Top Spring Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Spring quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Spring quotes.

Image of Hal Borland
The longer I live and the more I read, the more certain I become that the real poems about spring aren't written on paper. They are written in the back pasture and the near meadow, and they are issued in a new revised edition every April.
- Hal Borland
Collection: Spring
Image of Jeanne DuPrau
People didn't make life, so they can't destroy it. Even if we were to wipe out every bit of life in the world, we can't touch the place life comes from. Whatever made the plants and animals and people spring up in the first place will always be there, and life will spring up again.
- Jeanne DuPrau
Collection: Spring
Image of Jeanne DuPrau
His sympathy made tears spring to Lina's eyes. Doon looked startled for a moment, and then he took a step toward her and wrapped his arms around her. He gave her a squeeze so quick and tight that it made her cough, and then it made her laugh. She realized all at once that Doon--thin, dark-eyed Doon with his troublesome temper and his terrible brown jacket and his good heart--was the person that she knew better than anyone now. He was her best friend.
- Jeanne DuPrau
Collection: Spring
Image of Ghassan Kanafani
My political position springs from my being a novelist. In so far as I am concerned, politics and the novel are an indivisible case and I can categorically state that I became politically committed because I am a novelist, not the opposite.
- Ghassan Kanafani
Collection: Spring
Image of Bernard Berenson
I walk in the garden, I look at the flowers and shrubs and trees and discover in them an exquisiteness of contour, a vitality of edge, or a vigour of spring, as well as an infinite variety of colour that no artefact I have seen in the last sixty years can rival...each day, as I look, I wonder where my eyes were yesterday.
- Bernard Berenson
Collection: Spring
Image of Vera Brittain
I thought that spring must last forevermore, For I was young and loved, and it was May.
- Vera Brittain
Collection: Spring
Image of James Crumley
When I finally caught up with Abraham Trahearne, he was drinking beer with an alcoholic bulldog named Fireball Roberts in a ramshackle joint just outside of Sonoma, California, drinking the heart right out of a fine spring afternoon.
- James Crumley
Collection: Spring
Image of Alistair Begg
Unfortunately, preachers who distort God's Word are all too common today. Sometimes this springs from a sincere desire to soften hard hearts, but hearts aren't changed by compromise.
- Alistair Begg
Collection: Spring
Image of Gretel Ehrlich
To trace the history of a river or a raindrop is also to trace the history of the soul, the history of the mind descending and arising in the body. In both, we constantly seek and stumble upon divinity, which like feeding the lake, and the spring becoming a waterfall, feeds, spills, falls, and feeds itself all over again.
- Gretel Ehrlich
Collection: Spring
Image of John Charles Polanyi
Authority in science exists to be questioned, since heresy is the spring from which new ideas flow.
- John Charles Polanyi
Collection: Spring
Image of Sara Teasdale
There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound; And frogs in the pool singing at night, And wild plum trees in tremulous white; Robins will wear their feathery fire, Whistling their whims on a low fence-wire; And not one will know of the war, not one Will care at last when it is done. Not one would mind, neither bird nor tree, If mankind perished utterly; And Spring herself when she woke at dawn Would scarcely know that we were gone.
- Sara Teasdale
Collection: Spring
Image of Sara Teasdale
My theory is that poems are written because of a state of emotional irritation. It may be present for some time before the poet is conscious of what is tormenting him. The emotional irritation springs, probably, from subconscious combinations of partly forgotten thoughts and feelings. Coming together, like electrical currents in a thunder storm, they produce a poem. ... the poem is written to free the poet from an emotional burden.
- Sara Teasdale
Collection: Spring
Image of Susan Hill
I had not yet learned that we make our own destiny, it springs from within us. It is not the outward events but what we allow ourselves to make of them that count.
- Susan Hill
Collection: Spring
Image of Alfred Adler
It is the individual who is not interested in his fellow men who has the greatest difficulties in life and provides the greatest injury to others. It is fro+m among such individuals that all human failures spring.
- Alfred Adler
Collection: Spring
Image of Stephen Batchelor
Consciousness is an emergent, contingent, and impermanent phenomenon. It has no magical capacity to break free from the field of events out of which it springs.
- Stephen Batchelor
Collection: Spring
Image of Pablo Neruda
I will bring you flowers from the mountains, bluebells, dark hazels, and rustic baskets of kisses. I want to do with you what spring does with the cherry trees.
- Pablo Neruda
Collection: Spring
Image of Frederic Bastiat
Socialism, like the ancient ideas from which it springs, confuses the distinction between government and society. As a result of this, every time we object to a thing being done by government, the socialists conclude that we object to its being done at all . . . . It is as if the socialists were to accuse us of not wanting persons to eat because we do not want the state to raise grain
- Frederic Bastiat
Collection: Spring
Image of Susan L. Taylor
Love is the life spring of our existence. The more love you give, the happier you feel and the more love you will have within you to give.
- Susan L. Taylor
Collection: Spring
Image of Otto Rank
For the only therapy is life. The patient must learn to live, to live with his split, his conflict, his ambivalence, which no therapy can take away, for if it could, it would take with it the actual spring of life.
- Otto Rank
Collection: Spring
Image of Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
Never yet was a springtime, when the buds forgot to bloom.
- Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
Collection: Spring
Image of Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
I think that the Almighty gave springtime to a tired world so that its peoples might know rest. I think that He gave it to a troubled world so that the world's inhabitants might find peace. I think He gave it to a discouraged world so that hope and faith might be reborn!
- Margaret Elizabeth Sangster
Collection: Spring
Image of Edna O'Brien
In a way Winter is the real Spring - the time when the inner things happen, the resurgence of nature.
- Edna O'Brien
Collection: Spring
Image of Kevin Brooks
I wanted to turn everything off, too. Just press a button - click - and shut myself down. Turn off my heart, turn off my mind, turn off my body - just lie there, senseless, like a dormant tree in winter, waiting for the spring to return.
- Kevin Brooks
Collection: Spring
Image of Ellen G. White
God is the source of life and light and joy to the universe. Like rays of light from the sun, like the streams of living water bursting from a living spring, blessings flow out from Him to all His creatures. And wherever the life of God is in the hearts of men, it will flow out to others in love and blessing.
- Ellen G. White
Collection: Spring
Image of George Brett
He said I couldn't do (off the field) what I did when I was 23 or 24, and I paid attention to him. Damn it, I got a trainer and went to spring training in the best shape of my career and in 1985 had the best season I ever had and we won the World Series. Before that, I didn't know how long I was going to play. That talk with Mr. Fogelman was the most inspiring talk I ever had with anyone.
- George Brett
Collection: Spring
Image of Andrea Bocelli
If you could have the arms of Hercules, legs as swift as the wind. If you could leap shoulder high above the rim, have the kick of a dolphin, the reflexes of a cat. If you could have all these, you would have the body, you would have the tools. But you would not have greatness until you understand that the strongest muscle is the heart. To me, that's the soul of the Olympic Games.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Spring
Image of Edwin Way Teale
All things seem possible in May.
- Edwin Way Teale
Collection: Spring
Image of Edwin Way Teale
The seasons, like greater tides, ebb and flow across the continents. Spring advances up the United States at the average rate of about fifteen miles a day. It ascends mountainsides at the rate of about a hundred feet a day. It sweeps ahead like a flood of water, racing down the long valleys, creeping up hillsides in a rising tide. Most of us, like the man who lives on the bank of a river and watches the stream flow by, see only one phase of the movement of spring. Each year the season advances toward us out of the south, sweeps around us, goes flooding away to the north.
- Edwin Way Teale
Collection: Spring
Image of Barry Lyga
Medicine cabinets are dangerous. Those doors, man. They'll just spring on you like a ninja.
- Barry Lyga
Collection: Spring
Image of Philip Reeve
It was a dark, blustery afternoon in spring, and the city of London was chasing a small mining town across the dried-out bed of the old North Sea.
- Philip Reeve
Collection: Spring
Image of Linda Pastan
Spring is the shortest season.
- Linda Pastan
Collection: Spring
Image of Beverley Nichols
Most people, early in November, take last looks at their gardens, are are then prepared to ignore them until the spring. I am quite sure that a garden doesn't like to be ignored like this. It doesn't like to be covered in dust sheets, as though it were an old room which you had shut up during the winter. Especially since a garden knows how gay and delightful it can be, even in the very frozen heart of the winter, if you only give it a chance.
- Beverley Nichols
Collection: Spring
Image of Félix J. Palma
I'm convinced the true history of our time isn't what we read in newspapers or books...True history is almost invisible. It flows like an underground spring. It takes place in the shadows, and in silence, George. And only a chosen few know what that history is.
- Félix J. Palma
Collection: Spring
Image of Roy Moore
To restore morality we must first recognize the source from which all morality springs. From our earliest history in 1776 when we were declared to be the United States of America, our forefathers recognized the sovereignty of God.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Spring
Image of Kerry Thornley
ZEN is MEDITATION. ARCHY is Social Order. ZENARCHY is the Social Order which springs from Meditation. As a doctrine, it holds Universal Enlightenment a prerequisite to abolition of the State, after which a State will inevitably vanish. Or - that failing - nobody will give a damn.
- Kerry Thornley
Collection: Spring
Image of Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
Since sorrow follows joy As autumn does the spring Man must transcend the joys Of earth, which sorrows bring.
- Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
Collection: Spring
Image of Reinhold Niebuhr
Since inequalities of privilege are greater than could possibly be defended rationally, the intelligence of privileged groups is usually applied to the task of inventing specious proofs for the theory that universal values spring from, and that general interests are served by, the special privileges which they hold.
- Reinhold Niebuhr
Collection: Spring
Image of Elizabeth von Arnim
She belongs to the winter that is past, to the darkness that is over, and has no part or lot in the life I shall lead for the next six months. Oh, I could dance and sing for joy that the spring is here! What a ressurection of beauty there is in my garden, and of brightest hope in my heart.
- Elizabeth von Arnim
Collection: Spring
Image of Fergie
When I was younger, I used to be the cheater. But I'm not talking about going all the way.... I wasn't doing that in high school! I'd have boyfriends and then spring break would come around and I'd be a little bit naughty.
- Fergie
Collection: Spring
Image of Karl Rahner
Only in love can I find you, my God. In love the gates of my soul spring open, allowing me to breathe a new air of freedom and forget my own petty self. In love my whole being streams forth out of the rigid confines of narrowness and anxious self-assertion, which make me a prisoner of my own poverty emptiness. In love all the powers of my soul flow out toward you, wanting never more to return, but to lose themselves completely in you, since by your love you are the inmost center of my heart, closer to me than I am to myself.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Spring
Image of Walter Scott
Tears are the softening showers which cause the seed of heaven to spring up in the human heart.
- Walter Scott
Collection: Spring
Image of Bernd Heinrich
For those that endure until spring, existence is reduced to its elegant essentials.
- Bernd Heinrich
Collection: Spring
Image of Wasif Ali Wasif
The ocean sleeps. The ocean wakes. And the waking of the ocean is the waking of the soul. At midnight wakefulness springs from within the ocean.
- Wasif Ali Wasif
Collection: Spring
Image of Sherwood Smith
Except. What is normal at any given time? We change just as the seasons change, and each spring brings new growth. So nothing is ever quite the same.
- Sherwood Smith
Collection: Spring
Image of Charles Francis Richter
Spring makes everything young again except man.
- Charles Francis Richter
Collection: Spring
Image of Cato the Elder
From lightest words sometimes the direst quarrel springs.
- Cato the Elder
Collection: Spring
Image of Peter S. Beagle
A Clock is not time; it's numbers and springs. Pay it no mind.
- Peter S. Beagle
Collection: Spring