Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 54

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 54 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Kenneth Kaunda
Passive resistance is a sport for gentleman (and ladies)-just like the pursuit of war, a heroic enterprise for the ruling classes but a grievous burden on the rest.
- Kenneth Kaunda
Collection: Sports
Image of Oliver Kahn
I want to successfully make the transition from a life in professional sports to another life, without running into major upheavals.
- Oliver Kahn
Collection: Sports
Image of Beth Brooke
I find it fascinating that sport has such a strong connection to success in business. Arguably, C-suite women are some of the most successful women, and more than half of them played at a more advanced level than just the general population of women in business that had sport in their background.
- Beth Brooke
Collection: Sports
Image of Kari Matchett
I've always been into sports and yoga and running. I actually study a martial arts self-defense program called Krav Maga. I can't quite say it's easy, but it's fun for me and I love to do it.
- Kari Matchett
Collection: Sports
Image of Jacob Braude
By the time a man can afford to lose a golf ball, he can't hit that far.
- Jacob Braude
Collection: Sports
Image of Trina Gulliver
My greatest influences in my sport have been two former number one English lady darts players, Deta Hedman and Mandy Solomons. Deta helped me at international events and both helped me to cope with the big occasion which gave me the confidence I needed to become a champion.
- Trina Gulliver
Collection: Sports
Image of Nacho Figueras
In the beggining of I was getting all this feedback from people saying, "What are you doing? What is this?" But I thought to myself, "This is a great opportunity. This is a perfect bridge to help me achieve my dream and my vision of polo becoming a bigger, more visible sport." So I used the money that I was getting from modeling to buy better horses and to become a better player. So I really believed that if I could elevate my game and show that I was serious about it, then the work I was doing with Ralph Lauren would become that bridge that I was looking for to take the sport further.
- Nacho Figueras
Collection: Sports
Image of Nacho Figueras
I think that my relationship with Ralph Lauren has given me a lot of recognition; the photo is everywhere. You open a magazine and there's a photo of me in a fragrance ad. I think that brought me recognition and made me be able to talk more about the sport of polo. I think it has done a lot of great things for the sport.
- Nacho Figueras
Collection: Sports
Image of Nacho Figueras
A friend of mine had this idea a few years ago. We thought it would be a great way to promote the sport and to put polo in front of a lot more people in an unexpected place: the romance novel. There's a lot of people that care about those kinds of stories, especially women, and it would help people to know what the polo life is all about. It's not just what you see in the newspapers or on Pretty Woman. There's a lot more to it: the time spent in the barn, how much we love the horses, the relationship with the horses and with the family, etc.
- Nacho Figueras
Collection: Sports
Image of Nacho Figueras
When I say my mission is to make polo bigger, I don't expect it to be baseball, but for sure to bring the attention of a lot more people to the sport.
- Nacho Figueras
Collection: Sports
Image of Nacho Figueras
I also believe that using polo as a platform to give back is a very humble way to position this sport, because people sometimes look at this sport as a little bit snobby. So I love to use polo as a platform to help.
- Nacho Figueras
Collection: Sports
Image of King James I
A custom loathsome to the eye, hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, dangerous to the lungs, and in the black, stinking fume thereof nearest resembling the horrible Stygian smoke of the pit that is bottomless.
- King James I
Collection: Sports
Image of Luigi Colani
I was 3 years old, and we had a very rich neighbor in Berlin who drove a Mercedes sports car. I remember standing behind this car, admiring the trunk, how nicely shaped it was, for an hour. That shape has never left me - I could design it today!
- Luigi Colani
Collection: Sports
Image of Bill James
Letting him manage in the major leagues is like sending Bo Derek through cellblock A without a bodyguard.
- Bill James
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
You cannot have that attitude of where I am going to tuck my tail between my legs and go home. You have to keep going back for more. That's why cycling is a very competitive sport. You have to have determination and drive to train hard and put forth a good effort.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
Everyday on the bike is a different day. Just when you think your on top, you find yourself towards the back of the pack. It is probably the hardest sport I ever done it continues to be challenging and different.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
I think the sport of cycling is different then racing. The sport is just about being healthy and giving yourself an outlet so it's a easy sport to do and I think there are more and more women cycling everyday.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
I think cycling is a sport where you cannot be discouraged easily you have to keep going back at it. The first few times you race or try to get into the sport there is a good chance you might find yourself off the back.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
I think racing is a sport that either your in or your out. Its either you are with the pack or you are off the pack.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
There are tons of ways women can get into the sport easly. I think it is not as intimidating as many people think it is.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
As much as I love coaching the masters, junior cycling is obviously the future of our sport.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
I try to find more education in the sport while helping people who are trying to be better at whatever they are trying to achieve. That is probably the thing I love most about coaching.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Robin Farina
Cycling is a sport of amazing athletes. Its been a privilege and a honor for me to be in this sport and to have a chance to race at the highest level.
- Robin Farina
Collection: Sports
Image of Keshia Chante
The music game is more than just my love for singing, its a sport for me.
- Keshia Chante
Collection: Sports
Image of Marc Bulger
It was just something normal in my family to play sports. It wasn't necessarily forced on us. It was just something we enjoyed.
- Marc Bulger
Collection: Sports
Image of Anatoly Karpov
Chess is everything: art, science, and sport.
- Anatoly Karpov
Collection: Sports
Image of Stephen Boss
I'm a Gatorade athlete because dance is being recognized as a sport now. It always should have been, but now it is. It's very exciting.
- Stephen Boss
Collection: Sports
Image of January Jones
I lived in a town of 400 until I was like nine or ten. My dad coached all the sports - he was a gym teacher and health teacher for grades K-12
- January Jones
Collection: Sports
Image of Alistair Brownlee
You need to enjoy yourself and just get into the routine of keeping fit and enjoying being active. That's always easier once you've made friends in the sport.
- Alistair Brownlee
Collection: Sports
Image of Alistair Brownlee
I did my first triathlon when I was 11-years-old and it was just another new sport to try. I got better at it and decided to take it a bit more seriously.
- Alistair Brownlee
Collection: Sports
Image of Adam Jacobs
We all work together to pump each other up. Before the show [Aladdin], we give each other a pound on the back, like a sports team.
- Adam Jacobs
Collection: Sports
Image of Clara Hughes
Sport that consumed me for over two decades . . . is now gone. Now it's just me. No pressure, no expectations, no need to be fast, good, strong or to even improve. Yet I can't let go of this idea that I always need to be more than I am. And it is eating me alive.
- Clara Hughes
Collection: Sports
Image of Clara Hughes
I've been in sport for 15 years now and I'm actually shocked at the changes. We had all these things, but we couldn't utilize them. They were not accessible to us. They're actually accessible right now.
- Clara Hughes
Collection: Sports
Image of Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira
How wonderful it is to celebrate a 27 years career! When you moved from basket ball to music, the world of sports lost a great player, but music won a great singer. You transmit good vibrations, a wonderful energy on the stage.
- Simone Bittencourt de Oliveira
Collection: Sports
Image of Allen Iverson
We talkin' about practice?
- Allen Iverson
Collection: Sports
Image of Jeff Schaffer
Fantasy football is actually an amazing American pastime, because it takes the ultimate team sport, NFL and football, and turns it into the quest for individual achievement.
- Jeff Schaffer
Collection: Sports
Image of Mary Elizabeth Clark
It isn't the sign of a good sport to go out among other people when one has a cold: it is the sign of a selfish and ill-advised person.
- Mary Elizabeth Clark
Collection: Sports
Image of Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa
You know how in sports baseball players, they hit home runs. Football players, they throw and they score touchdowns. I get to do something that very few people get to do - I get to touch the human brain, and every day I get to hit home runs, I get to score touchdowns.
- Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa
Collection: Sports
Image of Jazmin Carlin
Some people are so talented and yet they don't even know it. There are so many different aspects to sport and how you can get involved. You might surprise yourself with what you can achieve, so give it go and see what you can do!
- Jazmin Carlin
Collection: Sports
Image of Jazmin Carlin
I definitely think education is important and both education and sport link really well together. I like to give education and sport the best that I can to see if I can succeed in both.
- Jazmin Carlin
Collection: Sports
Image of Jazmin Carlin
Everyone should get more involved in exercising, not just for the health benefits, but for the social side too. There are so many different aspects in your life where sport can help. Even if you only go to a class at a local pool, you'll feel the benefits.
- Jazmin Carlin
Collection: Sports
Image of Dean Kamen
In the culture of America, in a free culture, you get what you celebrate. And in this culture, we have two obsessions, become a group that becomes a group that celebrates sports heroes and entertainment heroes. There's no room left for kids to see even a little bit of the opportunities to really, really get excited about becoming an inventor, an engineer, or a scientist, a problem solver.
- Dean Kamen
Collection: Sports
Image of Vince Wilfork
People who don't know me, when they see me they kind of step back and just stare at me and say, "Dang, he's a big dude." True fans and guys who follow the sport, they know who I am. But sometimes I do get those people that look at me and kind of stop and just stare at me, which I hate.
- Vince Wilfork
Collection: Sports
Image of Sukanta Bhattacharya
Radio, books, sports-so many means to spend time, but what I like most is the leafy sunshine amidst the Debdaru.
- Sukanta Bhattacharya
Collection: Sports
Image of Mariah Nelson
The act of sport remains a human act, unrelated to gender.
- Mariah Nelson
Collection: Sports
Image of Mariah Nelson
Like families, competitors can bring out the worst as well as the best in each other. Like romance, competition has many faces, some of them ugly. In addition to showing me my grace and graciousness, the mirror of sports has reflected back to me my jealousy, pettiness, and arrogance.
- Mariah Nelson
Collection: Sports
Image of Mariah Nelson
Think of yourself as an athlete. I guarantee you it will change the way you walk, the way you work, and the decisions you make about leadership, teamwork, and success.
- Mariah Nelson
Collection: Sports
Image of Mariah Nelson
Sport has been called the last bastion of male domination. Unfortunately, there are others - Congress, for instance.
- Mariah Nelson
Collection: Sports
Image of Mariah Nelson
Bodybuilding is about making oneself seem larger than life. It's about creating the illusion of perfection.
- Mariah Nelson
Collection: Sports