Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 67

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 67 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Lil Wayne
Once you pick up a skateboard, you'll find out that it's not a hobby, it's not a sport, it's a lifestyle.
- Lil Wayne
Collection: Sports
Image of Michael Schumacher
Psychologically speaking, it's very important to be in good shape. I work in a sport that requires you to react quickly and be in excellent shape. Besides, things don't get easier as you get older.
- Michael Schumacher
Collection: Sports
Image of Neil Peart
It was actually drumming that gave me the stamina to get into sports later.
- Neil Peart
Collection: Sports
Image of Hunter S. Thompson
The reason most people play golf is to wear clothes they would not be caught dead in otherwise.
- Hunter S. Thompson
Collection: Sports
Image of Daniel J. Boorstin
The hero was distinguished by his achievement; the celebrity by his image or trademark. The hero created himself; the celebrity is created by the media. The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name.
- Daniel J. Boorstin
Collection: Sports
Image of Carl Sandburg
When one has the right swing and enthusiasm, selling is not unlike hunting, a veritable sport. To scare up the game by preliminary talk and to know how long to follow it, to lose your gain through poorly directed argument, to hang on to game that finally eludes, to boldly confront, to quickly circle around, to keep on the trail, tireless and keen, till you have bagged some orders, there is some satisfaction in returning at night, tired of the trail, but proud of the days work done.
- Carl Sandburg
Collection: Sports
Image of Knute Rockne
I don't like to lose, and that isn't so much because it is just a football game, but because defeat means the failure to reach your objective.
- Knute Rockne
Collection: Sports
Image of Vladimir Putin
In the 1990s and early 2000s, there was a grave social situation in Russia; our social protection system was destroyed; numerous problems emerged which we have not been able to cope with effectively yet, to get rid of them, in health, sports development.
- Vladimir Putin
Collection: Sports
Image of Mark Wahlberg
Hockey is probably one of the most expensive sports. You have to have a place to play. You have to have the proper equipment. You have to have the transportation to get there.
- Mark Wahlberg
Collection: Sports
Image of Ai Weiwei
Overturning police cars is a super-intense workout. It’s probably the only sport I enjoy.
- Ai Weiwei
Collection: Sports
Image of Theodore Roosevelt
It is of far more important that a man shall play something himself, even if he plays it badly, than that he shall go with hundreds of companions to see someone else play well.
- Theodore Roosevelt
Collection: Sports
Image of Stephenie Meyer
In summary, she did jump off a cliff, but she wasn't trying to kill herself. Bella's all about the extreme sports these days." I flushed and turned my eyes straight ahead, looking after the dark shadow that I could no longer see. I could imagine what he was hearing in Alice's thoughts now. Near-drowings, stalking vampires, werewolf friends . . . "Hm," Edward said curtly, and the casual tone of his voice was gone.
- Stephenie Meyer
Collection: Sports
Image of Bill Parcells
You can only really yell at the players you trust.
- Bill Parcells
Collection: Sports
Image of Bill Parcells
All you have to do is play better than the other guy and things go well. If you don't play better than the other players then somebody takes your place. Now a lot of guys, in this day and time with the transient nature of the sport, as soon as the competition gets too good, they want out.
- Bill Parcells
Collection: Sports
Image of Jack Nicklaus
I know it sounds selfish, wanting to do something no one else has done. But that's what you're out here for - to separate yourself from everyone else.
- Jack Nicklaus
Collection: Sports
Image of Richard Branson
Kitesurfing is one of the greatest sports in the world. I highly recommend this to anyone who has access to the ocean. There is nothing more freeing than being out there and kitesurfing. When my schedule permits, it's the first thing I do in the morning, before I have breakfast. Tennis is also fun, especially against someone far better at the sport than I am.
- Richard Branson
Collection: Sports
Image of William Safire
When your government, employer, landlord, merchant, banker and local sports team gang up to picture, digitize and permanently record your every activity, you are placed under unprecedented control.
- William Safire
Collection: Sports
Image of Joe Namath
I wanna kiss you. I couldn't care less about the team struggguulliing...We're looking to make a noise now and ... I wanna kiss you!
- Joe Namath
Collection: Sports
Image of Joe Namath
I wanna kiss you. I couldn't care less about the team struggling.
- Joe Namath
Collection: Sports
Image of
Every year there's an Oscar and Grammy and we celebrate those shows. We do the same in the U.S about sports schools and colleges. The same thing doesn't happen for tech and STEM.
Collection: Sports
Image of Alain Prost
I was looking at the history of the sport and I couldn't understand why there have been so many good South American drivers, especially Brazilians.
- Alain Prost
Collection: Sports
Image of Joyce Carol Oates
Who is to blame for this most recent of sports disgraces in America? The culture that flings young athletes like Tyson up out of obscurity, makes millionaires of them and watches them self-destruct?
- Joyce Carol Oates
Collection: Sports
Image of Pete Rose
Hitting. That's what I enjoy most. Realistically, it's probably the hardest thing to do in all of sport. Think about it. You've got a round ball, a round bat, and the object is to hit it square.
- Pete Rose
Collection: Sports
Image of Pete Rose
I'm no different from anybody else with two arms, two legs, and forty-two hundred hits.
- Pete Rose
Collection: Sports
Image of Lionel Messi
One of the Arsenal players came up to me afterwards and said it had been an honor to be on the same pitch as me. I thought, My God, that is a great thing to say when your team has just lost.
- Lionel Messi
Collection: Sports
Image of Lionel Messi
My family was always present when I needed them and sometimes felt even stronger emotions than me.
- Lionel Messi
Collection: Sports
Image of Lionel Messi
The Barcelona youth program is one of the best in the world. As a kid, they teach you not to play to win, but to grow in ability as a player.
- Lionel Messi
Collection: Sports
Image of Lionel Messi
I go out and do the best I can in each game, and I don't think about the fouls other players will commit or whether I might be injured. It only does you harm to worry about those things.
- Lionel Messi
Collection: Sports
Image of Lionel Messi
I know how important it is to have a helping hand. In my childhood I had difficult times because of hormonal problems. If I hadn't had support, I wouldn't have been able to fulfill my dreams.
- Lionel Messi
Collection: Sports
Image of Roger Moore
Rowing is a simple sport stuffed up by experts
- Roger Moore
Collection: Sports
Image of Dwyane Wade
There is only a relationship between music and sports because all athletes want to be rappers and all rappers want to be athletes.
- Dwyane Wade
Collection: Sports
Image of Venus Williams
When youre on top, youre on top.
- Venus Williams
Collection: Sports
Image of Mike Tyson
Everyone in boxing probably makes out well except for the fighter. He's the only one that's on Skid Row most of the time; he's the only one that everybody just leaves when he loses his mind. He sometimes goes insane, he sometimes goes on the bottle, because it's an intensive pressure sport that allows people to just lose it.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Sports
Image of Mike Tyson
I earned that the strong will always beat the weak, but the smart will beat the strong. Boxing is a tough guy sport. But in the end, the tough guy gets to clean the streets and be a bodyguard. In the ring, the tough guy is going to get hurt; at the end of the day, he's going to talk funny. Only the smartest win. So, I know it's cliché, but power - real power - comes from knowledge, comes from smarts.
- Mike Tyson
Collection: Sports
Image of George Will
Greek philosophers considered sport a religious and civic-in a word, moral-undertaking. Sport, they said, is morally serious because mankind's noblest aim is the loving contemplation of worthy things, such as beauty and courage.
- George Will
Collection: Sports
Image of Ralph Nader
The common belief that coaches must be abusive to be successful is a myth. Research shows that if you find a task fun, you'll perform better. If more coaches took . . . a Golden Rule approach to coaching, treating their players the way they themselves would like to be treated, fewer athletes would drop out of sports in their teens, and more athletes at every level would be happier and more satisfied.
- Ralph Nader
Collection: Sports
Image of Horace
Sport begets tumultuous strife and wrath, and wrath begets fierce quarrels and war to the death.
- Horace
Collection: Sports
Image of Steve Toltz
...I thought how I hate any kind of mob - I hate mobs of sports fans, mobs of environmental demonstrators, I even hate mobs of super-models, that's how much I hate mobs. I tell you, mankind is bearable only when you get him on his own.
- Steve Toltz
Collection: Sports
Image of John Wooden
I think that in any group activity - whether it be business, sports, or family - there has to be leadership or it wont be successful.
- John Wooden
Collection: Sports
Image of Matthew Perry
I have never really lived with anyone in my adult years. I just read my sports ticker. And 50 Shades of Grey.
- Matthew Perry
Collection: Sports
Image of Jello Biafra
We need a new law that owners of SUVs (Sport Utility Vehicles) are automatically in the military reserve. Then they can go get their own goddamn oil.
- Jello Biafra
Collection: Sports
Image of Libba Bray
It occurs to me that cricket is not the true sport in London - gossip is.
- Libba Bray
Collection: Sports
Image of Casey Stengel
Whenever I decided to release a guy, I always had his room searched first for a gun. You couldn't take any chances with some of them birds.
- Casey Stengel
Collection: Sports
Image of Don Shula
I'm fairly confident that if I died tomorrow, Don would find a way to preserve me until the season was over and he had time for a nice funeral.
- Don Shula
Collection: Sports
Image of Jeanne Moreau
In these days people take up with each other and drop each other too easily. Pleasure is practiced like a sport, and the easy game of love leads to the dissolution of the feeling of love.
- Jeanne Moreau
Collection: Sports
Image of David Brooks
Clearly, politics is a team sport. Trump is not so much of a team player.
- David Brooks
Collection: Sports
Image of Tim Robbins
I had been unaware that baseball was a Republican sport.
- Tim Robbins
Collection: Sports
Image of Dan Millman
Sports and sex and movies are not inherently bad - But for you they're addictions, not enjoyments. You use them to distract you from what you know you should do. Break free!
- Dan Millman
Collection: Sports
Image of James A. Michener
I had learned volleyball in the Navy, where all the captains and admirals wanted to be spikers, and I found then that a man who can subdue his own desires and master the art of serving others can make himself invaluable. In choosing sides the team captain always chose the good spikers on the first and second choice, but then the spikers would grab his arm and whisper, 'Take Michener.' I was never chosen lower than third, because I was needed. I wasn't good, but I was faithful.
- James A. Michener
Collection: Sports