Dorothea Brande

Image of Dorothea Brande
All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right about face which turns us from failure to success.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Success
Image of Dorothea Brande
To guarantee success, act as if it were impossible to fail.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Success
Image of Dorothea Brande
By going over your day in imagination before you begin it, you can begin acting successfully at any moment.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Imagination
Image of Dorothea Brande
There are seeds of self-destruction in all of us that will bear only unhappiness if allowed to grow.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Self
Image of Dorothea Brande
Act as if it were impossible to fail.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Dorothea Brande
A problem is often half-solved when it is clearly stated.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Half
Image of Dorothea Brande
Act boldly and unforeseen forces will come to your aid.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Aids
Image of Dorothea Brande
All that is necessary to break the spell of inertia and frustration is this: Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the talisman, the formula, the command of right-about-face which turns us from failure towards success.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Dorothea Brande
it is the sum of small things successfully done that lifts a life out of bondage to the humdrum.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Done
Image of Dorothea Brande
If you can discover what you like, if you can discover what you truly believe about most of the major matters of life, you will be able to write a story which is honest and original and unique.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Believe
Image of Dorothea Brande
Old habits are strong and jealous.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Strong
Image of Dorothea Brande
Criticism and rejection are not personal insults, but your artistic component will not know that. It will quiver and wince and run to cover, and you will have trouble in luring it out again to observe and weave tales and find words for all the thousand shades of feeling that go to make up a story.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Running
Image of Dorothea Brande
In matching your wits against yourself you take on the shrewdest and wiliest antagonist you can have, and consequently a victorious outcome in this duel of wits brings a great feeling of triumph.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Women
Image of Dorothea Brande
Hitch your unconscious mind to your writing arm.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothea Brande
Writing calls on unused muscles and involves solitude and immobility.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Writing
Image of Dorothea Brande
The genius keeps all his days the vividness and intensity of interest that a sensitive child feels in his expanding world.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Children
Image of Dorothea Brande
Most writers flourish greatly on a simple, healthy routine with occasional time off for gaiety.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Simple
Image of Dorothea Brande
Most of the methods of training the conscious side of the writer-the craftsman and the critic in him- are actually hostile to the good of the artist's side; and the converse of this proposition is likewise true. But it is possible to train both sides of the character to work in harmony, and the first step in that education is to consider that you must teach yourself not as though you were one person, but two.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Character
Image of Dorothea Brande
In the long run it makes little difference how cleverly others are deceived; if we are not doing what we are best equipped to do, or doing well what we have undertaken as our personal contribution to the world's work, at least by way of an earnestly followed avocation, there will be a core of unhappiness in our lives which will be more and more difficult to ignore as the years pass.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Running
Image of Dorothea Brande
Proverbs are for the most part rules of moral, or, still more properly, of prudential conduct.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Moral
Image of Dorothea Brande
Fiction supplies the only philosophy that may readers know; it establishes their ethical, social, and material standards; it confirms them in their prejudices or opens their minds to a wider world.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Dorothea Brande
The worst effect of party is its tendency to generate narrow, false, and illiberal prejudices, by teaching the adherents of one party to regard those that belong to an opposing party as unworthy of confidence.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Party
Image of Dorothea Brande
Act as though it is impossible to fail.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Success
Image of Dorothea Brande
The most enviable writers are those who, quite often unanalytically and unconsciously, have realized that there are different facets to their nature and are able to live and work with now one, now the other.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Different
Image of Dorothea Brande
So long as new ideas are created, sales will continue to reach new highs.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Ideas
Image of Dorothea Brande
The games of the ancient Greeks were, in their original institutions, religious solemnities.
- Dorothea Brande
Collection: Religious