Andrea Bocelli

Image of Andrea Bocelli
Stage fright is my worst problem. A voice is very intimate. It's something of your own. So there's always this fear, because you feel naked. There's a fear of not reaching up to expectations.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Fear
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I've always been on the side of science that tries to help man. I play an active part with the foundations I'm involved in. Science gives hope. If it were offered to me? Never say never. But I wouldn't kill or steal to have my sight. My blindness doesn't define my life.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Science
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Success is related to faith. Faith comes first.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Faith
Image of Andrea Bocelli
A voice is very intimate. It's something of your own. So there's always this fear, because you feel naked. There's a fear of not reaching up to expectations. As you become more famous, people come and expect to hear something extraordinary, so you don't want to disappoint them. I feel this sense of responsibility.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Famous
Image of Andrea Bocelli
When I was very young, I started trying to sing like the great tenor Mario Lanza; my family used to play his records. We all learn best by imitating others.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Family
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Probably the first time I left Italy was to travel by train to Lourdes. I went with my mother and my grandmother - who was a very religious person - so it was a pilgrimage of sorts. I remember it as a very intense, but beautiful experience.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Travel
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Opera is complex for those who perform it, but also for those who listen to it. It takes more time, more patience and more spirit of sacrifice. All this is well worth it because opera offers such deep sensations that they will remain in a heart for a lifetime.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Patience
Image of Andrea Bocelli
A love song must respect the canons of music beauty, entering the fibers of those who are listening. It must make them dream and pleasantly introduce them to the universe of love.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Respect
Image of Andrea Bocelli
The fact that I am blind is not what defines my life. It should be of no more interest than my blood type. People wonder if there is a relationship between my lack of sight and the way I sing. But there's no connection.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Relationship
Image of Andrea Bocelli
To be happy when you are travelling, you need to be happy inside before you leave. A positive frame of mind will definitely enhance your travelling experience. If I'm not in a positive frame of mind then the whole thing definitely becomes more of a challenge for me.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Positive
Image of Andrea Bocelli
A positive frame of mind will definitely enhance your travelling experience. If I'm not in a positive frame of mind then the whole thing definitely becomes more of a challenge for me.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Positive
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I live for my children, so my number one rule is I won't go away from home for more than two weeks.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Home
Image of Andrea Bocelli
It's important for me who is at the table with me; the moment when everyone speaks to each other and everyone listens. If there's good food, it's much better.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Food
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Criticism in good faith is good. When it's targeted solely to destruction, I'm not interested.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Faith
Image of Andrea Bocelli
In my iPod, there are many operas, from A to Z. I have 'Aida' and 'Boheme' and 'Butterfly' and 'Cavalleria'. My passion is for opera, but when I'm in the car, I listen to everything.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Car
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I prefer to work for my country in a free and independent way. I was born free, and I want to die free. I am always suspicious of ideology. Instead, I respect men with ideas.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Respect
Image of Andrea Bocelli
For me, riding a two-wheeler bike was very risky. Counting the pedal strokes before turning a corner and learning to hear the sounds coming from buildings, grass and the climbing frame made all the difference to basic survival and ensured that I didn't end up head-first in the sandpit.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Learning
Image of Andrea Bocelli
What is beautiful enchants me. I mean not just physical beauty but a wider concept of beauty. There is beauty in poetry and in great musical or singing performances. There is beauty everywhere if you can just see it.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Poetry
Image of Andrea Bocelli
People wonder if there is a relationship between my lack of sight and the way I sing. But there's no connection.
- Andrea Bocelli
Collection: Relationship
Image of Andrea Bocelli
All that counts in life is intention.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Even in the most beautiful music there are some silences, which are there so we can witness the importance of silence.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Some years ago I gave a concert in the mountains with snow all around, and that was much colder.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I have to face life with a newly found passion. I must rediscover the irresistible will to learn, to live and to love.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Stage fright is my worst problem.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
A career is like a house: it's made of many bricks, and each brick has the same value, because without any one of them, the house would collapse.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I have trouble with modern art. But in general, all art forms fascinate me - art is the way human beings express what we can't say in words.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I think I don't want to use drugs or medicine, so nothing. The only way is to go on stage and to hope.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
To sing a song is like whispering to a child's ear. It is an art heavily relying on improvisation.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Some of us are born with a weakness for music. As a baby, music would stop whatever thought I was having. If I was worried, it would stop me worrying; if I was crying, it would stop me crying. Music was a healing thing for me.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
If you have a great love of singing, supported by others' fondness for your voice, then it is worth making every effort, of making every sacrifice, to achieve your goal. A great voice will easily find teachers who are willing to help a struggling young talent, and the ways of the Lord are infinite.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I was an agnostic until I realized that I had to choose between God and fate. The idea that humanity and nature are the result of fate was not convincing at all. I find the presence of God everywhere.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Often, I went in love with some friends in school. And, no, I suffered. Only later, things went better.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I know that my passion is for opera, but sometimes I like also to sing songs, because there are many beautiful melodies.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
To sing opera, one needs two things: the voice and the passion - and above all, the passion.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
When I get on stage, my first goal is not to show my expertise, but on the contrary, to give a bit of happiness, of joy, of cheerfulness. I am firmly convinced that in order to sing well, you must love your neighbor and be passionate about life.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Music is able to make a person dream. When you dream, you dream of something good, something beautiful, and when you dream, you always dream of yourself better than you are.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I have had the good fortune of being able to sing with many of the finest voices in the world, and for someone who loves voices as I do, this is an enormous privilege.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
The nature of music is mysterious and so much so that it generates strong emotions within us. It moves along passages that reach the most intimate areas of our psyche without being tried by prejudices or influences of any kind.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I respect very much my public and also the music I perform.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I've always been on the side of science that tries to help man. I play an active part with the foundations I'm involved in. Science gives hope.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
'Passione' is a selection of the music moments that have accompanied my youth; a collection of cherished memories, of moments, of fleeting emotions, of sleepless nights.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Apart from a period of crisis during my adolescence, when my voice was changing and I could not tame it - it was like a kicking foal that does not listen to reason - I have always been told I have a pleasant and recognizable voice.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I never think about gifts. It's enough to have my family present.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I also always carry my flute. It's very important for me to try to relax when I'm travelling, and playing my flute helps me to unwind.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
I want to have time for myself, my family and my friends. It's important because in order to sing well, you must have inspiration, and inspiration comes from life, from living.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
A country that has really resonated with me and I was really impressed with was Israel. I found that the whole country had a very special atmosphere. I was there to perform, but it was one of the few places that I've visited over the years that I had some free time to explore, and I was hugely impressed by all the religious history there.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
My style in Italian is very old-style.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Faith has a role to play in life. It is not related to success. It is the other way round. Success is related to faith. Faith comes first.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
In preparing my thesis, I have had the pleasure of collecting testimonies from colleagues such as Placido Domingo but also from singing teachers and musicologists. The entire course of study has confirmed what I already thought, that the value and meaning of opera singing, at the beginning of the third millennium, remain intact.
- Andrea Bocelli
Image of Andrea Bocelli
Popularity gets up people's noses. But I understand the importance and the function of popular music. There is an artistic purpose. Popular music helps people to develop a curiosity and leads them towards classical music.
- Andrea Bocelli