Top Promise Quotes Collection - Page 6

Discover a curated collection of Promise quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 6 provides more Promise quotes.

Image of John Flavel
It is better to be as low as hell with a promise, than in Paradise without one.
- John Flavel
Collection: Promise
Image of Michael Caine
I'm the happiest grandfather in the world, I promise you.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Promise
Image of James Lee Burke
If we break promises to God, shouldn't we be allowed an occasional violation of our word to our friends and superiors?
- James Lee Burke
Collection: Promise
Image of Brian Tracy
The value of a promise is the cost to you of keeping your word.
- Brian Tracy
Collection: Promise
Image of Horatius Bonar
The believed gospel saves; but it is the believed promise that assures us of this salvation.
- Horatius Bonar
Collection: Promise
Image of Fred Allen
With the advance of refrigeration, I hope that along with the frozen foods someday we will have frozen conversation. A person will be able to keep a frozen promise indefinitely.
- Fred Allen
Collection: Promise
Image of Judith Butler
Perhaps the promise of phallus is always dissatisfying in some way.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Promise
Image of John Calvin
Life is not found in commandments or declarations of penalties, but in the promise of mercy and only in a gratuitous promise.
- John Calvin
Collection: Promise
Image of John Hagee
God's promise will bring your provision.
- John Hagee
Collection: Promise
Image of Robin Sharma
The person who makes promises to everyone ultimately pleases no one.
- Robin Sharma
Collection: Promise
Image of Marcus Tullius Cicero
In a promise, what you thought, and not what you said, is always to be considered.
- Marcus Tullius Cicero
Collection: Promise
Image of Fred Allen
In show business, more showgirls are kept than promises.
- Fred Allen
Collection: Promise
Image of Cassandra Clare
You promise me, he said. That you love him. Enough to marry him and make him happy.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Promise
Image of Margaret Deland
When one promise jostles another, one of 'em isn't a promise.
- Margaret Deland
Collection: Promise
Image of Robert Breault
Before you pledge your undying love to someone, make them promise they won't die.
- Robert Breault
Collection: Promise
Image of Hillary Clinton
I can't compete with making promises you can't keep.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Promise
Image of William Jennings Bryan
God may be a matter of indifference to the evolutionists, and a life beyond may have no charm for them, but the mass of mankind will continue to worship their creator and continue to find comfort in the promise of their Savior that he has gone to prepare a place for them.
- William Jennings Bryan
Collection: Promise
Image of Charles Bukowski
I remember when each 4th lot was vacant and overgrown, and the landlord only go this rent when you had it, and each day was clear and good and each moment was full of promise.
- Charles Bukowski
Collection: Promise
Image of Zhuangzi
Sound intelligence promises victory in every battle.
- Zhuangzi
Collection: Promise
Image of Orson Scott Card
We're like the wicked witch. We promise gingerbread, then eat the little brats alive.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Promise
Image of Michael Caine
No English director would've cast me as an officer, I promise you. Not one.
- Michael Caine
Collection: Promise
Image of Dana Gould
If I ever go into a coma, one of you has to promise to come by occasionally and tweeze my unibrow.
- Dana Gould
Collection: Promise
Image of Narendra Modi
From experience I can say that we can make our nation corruption free. Only promises won't help...Irade Nek Hone Chahiye.
- Narendra Modi
Collection: Promise
Image of Ally Carter
I'll be back. And when i am,i promise i'll have answers.
- Ally Carter
Collection: Promise
Image of Lord Chesterfield
Those whom you can make like themselves better will, I promise you, like you very well.
- Lord Chesterfield
Collection: Promise
Image of Eric Thomas
Every principle has a promise.
- Eric Thomas
Collection: Promise
Image of John Calvin
There is no place for faith if we expect God to fulfill immediately what he promises.
- John Calvin
Collection: Promise
Image of Charles Caleb Colton
The science of mathematics performs more than it promises, but the science of metaphysics promises more than it performs.
- Charles Caleb Colton
Collection: Promise
Image of Ted Cruz
I promise you, Donald [Trump], there's nothing about you that makes anyone nervous.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Promise
Image of Sarah Dessen
But anyone can begin. It was the part with all the promise, the potential, the things I loved. More and more, though, I was finding myself wanting to find out what happened in the end.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Promise
Image of Patrick Dixon
The promise of every product and service is a better life. Profits are the prize for delivering on the promise.
- Patrick Dixon
Collection: Promise
Image of Lysa TerKeurst
We were made for more than compromise. We were made for God's promises in every area of our lives.
- Lysa TerKeurst
Collection: Promise
Image of Stephen Colbert
Anyone can read the news to you. I promise to feel the news at you.
- Stephen Colbert
Collection: Promise
Image of Sark
Marry yourself first -- promise never to leave you!
- Sark
Collection: Promise
Image of Elvis Costello
I could promise that I'll always be true to you, but we may not live to be so old.
- Elvis Costello
Collection: Promise
Image of Ted Cruz
Politicians make promises and they don't do what they said they would do: the reason why so many politicians in Washington are unhappy with me.
- Ted Cruz
Collection: Promise
Image of Confucius
In your promises cleave to what is right, And you will be able to fulfill your word.
- Confucius
Collection: Promise
Image of Meister Eckhart
This is not only a commandment but also a promise or reward.
- Meister Eckhart
Collection: Promise
Image of Maya Angelou
The future is plump with promise.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Promise
Image of Henry Giroux
The promises of higher education and previously enviable credentials have turned into the swindle of fulfillment.
- Henry Giroux
Collection: Promise
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
It was a smile that spelled trouble. With a promise.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Promise
Image of Maya Angelou
We all have that possibility, that potential and that promise of seeing beyond the seeming.
- Maya Angelou
Collection: Promise
Image of Mike Ditka
Promises are empty words if you're not keeping them.
- Mike Ditka
Collection: Promise
Image of Henry Giroux
The promises of modernity regarding progress, freedom and hope have not been eliminated; they have been reconfigured, stripped of their emancipatory potential and relegated to the logic of a savage market instrumentality.
- Henry Giroux
Collection: Promise
Image of Carlos Mencia
Here, let's go to my dressing room, and I promise, I'll only put it in for a second.
- Carlos Mencia
Collection: Promise
Image of Peter Drucker
There is an unbroken chain of opposition to the introduction of economic freedom and to the capitalist autonomy of the economic sphere... In every case the opposition could only be overcome - peacefully or by force - because of the promise of capitalism to establish equality... That this promise was an illusion we all know.
- Peter Drucker
Collection: Promise
Image of Richard Paul Evans
...even the most horribl e of nightmares is laced with the promise of dawn.
- Richard Paul Evans
Collection: Promise
Image of Chris Oyakhilome
God has not only made the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has actually given Him to us. It's up to us now to receive Him. But for you to receive from God, you will have to be ready to respond to Him by faith. Until you respond to God by faith, you do not receive from Him, because God is a faith-God.
- Chris Oyakhilome
Collection: Promise