Top Sex Quotes Collection - Page 18

Discover a curated collection of Sex quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 18 provides more Sex quotes.

Image of John Sentamu
Marriage is built around complementarity of the sexes and therefore the institution of marriage is a support for stable families and societies.
- John Sentamu
Collection: Sex
Image of Vaughn Walker
Proposition 8 fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of a marriage license. Indeed, the evidence shows Proposition 8 does nothing more than enshrine in the California Constitution the notion that opposite-sex couples are superior to same-sex couples.
- Vaughn Walker
Collection: Sex
Image of Siobhan Fahey
Music bypasses the intellect, it makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you want to dance, makes you want to have sex.
- Siobhan Fahey
Collection: Sex
Image of Harold Ford, Jr.
I was for civil unions and believed strongly that the flow of benefits and protections that would be provided in a civil union for same-sex couples‚ the decisions that have to be made‚ when health hardships are faced‚ when economic hardships are faced‚ I wanted all of those protections. I never strayed from them.
- Harold Ford, Jr.
Collection: Sex
Image of Pamela Anderson
Life is like sex. It’s not always good, but its always worth trying.
- Pamela Anderson
Collection: Sex
Image of Joe Budden
Success to me is self-determined, the life I live today, to come from a kid strung out on angel dust, homeless, at some points sleeping in the street. No money, not knowing where the next meal was coming from. No sex, no relationships, people that didn't love me, didn't care about me, to where I am today... that's successful. When I signed my record deal I always wanted to be respected by my peers for my ability and my skill level.
- Joe Budden
Collection: Sex
Image of Alice S Rossi
As far as male and female are concerned, difference is a biological fact, whereas equality is a political, ethical and social concept. No rule of nature or of social organization says that the sexes have to be the same or do the same things in order to be social, political and economic equals.
- Alice S Rossi
Collection: Sex
Image of Alice S Rossi
Equal pay for equal work continues to be seen as applying to equal pay for men and women in the same occupation, while the larger point of continuing relevance in our day is that some occupations have depressed wages because women are the chief employee. The former is a pattern of sex discrimination, the latter of institutionalized sexism.
- Alice S Rossi
Collection: Sex
Image of Alice S Rossi
... social roles vary in the extent to which it is culturally permissible to express ambivalence or negative feelings toward them.Ambivalence can be admitted most readily toward those roles that are optional, least where they are considered primary. Thus men repress negative feelings toward work and feel freer to express negative feelings toward leisure, sex and marriage, while women are free to express negative feelings toward work but tend to repress them toward family roles.
- Alice S Rossi
Collection: Sex
Image of Glen Duncan
What interests me is love, sex, death, cruelty, compassion and the desire for meaning in an apparently godless universe. In other words the human condition.
- Glen Duncan
Collection: Sex
Image of Kristen Ashley
I don’t intend to use beer as a crutch and drink until I pass out. So advice, keep an eye on that so you can get in there and get yourself drunk sex before it turns unpretty and drunk sex ends with me puking and / or passing out during the act.
- Kristen Ashley
Collection: Sex
Image of Michelle Herman
She had not made a decision to give up sex, only the clamor of romance, because it was exhausting her, doing her no good and too much harm.
- Michelle Herman
Collection: Sex
Image of Garret Dillahunt
The fact that same-sex marriage is still an issue is insane. Thinking love knows a sex is ridiculous.
- Garret Dillahunt
Collection: Sex
Image of Evelyn Laye
Sex, unlike justice, should not be seen to be done.
- Evelyn Laye
Collection: Sex
Image of Evelyn Laye
I think that sex should be done, but unlike justice, not seen to be done!
- Evelyn Laye
Collection: Sex
Image of Jerome Rothenberg
As for poetry 'belonging' in the classroom, it's like the way they taught us sex in those old hygiene classes: not performance but semiotics. If it I had taken Hygiene 71 seriously, I would have become a monk; & if I had taken college English seriously, I would have become an accountant.
- Jerome Rothenberg
Collection: Sex
Image of Patrick Demarchelier
Sex doesn't sell as well as we thought. If we would not sell the Van Gogh and Co., it would be a very serious problem.
- Patrick Demarchelier
Collection: Sex
Image of Bertha Knight Landes
Let us, while never forgetting our womanhood, drop all emphasis on sex, and put it on being public servants.
- Bertha Knight Landes
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Stacy McCain
If you consider sexual desire and romantic love between men and women to be natural and healthy, you are not a feminist . There is nothing natural about sex, according to feminist ideology, no biological urge that causes women to be attracted to men.
- Robert Stacy McCain
Collection: Sex
Image of Robert Stacy McCain
I have no use for "men's rights," any more than I have any use for "women's rights," but let us ask: Who was it that decided it was a good idea to politicize love, sex and marriage? Who spent the past four decades proclaiming that "the personal is political," so that every office flirtation and every petty domestic quarrel is a federal civil rights violation? The damned feminists, that's who.
- Robert Stacy McCain
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Fontaine
One puzzling thing about men -- they allow their sex instinct to drive them to where their intelligence never would take them.
- Joan Fontaine
Collection: Sex
Image of Lee Nichols
Sex with a woman who wants to please a man is nothing compared to sex with a woman who wants to please herself.
- Lee Nichols
Collection: Sex
Image of Carrie Fisher
It's hard to date once you're a big Star Wars star because you don't want to give people the ability to say, "I had sex with Princess Leia."
- Carrie Fisher
Collection: Sex
Image of Larry Flynt
Murder is illegal, but if you take a picture of it you may get your name in a magazine or maybe win a Pulitzer Prize. However, sex is legal, but if you take a picture of that act, you can go to jail.
- Larry Flynt
Collection: Sex
Image of Larry Flynt
There's nothing more political than sex. The church has had its hand on our crotch for more than 2,000 years, and the government is moving in that direction.
- Larry Flynt
Collection: Sex
Image of Daron Malakian
I like to watch retarded people have sex, am I alone?
- Daron Malakian
Collection: Sex
Image of Gertrude Bell
Until quite recently I've been wholly cut off from [the Shias] because their tenets forbid them to look upon an unveiled woman and my tenets don't permit me to veil Nor is it any good trying to make friends through the women - if they were allowed to see me they would veil before me as if I were a man. So you see I appear to be too female for one sex and too male for the other.
- Gertrude Bell
Collection: Sex
Image of Gertrude Bell
I've been busy with a long memorandum about the whole of our central Arabian relations, which I've just finished. It will now go to all the High and Mighty in every part. One can't do much more than sit and record if one is of my sex, devil take it; one can get the things recorded in the right way and that means, I hope, that unconsciously people will judge events as you think they ought to be judged. But it's small change for doing things, very small change I feel at times.
- Gertrude Bell
Collection: Sex
Image of Kristine G. Baker
Defendants have not explained how allowing same-sex marriage between two consenting adults will at all prevent heterosexual spouses from caring for their biological children.
- Kristine G. Baker
Collection: Sex
Image of Joan Osborne
Singing is a f***ing blast. When it’s really good, it’s as good as the best sex. I get nipple erections all the time on stage, I do!
- Joan Osborne
Collection: Sex
Image of Gianluigi Buffon
I would say that I am having less sex now that I’m playing in Serie B – there is more to think about in this division.
- Gianluigi Buffon
Collection: Sex
Image of Janet Evanovich
A woman's never too old to make an idiot of herself. It goes along with equality of the sexes and potty parity.
- Janet Evanovich
Collection: Sex
Image of Jack Gould
Commercials on television are similar to sex and taxes; the more talk there is about them, the less likely they are to be curbed.
- Jack Gould
Collection: Sex
Image of Harriet Brooks
I think it is a duty I owe to my profession and to my sex to show that a woman has a right to the practice of her profession and cannot be condemned to abandon it merely because she marries. I cannot conceive how women's colleges, inviting and encouraging women to enter professions can be justly founded or maintained denying such a principle.
- Harriet Brooks
Collection: Sex
Image of Harvey Fierstein
Is a gay play a play that has sex with other plays?
- Harvey Fierstein
Collection: Sex
Image of Stewart Lee
I was sorry to see the News of the World go down, I think it was a great campaigning newspaper. Who can forget the News of the World's high profile campaign against child sex offenders which led to News of the World readers burning down the home of a paediatrician, throwing rocks at a pedalo, stamping on a centipede.
- Stewart Lee
Collection: Sex
Image of Adam Ant
Let's just say that back in the old days, sex was available every two feet. But I never made love to anybody that did not want me to.
- Adam Ant
Collection: Sex
Image of Rachel Perry
When I interview celebrities, I always try to throw them off balance. My favorite is to ask 'em about crazy sex stuff like donkey punches and Monroe transfers. Works every time.
- Rachel Perry
Collection: Sex
Image of Rachel Perry
If we know we're just going to have sex and then ditch the guy, it can be fun.
- Rachel Perry
Collection: Sex
Image of Denis de Rougemont
Social confusion has now reached a point at which the pursuit of immorality turns out to be more exhausting than compliance with the old moral codes.
- Denis de Rougemont
Collection: Sex
Image of Pipilotti Rist
Women are less interested in watching two people having sex than in understanding how and what these people are feeling when they are having sex. If you kiss someone, you want to know what the other person is feeling. So I want to find pictures that express what the other feels.
- Pipilotti Rist
Collection: Sex
Image of Errol Flynn
I had now made about 45 pictures, but what had I become? I knew all too well: a phallic symbol. All over the world I was, as a name and personality, equated with sex.
- Errol Flynn
Collection: Sex
Image of Susan B. Anthony
No self respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex.
- Susan B. Anthony
Collection: Sex
Image of Susan B. Anthony
Women should have equal pay for equal work and they should be considered equally eligible to the offices of principal and superintendent, professor and president. So you must insist that qualifications, not sex, shall govern appointments and salaries.
- Susan B. Anthony
Collection: Sex
Image of Aaron Eckhart
A GOOD old-fashioned sex tape pretty much guarantees you a star on Hollywood Boulevard.
- Aaron Eckhart
Collection: Sex
Image of Louis Begley
I'm not ashamed to admit that occasionally I've found myself aroused by my own depictions of sex.
- Louis Begley
Collection: Sex
Image of Charles Adams
Though tax records are generally looked upon as a nuisance, the day may come when historians will realize that tax records tell the real story behind civilized life. How people were taxed, who was taxed, and what was taxed tell more about a society than anything else. Tax habits could be to civilization what sex habits are to personality. They are basic clues to the way a society behaves.
- Charles Adams
Collection: Sex
Image of Dr. Dre
When I'm lovin' these hoes, there ain't no love involved.
- Dr. Dre
Collection: Sex