
Image of Denise Mina
To have a very strong opinion all the time is corrosive to a person's intellect. It becomes your default position.
- Denise Mina
Collection: Strong