Tom Landry

Image of Tom Landry
Character is the ability of a person to see a positive end of things. This is the hope that a man of character has.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Positive
Image of Tom Landry
I learned early in sports that to be effective - for a player to play the best he can play - is a matter of concentration and being unaware of distractions, positive or negative.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Sports
Image of Tom Landry
If you show emotion in competition, temporarily, you'll be ineffective. If you're disciplined enough, you don't get down when you're behind, and you have a chance to create something positive.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Positive
Image of Tom Landry
Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you're in control, they're in control.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Leadership
Image of Tom Landry
As a Christian, I know my life is in God's hands. He has a plan for me. Therefore, I never worry about tomorrow or never worry about winning or losing football games. That knowledge gives me a lot of composure in tough situations.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Tom Landry
Football is an incredible game. Sometimes it's so incredible, it's unbelievable.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Sports
Image of Tom Landry
Leadership is getting someone to do what they don't want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Leadership
Image of Tom Landry
A winner never stops trying.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
When you want to win a game, you have to teach. When you lose a game, you have to learn.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Being the best at whatever talent you have, that's what stimulates life.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
The secret to winning is constant, consistent management.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I've learned that something constructive comes from every defeat.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Right after the game, say as little as possible.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Really, coaching is simplicity. It's getting players to play better than they think that they can.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Today, you have 100% of your life left.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
You don't have to drink or swear or hit people in the face when they're not looking, but you do have to be tough to win.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I wouldn't think I would coach again, because it would just be hard not being in the Cowboys' blue.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Achievement builds character.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
If you were to see me as a cheerleader, that would mean I was only watching instead of thinking.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
If you are prepared, you will be confident, and will do the job.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
My hats did give me an identity. In fact, if I had a dollar for every time someone has seen me bareheaded and said, 'I almost didn't recognize you without a hat on', I could have bought the Cowboys myself.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
People striving, being knocked down and coming back... this is what builds character in a man.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I don't believe in team motivation. I believe in getting a team prepared so it knows it will have the necessary confidence when it steps on a field and be prepared to play a good game.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Take away winning, and you take away everything that is strong about America.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I just didn't want to leave the Cowboys when they were down. I at least wanted them to get into a respectable position before anyone else took over.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
When a big play occurs for our team, I'm concentrating on how the defense is reacting to it. Most of the time, I don't see the great catch or the long run. What I'm looking at is how the other team defended it.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Confidence comes from knowing what you're doing. If you are prepared for something, you usually do it. If not, you usually fall flat on your face.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I know that life is really finding the right relationship between yourself and God.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
There are coaches to whom winning or losing means something close to life or death. If they lose, then their life has somehow been diminished. I'm not that way, and it keeps me steady.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
People say you have to know when to retire, which is a dumb thing to say. If you want to go out on top, yeah, it becomes important when you quit. But I wasn't afraid of that. And I wasn't worried about getting fired. I knew the risk. To me, it's not an ego thing. I enjoy coaching. I enjoy helping people achieve something.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
If I had to pick my greatest strength as a football coach, I say it would be innovation.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I've come to the conclusion that players want to be treated alike.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Generally, achieving goals... which in many cases means winning... is really the ultimate in this life we live in.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
If you don't believe in winning, you don't believe in free enterprise, capitalism, our way of life.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
If you eliminate our way of life, the American way of life, what is the effect... what are the alternatives?
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
The greatest thing is to win your first Super Bowl.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
If you don't win a Super Bowl, you're not considered successful in the National Football League. I can remember, when we finally won that first one, feeling so good for the players and fans.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I probably should have gotten out, but I really enjoyed the challenge of bringing a team to that game. In fact, I probably enjoy the challenge of it more than the actual game.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
People will forget me pretty quick.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
I try to block out everything that distracts me. Even a big play, I blank it out.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Look at Bjorn Borg or Jack Nicklaus. Those guys really concentrate. With the world on their shoulders, they're so absorbed with what they're doing.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
Every coach has his own style of play, but when you spend your whole life as a Cowboy, you have to be influenced by what we did.
- Tom Landry
Image of Tom Landry
A champion is simply someone who did not give up when he wanted to.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Football
Image of Tom Landry
There's a misconception about teamwork. Teamwork is the ability to have different thoughts about things; it's the ability to argue and stand up and say loud and strong what you feel. But in the end, it's also the ability to adjust to what is the best for the team.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Basketball
Image of Tom Landry
Coaching is making men do what they don't want, so they can become what they want to be
- Tom Landry
Collection: Basketball
Image of Tom Landry
In my opinion, character is the most important determinant of a person's success, achievement and ability to handle adversity.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Character
Image of Tom Landry
The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Life
Image of Tom Landry
To live a disciplined life, and to accept the result of that discipline as the will of God - that is the mark of a man.
- Tom Landry
Collection: Men