Top quality Quotes Collection - Page 3

Discover a curated collection of quality quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 3 provides more quality quotes.

Image of Helmut Schmidt
The catch word is equilibrium again, informed the field what are conventional weapons or nuclear weapons of different qualities. You cannot make up for a actual or perceived disequilibrium in the conventional field by having more nuclear weapons.
- Helmut Schmidt
Collection: Quality
Image of Gregory Rabassa
A translation can never equal the original; it can approach it, and its quality can only be judged as to accuracy by how close it gets.
- Gregory Rabassa
Collection: Quality
Image of Howard Zahniser
We must remember always that the essential quality of the wilderness is its wildness.
- Howard Zahniser
Collection: Quality
Image of Riane Eisler
When the status and power of women is greater so also is the nation’s general quality of life; when they are lower, so is the quality of life for all.
- Riane Eisler
Collection: Quality
Image of Wade Davis
The measure of a society is not only what it does but the quality of its aspirations.
- Wade Davis
Collection: Quality
Image of Lorin Maazel
In this world, there's even room for quality.
- Lorin Maazel
Collection: Quality
Image of Phil Crosby
The cost of quality is the expense of doing things wrong.
- Phil Crosby
Collection: Quality
Image of Phil Crosby
Improving quality requires a culture change, not just a new diet.
- Phil Crosby
Collection: Quality
Image of Phil Crosby
We must define quality as conformance to specifications if we are to manage it.
- Phil Crosby
Collection: Quality
Image of Martin Puryear
There remains this belief that the work itself can have an identity that can speak, whether it's through beauty, or through ugliness, or whatever quality you put into the work. The work doesn't have to be a transparent vehicle for you to say things about life today.
- Martin Puryear
Collection: Quality
Image of Jack Valenti
A public domain work is an orphan. No one is responsible for its life. But everyone exploits its use, until that time certain when it becomes soiled and haggard, barren of its previous virtues. How does the consumer benefit from the steady decline of a film's quality?
- Jack Valenti
Collection: Quality
Image of Alexey Brodovitch
The best way to achieve surprise quality is by avoiding cliches.
- Alexey Brodovitch
Collection: Quality
Image of Peter Diamandis
The quality of your life is a function of who you go through life with.
- Peter Diamandis
Collection: Quality
Image of Jonas Mekas
Seek the insignificant small but essential qualities, essential to life
- Jonas Mekas
Collection: Quality
Image of Ryuho Okawa
You cannot increase the length of a day but you can improve the quality of it.
- Ryuho Okawa
Collection: Quality
Image of Barry Eisler
The strangest thing about the low quality of Internet argument is that effective argument isnt really so difficult. Sure, not everyone can be Clarence Darrow, but anyone who wants to be at least competent at argument can do it.
- Barry Eisler
Collection: Quality
Image of Wallace Thurman
If but a few live coals are found in a mountain of ashes, no one should be disappointed. Genius is a rare quality in this world, and there is no reason why it should be more ubiquitous among Blacks than Whites.
- Wallace Thurman
Collection: Quality
Image of Jessica Livingston
Programmers have not been professionals because they haven't really cared about quality.
- Jessica Livingston
Collection: Quality
Image of Lewis Thompson Preston
It is the quality of lending over the quantity of lending.
- Lewis Thompson Preston
Collection: Quality
Image of Wretch 32
My music has always been the same. It's the same kinda music but of a better quality. For me nothing really changes just the work rate. It's the work rate that changes more than the music.
- Wretch 32
Collection: Quality
Image of Andreas Schleicher
You can spend a lot of money on education, but if you don’t spend it wisely, on improving the quality of instruction, you won’t get higher student outcomes.
- Andreas Schleicher
Collection: Quality
Image of Larry Sanger
Quality is determined by accuracy and completeness.
- Larry Sanger
Collection: Quality
Image of Kaoru Ishikawa
As much as 95% of quality related problems in the factory can be solved with seven fundamental quantitative tools.
- Kaoru Ishikawa
Collection: Quality
Image of Kaoru Ishikawa
As with many other things, there is a surprising amount of prejudice against quality control, but the proof of the pudding is still in the eating.
- Kaoru Ishikawa
Collection: Quality
Image of Kaoru Ishikawa
Quality control is applicable to any kind of enterprise. In fact, it must be applied in every enterprise.
- Kaoru Ishikawa
Collection: Quality
Image of Kaoru Ishikawa
Quality control which cannot show results is not quality control. Let us engage in QC which makes so much money for the company that we do not know what to do with it.
- Kaoru Ishikawa
Collection: Quality
Image of Matthea Harvey
I do have a tendency to invest inanimate objects with human qualities.
- Matthea Harvey
Collection: Quality
Image of Sam Altman
Obsess about the quality of the product.
- Sam Altman
Collection: Quality
Image of J. R. D. Tata
Quality is first engineered; only then it is inspected
- J. R. D. Tata
Collection: Quality
Image of Richard E. Pattis
When debugging, novices insert corrective code; experts remove defective code.
- Richard E. Pattis
Collection: Quality
Image of Rebekah Brooks
The quality of our journalism will make or break our industry, not the recession.
- Rebekah Brooks
Collection: Quality
Image of Joseph M. Juran
Quality planning consists of developing the products and processes required to meet customer's needs
- Joseph M. Juran
Collection: Quality
Image of Brad Friedel
I don't agree that there's an over-abundance of a lack of quality.
- Brad Friedel
Collection: Quality
Image of Frank Bettger
Enthusiasm is by far the highest paid quality on earth, probably because it is one of the rarest; yet it is one of the most contagious.
- Frank Bettger
Collection: Quality
Image of Jorma Ollila
Companies who have been able to groom CEOs internally have done significantly better. We came to the conclusion that the quality of several of the reviewed internal candidates was so high that it did not merit to go outside.
- Jorma Ollila
Collection: Quality
Image of Satoru Iwata
Consumers will purchase high quality products even if they are expensive, or in other words, even if there are slightly reasonable discount offers, consumers will not purchase products unless they truly understand and are satisfied with the quality. Also, product appeal must be properly communicated to consumers, but advertisements that are pushed on consumers are gradually losing their effect, and we have to take the approach that encourages consumers to retrieve information at their own will.
- Satoru Iwata
Collection: Quality
Image of Henry Royce
The quality will remain when the price is forgotten.
- Henry Royce
Collection: Quality
Image of Alan Chadwick
We need to create the beauty and the quality first. The quantity will follow.
- Alan Chadwick
Collection: Quality
Image of Doug Rice
Thailand has good medical care and even though I haven't tried it, Singapore is said to have high quality care also.
- Doug Rice
Collection: Quality
Image of Neelie Kroes
Consolidation in the skiing equipment industry cannot be allowed to lead to higher prices, lower quality or less innovative products.
- Neelie Kroes
Collection: Quality
Image of Aaron Eckhart
I'm always fascinated with how a person becomes a good quality person, a productive person, and how it happened to me, because I was a terror.
- Aaron Eckhart
Collection: Quality
Image of Eliza Haywood
There is one Quality, which has somewhat so heavenly in it; that by so much the more we are possess'd of it, by so much the more we draw nearer to the Great Author of Nature.
- Eliza Haywood
Collection: Quality
Image of Kathryn Kuhlman
Faith is that quality or power by which the things desired become the things possessed.
- Kathryn Kuhlman
Collection: Quality
Image of Cormega
The concept of Who Am I is following me around from 2001 to 2005, I filmed high quality videos but never really serviced them to the television so I saved those and I knew that would be an incentive for the fans.
- Cormega
Collection: Quality
Image of Diane Arbus
There's a quality of legend about freaks. Like a person in a fairy tale who stops you and demands that you answer a riddle.
- Diane Arbus
Collection: Quality
Image of Paula Sharp
Being strange is not necessarily bad ... Sometimes it's a person's only redeeming quality.
- Paula Sharp
Collection: Quality
Image of Indira Gandhi
Popularity is not a gurantee of quality.
- Indira Gandhi
Collection: Quality
Image of Tracy Reese
If your business isn't the best quality, it will not succeed.
- Tracy Reese
Collection: Quality