Top Spirit Quotes Collection - Page 5

Discover a curated collection of Spirit quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 5 provides more Spirit quotes.

Image of T. B. Joshua
God is building Himself in to us, making Himself part of us as the Word rules, dominates and sanctifies our spirit nature.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Spirit
Image of T. B. Joshua
God speaks to us, through His Word by His Spirit.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Spirit
Image of T. B. Joshua
If you are worshipping God without depending on the Spirit of God, you are serving a god you do not know.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Spirit
Image of T. B. Joshua
God is Spirit - without the Holy Spirit you cannot relate to Him.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Spirit
Image of Jonathan Edwards
When God is about to do a great work, He pours out a spirit of supplication.
- Jonathan Edwards
Collection: Spirit
Image of T. B. Joshua
For you to have any relationship with God, it must be through His Word by His Spirit.
- T. B. Joshua
Collection: Spirit
Image of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Nature is the symbol of Spirit.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Collection: Spirit
Image of Charles Frazier
He was himself a case in point, and perhaps not a rare one, for his spirit, it seemed, had been burned out of him but he was yet walking.
- Charles Frazier
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Satyagraha is an attribute of the spirit within.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Spirit
Image of Suzy Kassem
The greater the spirit, the more one is alone.
- Suzy Kassem
Collection: Spirit
Image of Billy Graham
The Bible is clear that the Holy Spirit is God Himself.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spirit
Image of Khalil Gibran
For truth and the spirit will abide with the morrow.
- Khalil Gibran
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
It is against the spirit of ahimsa to overawe even one person into submission.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Spirit
Image of R. Buckminster Fuller
Life is the spirit incarnate in time.
- R. Buckminster Fuller
Collection: Spirit
Image of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
I am the Spirit that denies.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Collection: Spirit
Image of Allen Ginsberg
Presumably, if you see spirit at the moment it gained access, then it'll be dropped.
- Allen Ginsberg
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Hinduism has become a conservative religion and, therefore, a mighty force because of the swadeshi spirit underlying it.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Spirit
Image of Billy Graham
I know God is in charge. Not me, I'm nothing. I wouldn't be anything except for the power of the spirit of God.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
Whomsoever you follow, howsoever great, see to it that you follow the spirit of the master and not imitate him mechanically.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Spirit
Image of Billy Graham
A life touched by the Holy Spirit will tolerate sin no longer.
- Billy Graham
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mark Hart
There are 2 main things I've learned about following the Holy Spirit: It will never be easy. It will never be boring.
- Mark Hart
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mahatma Gandhi
A spirit is not necessarily purer, because it is disembodied.
- Mahatma Gandhi
Collection: Spirit
Image of Newt Gingrich
Maybe Governor Romney in the spirit of openness should tell us how much money he's made off of how many households that have been foreclosed by his investments.
- Newt Gingrich
Collection: Spirit
Image of Saint Augustine
And I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Paraclete, seeing He saith this of the Holy Spirit, Whom except we have, we can neither love God, nor keep His commandments?
- Saint Augustine
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
When you go upstairs, go up with high spirit; when you go downstairs, go down with high spirit.
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Spirit
Image of William Hazlitt
We prefer a person with vivacity and high spirits, though bordering upon insolence, to the timid and pusillanimous; we are fonder of wit joined to malice than of dullness without it.
- William Hazlitt
Collection: Spirit
Image of Homer
Do thou restrain the haughty spirit in thy breast, for better far is gentle courtesy.
- Homer
Collection: Spirit
Image of Mehmet Murat Ildan
In narrow and gloomy streets, keep your spirit high!
- Mehmet Murat Ildan
Collection: Spirit
Image of Sri Aurobindo
No danger can perturb my spirit's calm.
- Sri Aurobindo
Collection: Spirit
Image of Arthur Helps
Thoughts there are, not to be translated into any language, and spirits alone can read them.
- Arthur Helps
Collection: Spirit
Image of Zora Neale Hurston
Affection makes your spirit slither out from its concealing spot.
- Zora Neale Hurston
Collection: Spirit
Image of Samuel Johnson
"Uisce Beatha" is a compounded distilled spirit being drawn on aromatics, and the Irish sort is particularly distinguished for its pleasant and mild flavour.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Spirit
Image of David Jeremiah
God has given us everything we need for life and godliness. And he's given us the indwelling strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The rest is up to us.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Spirit
Image of Helen Keller
Even more amazing than the wonders of Nature are the powers of the spirit.
- Helen Keller
Collection: Spirit
Image of Carl Jung
Nothing is more repulsive than a furtively prurient spirituality; it is just as unsavoury as gross sensuality.
- Carl Jung
Collection: Spirit
Image of Victor Hugo
Most commonly revolt is born of material circumstances; but insurrection is always a moral phenomenon. Revolt is Masaniello, who led the Neapolitan insurgents in 1647; but insurrection is Spartacus. Insurrection is a thing of the spirit, revolt is a thing of the stomach.
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Spirit
Image of Michelle Bachelet
In any area of the UN we ... have to agree on certain language that can represent the same spirit, but that can be accepted by everyone.
- Michelle Bachelet
Collection: Spirit
Image of Samuel Johnson
I would consent to have a limb amputated to recover my spirits
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Spirit
Image of Zora Neale Hurston
The spirit of the marriage left the bedroom and took to living in the parlor.
- Zora Neale Hurston
Collection: Spirit
Image of Henrik Ibsen
It is the very mark of the spirit of rebellion to crave for happiness in this life
- Henrik Ibsen
Collection: Spirit
Image of Robert Kiyosaki
Before you can transform your wallet from poor to rich, you've got to transform your spirit from poor to rich.
- Robert Kiyosaki
Collection: Spirit
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Liberalism is a scourge. It destroys the human spirit. It destroys prosperity. It assigns sameness to everybody. And wherever I find it, I oppose it.
- Rush Limbaugh
Collection: Spirit
Image of Honore de Balzac
The questioning spirit is the rebellious spirit. A rebellion is always either a cloak to hide a prince, or the swaddling wrapper of a new rule.
- Honore de Balzac
Collection: Spirit
Image of C. S. Lewis
God is the food our spirits were designed to feed on.
- C. S. Lewis
Collection: Spirit
Image of Gottfried Leibniz
God's relation to spirits is not like that of a craftsman to his work, but also like that of a prince to his subjects.
- Gottfried Leibniz
Collection: Spirit
Image of Dean Koontz
Only the human spirit can act with volition and consciously change itself; it is the only thing in all creation that is not entirely at the mercy of forces outside itself.
- Dean Koontz
Collection: Spirit
Image of Stanley Kunitz
Certainly the modern poets I cherish most are disturbing spirits; they do not come to coo.
- Stanley Kunitz
Collection: Spirit