Karl Rahner

Image of Karl Rahner
Grace can and does have a history.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: History
Image of Karl Rahner
Every year we celebrate the holy season of Advent, O God. Every year we pray those beautiful prayers of longing and waiting, and sing those lovely songs of hope and promise.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Christmas
Image of Karl Rahner
The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Future
Image of Karl Rahner
How often I have found that we grow to maturity not by doing what we like, but by doing what we should. How true it is that not every 'should' is a compulsion, and not every 'like' is a high morality and true freedom.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Freedom
Image of Karl Rahner
Grace is everywhere as an active orientation of all created reality toward God.
- Karl Rahner
Image of Karl Rahner
What Christ gives us is quite explicit if his own words are interpreted according to their Aramaic meaning. The expression 'This is my Body' means this is myself.
- Karl Rahner
Image of Karl Rahner
The number one cause of atheism is Christians. Those who proclaim Him with their mouths and deny Him with their actions is what an unbelieving world finds unbelievable.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Christian
Image of Karl Rahner
In the days ahead, you will either be a mystic (one who has experienced God for real) or nothing at all.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Real
Image of Karl Rahner
Knowing God is more important than knowing about God.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Knowing
Image of Karl Rahner
Only in love can I find you, my God. In love the gates of my soul spring open, allowing me to breathe a new air of freedom and forget my own petty self. In love my whole being streams forth out of the rigid confines of narrowness and anxious self-assertion, which make me a prisoner of my own poverty emptiness. In love all the powers of my soul flow out toward you, wanting never more to return, but to lose themselves completely in you, since by your love you are the inmost center of my heart, closer to me than I am to myself.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Spring
Image of Karl Rahner
Not everybody, however, has a genuine sense of humor. That calls for an altruistic detachment from oneself and a mysterious sympathy with others which is felt even before they open their mouths. Only the person who has also a gift for affection can have a true sense of humor. A good laugh is a sign of love; it may be said to give us a glimpse of, or a first lesson in, the love that God bears for every one of us.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Giving
Image of Karl Rahner
When man is with God in awe and love, then he is praying.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Men
Image of Karl Rahner
Emptiness is only a disguise for an intimacy of God's, that God's silence, the eerie stillness, is filled by the Word without words, by Him who is above all names, by Him who is all in all. And his silence is telling us that He is here.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Eerie
Image of Karl Rahner
Learning always involves self-transcendence. Learning calls forth what is in us, helping us to move toward authenticity and wholeness.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Karl Rahner
Love alone allows man to forget himself... it alone can still redeem even the darkest hours of the past since it alone finds the courage to believe in the mercy of the holy God.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Faith
Image of Karl Rahner
In the midst of our lives, of our freedom and our struggles, we have to make a radical, absolute decision. And we never know when lightening will strike us out of the blue. It may be when we least expect to be asked whether we have the absolute faith and trust to say yes
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Struggle
Image of Karl Rahner
In the post-Christian world, all Christians will be mystics.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Christian
Image of Karl Rahner
For it is the bitter grief of theology and its blessed task, too, always to have to seek (because it does not clearly have present to it at the time)...always providing that one has the courage to ask questions, to be dissatisfied, to think with the mind and heart one ACTUALLY has, and not with the mind and heart one is SUPPOSED TO have.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Grief
Image of Karl Rahner
The dead are silent because they live, just as we chatter so loudly to try to make ourselves forget that we are dying. Their silence is really their call to me, the assurance of their immortal love for me.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Silence
Image of Karl Rahner
The struggle against atheism is foremost and of necessity a struggle against the inadequacy of our own theism.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Struggle
Image of Karl Rahner
Childhood is not a state which only applies to the first phase of our lives in the biological sense. Rather it is a basic condition which is always appropriate to a life that is lived aright.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Childhood
Image of Karl Rahner
Meditating on the nature and dignity of prayer can cause saying at least one thing to God: Lord, teach us to pray!
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Prayer
Image of Karl Rahner
But there is yet another form of this hidden heresy, and, paradoxically, it can affect those who are proudest of their long-standing and unimpeachable orthodoxy; heresy in the form of indifference.
- Karl Rahner
Collection: Long