Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 56

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 56 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Bernhard Langer
I grew up a Catholic and I dont want to talk badly about the Catholic Church but theres a lot of routine stuff going on. You say the same prayers, you sit, you kneel, whatever.
- Bernhard Langer
Collection: Sports
Image of Tony Blackburn
Not interested. I didn't try very hard. I went to boarding school on a sports' scholarship after I bowled a cricket ball into my old headmaster's leg. He said, 'Christ, that was accurate,' and got it for me. But I walked out at 16.
- Tony Blackburn
Collection: Sports
Image of Liam Tancock
I've got a strength and conditioning coach, a weights coach, but I've also got a nutritionist, a physiotherapist and a masseur available to me if I need it. It's quite a good network. I've also got sports scientists who record the technical information, so that, after the race, we can analyse the video and check comparisons between, not only me and the other competitors, but me and my best performance. I couldn't do it without these guys, but I'm the one who gets all the credit.
- Liam Tancock
Collection: Sports
Image of Shawn Anthony Levy
As opposed to a movie [Real Steel] where everything feels fantastical, it was really important to me, and I recognise it's not the first movie with robots in it, but that blend of naturalism in performance, writing and design with the futurism of this sport. That was the idea.
- Shawn Anthony Levy
Collection: Sports
Image of Shawn Anthony Levy
Because to me, what is interesting about this movie [Real Steel] is its combination of relationship naturalism with. It's like a single conceit movie. The world and the people are very much the way we know them to be, but this sport has evolved.
- Shawn Anthony Levy
Collection: Sports
Image of Alan Gratz
Baseball, more than any other sport, has a magical way of connecting fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, grandparents and grandchildren and ancestors back down the line. - From The Brooklyn Nine
- Alan Gratz
Collection: Sports
Image of Alan Kulwicki
It's basically the same, just darker. (on racing Saturday nights as opposed to Sunday afternoons, 1991
- Alan Kulwicki
Collection: Sports
Image of Geoff Capes
I've coached people who were ranked number one in the country but didn't get any support while other areas of sport got medium to full funding, even though the individuals had no hope of getting on to the rostrum.
- Geoff Capes
Collection: Sports
Image of Katrina Onstad
One study found that volunteering actually makes people feel they have more time, not less. A good weekend usually involves more than just passive leisure, like spectator sports or binge-watching The Crown. What's more edifying are activities that generate meaning or purpose.
- Katrina Onstad
Collection: Sports
Image of Matt Thiessen
Yeah, I'm a fan of the Blue Jays. It's hard. My sports interest has definitely decreased since we've been on the road. It's really hard to follow.
- Matt Thiessen
Collection: Sports
Image of Martin Shaw
I tend to get starstruck with sports people. I was on a chat show with retired Scottish footballer Denis Law and I just lost it and couldn't talk to him.
- Martin Shaw
Collection: Sports
Image of Ian Eagle
[The internet has] already had a huge impact in the sports world, and the play-by-play guys that are not paying attention to it are losing out. They're losing out on getting the real pulse of a game that they're covering. My point with blogs and with podcasts is that it can't be the basis of your prep work, there has to be much more. We understand that. But, it has to be at least a part of what you're doing. If you're not paying attention to it, then you're not seeing the full picture.
- Ian Eagle
Collection: Sports
Image of Stan Lee
Singing a song, playing sports - anything that entertains, that takes people away from their own problems, is good.
- Stan Lee
Collection: Sports
Image of Vince Lombardi
To me, a leader is a visionary that energizes others. This definition of leadership has two key dimensions: a) creating the vision of the future, and b) inspiring others to make the vision a reality.
- Vince Lombardi
Collection: Sports
Image of Ryan Lochte
Anything I do, I do with 110 percent. Right now, my biggest goal is the 2016 Olympics. My main focus is that. But after the sport of swimming-when it's all said and done-I want to get involved in fashion. I want to design my own clothing line. I'm very into fashion. It's something I really want to focus on when swimming is over.
- Ryan Lochte
Collection: Sports
Image of William Landay
I love sports, as all Bostonians seem to. I love books and movies, as all writers seem to.
- William Landay
Collection: Sports
Image of Marty Glickman
Sports are, and should be, a joy. And it delights me that the joy I felt through the years of broadcasting games was projected onto the audience.
- Marty Glickman
Collection: Sports
Image of Abe Lemons
You mean in the state?
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Sports
Image of Abe Lemons
They wanted to buy out my contract, but I couldn't make change for a $20, so they had to let me stay.
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Sports
Image of Abe Lemons
If I make a set of rules, then a guy goes out and steals an airplane. He comes back and says, 'It wasn't in the rules.'
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Sports
Image of Abe Lemons
You may be big in New York, but in Walters, Oklahoma, you're nobody.
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Sports
Image of Abe Lemons
Hell no. When I die I want to be sick.
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Sports
Image of Abe Lemons
You always catch the wrong players.
- Abe Lemons
Collection: Sports
Image of Ralph Kiner
The Mets just had their first .500-or-better April since July of 1992.
- Ralph Kiner
Collection: Sports
Image of Tommy Lasorda
Everybody makes mistakes, that's why they put erasers on pencils
- Tommy Lasorda
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
My father was a racing driver, his name is Don Halliday. I grew up with it all around me. I have always been into fast, dangerous sports, even as a child. As soon as I got in a car I knew it was for me and that I would enjoy racing and competing. My mother was also involved in Solo One. She always said I was like my father and would want to compete one day.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
I like having the two sports in my life. It is nice to have a change. They are both intense sports, but the balance I have is working for me at the moment and I find they compliment one another.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
They are both all over physical sports that require being focused, accurate and having good strength. They are both fast with big consequences if things go wrong, so I have to be alert and aware at all times. With racing there is much more endurance and technical skill.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
I have no social life. There is no time for one. Once in a while I may go to dinner with a friend but that is it. However I am much happier travelling and being busy competing in both my sports than having time off.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
The sports are also hard on my body, and I do have a longstanding bad back due to an injury some years ago. I don't regret any part of it though. I love what I do and my sporting career has taken me to some wonderful places and seeing the world.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
The main thing is media attention which is good publicity for the sport. As I'm the only women in this championship I would like to think that it encourages other young females to get into it. Also the media helps me in getting sponsorship.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
I horse ride. I find it is the best way to maintain my fitness and stay physical. I have to practise anyway for my equestrian front. I do dressage and schooling too. I also do physical training where I work on my neck and upper body strength. Racing is a high endurance sport and you are in the car for a long time so this area is crucial.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
Determination is number one! You have to be trained physically. You have to have a good mental attitude - wanting it and enjoying the thrill of going fast. There is a certain level of aggression with competing at professional racing level but you have to control it as it is a high reaction, fast sport.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Liz Halliday
In the future I would like to try other forms of racing, testing Formula cars or single seaters would be good, but again it is finding the time as I am incredibly busy. I don't think I have the time to try any other new sports. I have already cut skiing out of my routine in order to manage the racing and riding relationship. By the looks of things I am going to be busy for quite a few years.
- Liz Halliday
Collection: Sports
Image of Tom Landry
A vital team characteristic is the ability to overcome adversity. Any team acquires experience and endurance as it learns to fight back. This in turn builds the kind of character which seldom crumbles at a time of crisis or testing.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Sports
Image of Sarah Morris
I think that people tend to look at the paintings as being resolved or finite. But, to me, a painting can be an index for all of the paintings I've done and all of the paintings I'm going to do. It's like if I'm doing a film of the Olympics, I'm not examining a specific sport; I'm interested in the overall context.
- Sarah Morris
Collection: Sports
Image of Karen Walton
Filmmaking and television series are team sports. Look for the best team for you. Plan, budget your time, money and spirit. You need all three to get serious work done. Never say no because something scares you. Never say yes because you're flattered. Stay open, but stay proud. It never gets easy. Get over that part. Get on with it.
- Karen Walton
Collection: Sports
Image of Amit Bhatia
My father-in-law and I always had great interest in Indian sport. At the Athens Olympics, watching the wrestling event, we started discussing the state of Indian sport - inadequate representation, lack of satisfactory results etc. We thought we should do something about it.
- Amit Bhatia
Collection: Sports
Image of Mario Lemieux
Certainly we're not satisfied with just winning games. We've been playing some pretty good hockey, but we think we can play much better.
- Mario Lemieux
Collection: Sports
Image of Beth Mowins
If more women would watch women's sports on TV it would urge [TV] executives to put more on.
- Beth Mowins
Collection: Sports
Image of Beth Mowins
Every woman I know in the broadcast business worked hard so we can talk about sports, not talk about us talking about sports. Ultimately, that's the goal. When the game starts, it's just a game.
- Beth Mowins
Collection: Sports
Image of Beth Mowins
I always knew I wanted to do it [broadcast]. I was always playing [sports] and I talked a lot too.
- Beth Mowins
Collection: Sports
Image of Timothy O'Donnell
The sport is definitely growing, and has become much more competitive. When I started, you were either a former swimmer or runner who took up triathlons. Now, you have a generation of triathletes coming up that started competing at a young age - these are the people that will change the game.
- Timothy O'Donnell
Collection: Sports
Image of Carlos Delgado
I'm a fastball hitter. It's no secret I'm looking for a fastball every pitch. I think it's one of the hardest things to do in sports-to hit a moving baseball.
- Carlos Delgado
Collection: Sports
Image of Magnus Backstedt
Cycling is not a sport it's a lifestyle.
- Magnus Backstedt
Collection: Sports
Image of Magnus Backstedt
My life, since I was 12-years-old, has revolved around some sort of sport, mainly cycling, so when I'm unable to ride my bike I just don't know what to do with myself.
- Magnus Backstedt
Collection: Sports
Image of Clive Ponting
Despite the creations of new sections, secret intelligence activity remained mistrusted and neglected in military circles, although there were a few enthusiasts like Baden-Powell, who went on foreign trips disguised as a butterfly collector and regarded spying as sport.
- Clive Ponting
Collection: Sports
Image of Michelle Beadle
As a woman in sport media, you have to be smart. You use what you can to your advantage and make sure you know what you're talking about or you're A) not going to last very long or B) never going to get a good job. I think we've come a long way and probably still have a ways to go, but... I just don't take any of this super seriously. I'm not curing cancer and I'm not a doctor. It's just television. I don't know why some people get so worked up about it.
- Michelle Beadle
Collection: Sports
Image of Michelle Kwan
Literally falling on the ice and having to pick yourself up in front of thousands of people is not an easy thing to do. The thing that you learn is to pick yourself back up, to learn from your mistakes.
- Michelle Kwan
Collection: Sports