Roy Moore

Image of Roy Moore
But separation of church and state was never meant to separate God and government.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Government
Image of Roy Moore
The basic premise of the Constitution was a separation of powers and a system of checks and balances because man was perceived as a fallen creature and would always yearn for more power.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
It would bother me if a judge told me how I had to believe.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
It can have a secular purpose and have a relationship to God because God was presumed to be both over the state and the church, and separation of church and state was never meant to separate God from government.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The Ten Commandments are the divinely revealed law.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
To do my duty, I must obey God.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
But in the long term, I think it is improper to limit your future.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
But I have made no plans to run for any office right now.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
Power's not what the Constitution was about.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The Constitution was about a limitation on power.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
Well, that's the - the removal from office and removal of the Ten Commandments were two different issues.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
I was asked three times directly in the hearing before the board of the judiciary whether or not I would continue to acknowledge God if I were to resume my position as chief justice. And I said I would.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
No, I think that we've got a basic discrepancy here between the rule of law versus the rule of man.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
But today, government is taking those rights from us, pretending that it gives us our rights. Indeed, those rights come from God, and it was recognized throughout our history as such.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The Church's role should be separated from the state's role.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
Well, I think that we have to continue to fight for what we believe.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
And government's only role is to secure our rights for us.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The forefathers, including James Madison, felt very strongly that the duties that we owe to God were outside of government's prerogative, that government had no business interfering with the way we worship God.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The point is that knowledge of God is not prohibited under the First Amendment.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
Indeed, the acknowledgement of God is not synonymous with religion.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
It is altogether proper for people to recognize a sovereign God.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
They don't want to be reminded that there is an authority higher than the authority of the state.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
I know Dr. Kennedy and I know Coral Ridge Ministries. I have no connection.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
They might object to some of my opinions, but they don't object to my behavior as a judge.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The First Amendment to the Constitution reflects that concept recognized in the Ten Commandments, that the duties we owe to God and the manner of discharging those duties are outside the purview of government.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
Anytime you deny the acknowledgement of God you are undermining the entire basis for which our country exists.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
Rights come from God, not from government.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
If government can give you rights, government can take them away from you.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
If God gives you rights, no man and no government can take them away from you.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The whole basis of the Constitution was a restriction of power, and the whole basis of the federalist system was that there was not one sovereign centralized power from which all authority flows.
- Roy Moore
Image of Roy Moore
The free exercise clause of the constitution does not apply to any religion but Christianity. [because none of the other religions are legitimate religions.].
- Roy Moore
Collection: Exercise
Image of Roy Moore
You wonder why we're having shootings and killings here in 2017? Because we've asked for it. We've taken prayer out of school.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Prayer
Image of Roy Moore
Homosexual behavior is a ground for divorce, an act of sexual misconduct punishable as a crime in Alabama, a crime against nature, an inherent evil, and an act so heinous that it defies one's ability to describe it. The homosexual conduct of a parent - conduct involving a sexual relationship between two persons of the same gender - creates a strong presumption of unfitness that alone is sufficient justification for denying that parent custody.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Strong
Image of Roy Moore
There is no such thing as evolution.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Evolution
Image of Roy Moore
Separation of church and state was never meant to separate God and government.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Government
Image of Roy Moore
We may have failed to teach our children right from wrong, but we've done a great job of teaching self-esteem!
- Roy Moore
Collection: Jobs
Image of Roy Moore
False religions like Islam who teach that you must worship this way, are completely opposite with what our First Amendment stands for.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Islam
Image of Roy Moore
I must acknowledge God. It says so in the Constitution of Alabama. It says so in the First Amendment of the Constitution.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Scary
Image of Roy Moore
We've voted in a government that's rotting at the core, Appointing Godless Judges who throw reason out the door, Too soft to place a killer in a well deserved tomb, But brave enough to kill a baby before he leaves the womb.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Baby
Image of Roy Moore
Now we have blacks and whites fighting, reds and yellows fighting, Democrats and Republicans fighting, men and women fighting.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Fighting
Image of Roy Moore
To restore morality we must first recognize the source from which all morality springs. From our earliest history in 1776 when we were declared to be the United States of America, our forefathers recognized the sovereignty of God.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Spring
Image of Roy Moore
I feel that I'm sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of Alabama, and those constitutions are founded upon a fundamental belief in God ... my display of the Ten Commandments and prayer before sessions are simply acknowledgments of God.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Prayer
Image of Roy Moore
Worship With Your Vote.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Scary
Image of Roy Moore
The monument serves to remind the appellate courts and judges of the circuit and district courts of this state and members of the bar who appear before them as well as the people of Alabama who visit the Alabama Judicial Building of the truth stated in the preamble of the Alabama Constitution, that in order to establish justice we must invoke the favor and guidance of Almighty God.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Order
Image of Roy Moore
Without God there would be no freedom to believe what you want.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Believe
Image of Roy Moore
I consider it my duty to acknowledge God. To take down the Ten Commandments and to stop holding prayer would be a violation of that duty. I will not take down the Ten Commandments and I will not stop holding prayer.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Prayer
Image of Roy Moore
God has chosen this time and this place so we can save our country and save our courts for our children
- Roy Moore
Collection: God
Image of Roy Moore
All the Ten Commandments and prayer is an acknowledgement of the Almighty God. We will not back down from that.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Prayer
Image of Roy Moore
If they want to get [my statue of] the Commandments, they're going to have to get me first.
- Roy Moore
Collection: Scary