Top sports Quotes Collection - Page 52

Discover a curated collection of sports quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 52 provides more sports quotes.

Image of Taraka Larson
I really wanted to be able to make the music that acknowledged the metaphysical aspect of extreme sports because when I started watching GoPro videos, the thing that struck me the most was that the sound seemed completely detached from the imagery.
- Taraka Larson
Collection: Sports
Image of Djimon Hounsou
We all have our issues, no one gets away from facing their own issues, so that we can advance. Nothing is given lightly, and everything has a repercussion, as you're evolving. And, if anything, the sport itself is a great training, not only physically, but the mental discipline that it requires. The gym can serve as an excellent place where kids, and young men and women can really empty their issues right on the floor. It's amazing the spirituality that you get as a result of practicing and enjoying the sport. That's another plus.
- Djimon Hounsou
Collection: Sports
Image of Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
The dream is everything in the sport of fishing. You dream with every cast of your fly that the shadowy form will finally rise to your fly. You dream as you drop off to sleep at night about the lunker that got loose just as you were about to net it.
- Christopher Lehmann-Haupt
Collection: Sports
Image of Gary Shapiro
Every aspect of our lives are now connected: health, travel, sports, gaming, our homes, our cars - everything.
- Gary Shapiro
Collection: Sports
Image of Dante Hall
Defensive and offensive lineman control the game and true sports fans know that.
- Dante Hall
Collection: Sports
Image of Holt McCallany
I watched tapes and became a historian of the sport, and tried to combine certain elements and find things in the gym and saw what worked for me.
- Holt McCallany
Collection: Sports
Image of Kenny Florian
I think the key is never being satisfied with your skills and you have to constantly learn. I say this all the time, I sound like a broken record, but if you are not getting better in this sport you are getting worse
- Kenny Florian
Collection: Sports
Image of Dolph Schayes
I've heard the joke a million times that "Jews in Sports" must be the thinnest book in the world. Actually, I've seen a lot of great players working at the Maccabi Games.
- Dolph Schayes
Collection: Sports
Image of Tom Callahan
It's not nuclear physics. You always remember that. But if you write about sports long enough, you're constantly coming back to the point that something buoys people; something makes you feel better for having been there. Something of value is at work there...Something is hallowed here. I think that something is excellence.
- Tom Callahan
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
Playing the sport has taught me about teamwork and how to be a good team player, social skills and most importantly, dedication.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
Hockey is an amazing sport and it has definitely had a positive impact on my life. But my dad always said school comes first, and if I didn't do well in school I didn't get to play hockey.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
The biggest challenge was the cost to play the sport, and this is a challenge that my parents faced. They relied on the community and friends and family for support, and I learned to play hockey using second hand equipment.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
My dad has always said to me, "where there is a will there is a way" and this is the type of dedication hockey has taught me. Being dedicated to this sport [hockey] has been my will to play.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
A huge part of my passion for the sport comes from being Canadian and growing up watching Hockey Night in Canada on CBC with my parents and siblings.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
Playing in the NHL, it's a great job, it's a great life to live, and we just want to have the opportunity to do that. That's going to come from our hard work and dedication to the sport. As far as being black players in the league, obviously it's great.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of P. K. Subban
I instantly connected with the sport and I have fond memories of growing up on my skating rink that my dad made for us in our backyard.
- P. K. Subban
Collection: Sports
Image of Terry Orlick
Nobody hands you excellence on a silver platter. You earn it through planning, preparing, and persisting in the face of all obstacles.
- Terry Orlick
Collection: Sports
Image of Terry Orlick
A refined ability to learn from failure and to grow through losses is necessary to achieve excellence in any human endeavor.
- Terry Orlick
Collection: Sports
Image of Terry Orlick
In sport, mental imagery is used primarily to help you get the best out of yourself in training and competition. The developing athletes who make the fastest progress and those who ultimately become their best make extensive use of mental imagery. They use it daily as a means of directing what will happen in training, and as a way of pre-experiencing their best competition performances.
- Terry Orlick
Collection: Sports
Image of Hannah Flagg Gould
Alone I walked on the ocean strand, A pearly shell was in my hand; I stooped, and wrote upon the sand My name, the year, the day. As onward from the sport I passed, One lingering look behind I cast, A wave came rolling high and fast, And washed my lines away.
- Hannah Flagg Gould
Collection: Sports
Image of Thaddeus Norris
Anglers may be divided into almost as many genera and species as the fish they catch, and engage in the sport from as many impulses.
- Thaddeus Norris
Collection: Sports
Image of Gina Prince-Bythewood
Sports also teaches you that it's about the team, and the better your teammates are, the better they make you.
- Gina Prince-Bythewood
Collection: Sports
Image of Whitey Herzog
You sweat out the free agent thing in November, then you make the trades in December. Then you struggle to sign the guys left in January, and in February I get down to sewing all the new numbers on the uniforms.
- Whitey Herzog
Collection: Sports
Image of Whitey Herzog
The only thing bad about winning the pennant is that you have to manage the All-Star Game the next year. I'd rather go fishing for three years.
- Whitey Herzog
Collection: Sports
Image of Jon Fitch
I think I'm better than Jake (Shields), I think I should be fighting for the title, but I've been given a huge opportunity here to fight B.J. Penn and that's a big fight, belt or no belt. We're in a sport of selling fights right now, and the sport's growing, we're trying to get international, trying to get into every country, every household, and part of that is ticket sales is the idea that Jake Shields is coming over from Strikeforce with two belts. I understand that, it's a business decision.
- Jon Fitch
Collection: Sports
Image of Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
To surrender one's vulnerable body to water has always seemed to me a limpid act of will that has no coutnerpart or equal, unless it is sex.
- Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
Collection: Sports
Image of Mary Deasy
You may have noticed there are three things an Irishman always puts his soul in: his religion, his sports, and his politics. If you ever find an Irishman who is wishy-washy on any one of those, you can make up your mind to it he is not the true article at all.
- Mary Deasy
Collection: Sports
Image of Nguyen Quyen
Successful innovation is not a single breakthrough. It is not a sprint. It is not an event for the solo runner. Successful innovation is a team sport, it's a relay race.
- Nguyen Quyen
Collection: Sports
Image of Nguyen Quyen
Our society loves to romanticize the idea of the single, solo inventor who, working late in the lab one night, makes an earthshaking discovery, and voila, overnight everything's changed. That's a very appealing picture; however, it's just not true. Medicine today is a team sport.
- Nguyen Quyen
Collection: Sports
Image of Katherine Webb
Every single model wants to be in Sports Illustrated, and I feel extremely blessed to have that opportunity.
- Katherine Webb
Collection: Sports
Image of William Davis
Eating wheat, like ice climbing, mountain boarding, and bungee jumping, is an extreme sport. It is the only common food that carries its own long-term mortality rate.
- William Davis
Collection: Sports
Image of Helen Jenkins
Triathlon is a very friendly sport. You can make friends quite easily. You don't have to be the most talented person. I was never outstanding at any one of the disciplines, but if you're dedicated and you're willing to put the time in, you can really achieve some good results.
- Helen Jenkins
Collection: Sports
Image of Nate Diaz
Not too hard for me to stay motivated when I'm in sport where everyone's trying to knock me out.
- Nate Diaz
Collection: Sports
Image of Jessica Maxwell
But when I saw the cursive grace of Guido Rahr's fly line writing prayers I couldn't read to the river gods of Outer Mongolia, I knew my name was written there too. Fly fishing was going to be my version of my father's sport, my nod to my Scottish ancestors and to my self, and to the fish crazed part of America I had claimed as my own.
- Jessica Maxwell
Collection: Sports
Image of Stephen Marche
Men talk about masculinity through sports and clothes. They don't talk about gender, they talk about LeBron James and whether it's okay to wear lipstick and eyeliner. They're not getting to the question at hand, which is, "What does it mean to be a man when the traditional values of masculinity are eroding incredibly rapidly?'
- Stephen Marche
Collection: Sports
Image of Pete Lembo
I always approached the sport from a more cerebral, analytical point of view, a management perspective. I was taking all business classes there at Georgetown, I really enjoyed that. I always sort of looked at football from that perspective.
- Pete Lembo
Collection: Sports
Image of Steve Harvey
A man fishes for two reasons: he’s either sport fishing or fishing to eat, which means he’s either going to try to catch the biggest fish he can, take a picture of it, admire it with his buddies and toss it back to sea, or he’s going to take that fish on home, scale it, fillet it, toss it in some cornmeal, fry it up, and put it on his plate. This, I think, is a great analogy for how men seek out women.
- Steve Harvey
Collection: Sports
Image of Paul Cookson
Great web design without functionality is like a sports car with no engine.
- Paul Cookson
Collection: Sports
Image of Lawrence Schiller
The most important thing you learn as a sports photographer is anticipation - not where the action is taking place, but where it’s going to take place. Not where the subject is now, but where they’re going to be.
- Lawrence Schiller
Collection: Sports
Image of Robbie Lawler
The sport in 2000 wasn't as big as it is now [in 2008].
- Robbie Lawler
Collection: Sports
Image of Kristopher Belman
There's just so much negative media surrounding professional athletes or sports in general, whether it's kids that are pressured too much or professional athletes making mistakes that influence their family...
- Kristopher Belman
Collection: Sports
Image of Kristopher Belman
I think there absolutely are so many lessons that can be learned from sports and so many different positive things that don't necessarily get the spotlight and the attention.
- Kristopher Belman
Collection: Sports
Image of Bubba Smith
The ninth grade. I went from 5'9 to 6'8.
- Bubba Smith
Collection: Sports
Image of Thalassa Cruso
I'm no good at cooking or music, but I've always known how to garden. Nobody ever taught me; I just absorbed it. Some families are churchgoers or sports fans. We gardened.
- Thalassa Cruso
Collection: Sports
Image of Jay Robinson
Take a strong wrestler, get them tired, and they aren't as strong. Take a quick wrestler, get them tired, and they aren't as quick. Take a technical wrestler, get them tired, and they aren't as technical. No matter what kind of wrestler, everyone is afraid of getting tired. It's those who learn to perform when they're tired that find success.
- Jay Robinson
Collection: Sports
Image of Jim Thorpe
I have always liked sport and only played or run races for the fun of the thing.
- Jim Thorpe
Collection: Sports
Image of Dennis Hastert
The sport of wrestling is a tremendous builder of the values and characteristics which are needed to succeed in any walk of life. Much of what I have managed to achieve in life I owe directly to the years I spent in the wrestling room, as an athlete and a coach. Wrestling is a great educational tool.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Sports
Image of Dennis Hastert
Wrestling is a one-on-one experience and if something goes wrong you can't point a finger and blame somebody else. What you do is up to you. And yet it's a team sport, because whether your team wins or loses is a result of the cumulative effect of the matches. Wrestling is a great confidence builder because it's not all about strength. You have to use your balance and skill and technique and if you do, you can overcome a lot of muscle and bulk guys, and even those who have natural ability. Basically, you can out-technique an opponent.
- Dennis Hastert
Collection: Sports