Top philosophy Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of philosophy quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more philosophy quotes.

Image of Simone de Beauvoir
From the very beginning, existentialism defined itself as a philosophy of ambiguity.
- Simone de Beauvoir
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Henry Reed
There is something very basic to the sense of listening. The sense of hearing is the only one that operates totally from vibrations, without other physical or chemical reactions to receive the sensations.
- Henry Reed
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Robert Nozick
Taxation of earnings from labor is on a par with forced labor. Seizing the results of someone's labor is equivalent to seizing hours from him and directing him to carry on various activities.
- Robert Nozick
Collection: Philosophy
Image of L. Neil Smith
The trouble is with socialism, which resembles a form of mental illness more than it does a philosophy. Socialists get bees in their bonnets. And because they chronically lack any critical faculty to examine and evaluate their ideas, and because they are pathologically unwilling to consider the opinions of others, and most of all, because socialism is a mindset that regards the individual and his rights as insignificant, compared to whatever the socialist believes the group needs, terrible, terrible things happen when socialists acquire power.
- L. Neil Smith
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Catherynne M. Valente
At the bottom of philosophy something very true and very desperate whispers: Everyone is hungry all the time. Everyone is starving. Everyone wants so much, much more than they can stomach, but the appetite doesn't converse much with the stomach. Everyone is hungry and not only for food - for comfort and love and excitement and the opposite of being alone. Almost everything awful anyone does is to get those things and keep them.
- Catherynne M. Valente
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Isaac Mizrahi
There is one common philosophy, one thing that you can do no matter who you are or what you look like: You can actually get passionate instead of remaining cool or instead of trying to look like everybody else. You can - you must - immerse yourself passionately in who you are if you want to have style.
- Isaac Mizrahi
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Heraclitus
The way up and the way down are one and the same.
- Heraclitus
Collection: Philosophy
Image of W. E. B. Du Bois
One is astonished in the study of history at the recurrence of the idea that evil must be forgotten, distorted, skimmed over. We must not remember that Daniel Webster got drunk but only that he was a splendid constitutional lawyer. We must forget that George Washington was a slave owner . . . and simply remember the things we regard as creditable and inspiring. The difficulty, of course, with this philosophy is that history loses its value as an incentive and example; it paints perfect man and noble nations, but it does not tell the truth.
- W. E. B. Du Bois
Collection: Philosophy
Image of P.B. Kerr
Philosophy begins when you don't know where to look for an answer.
- P.B. Kerr
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Boyd Rice
I think when I was two years old in the sandbox. I think I formulated my basic philosophy there, and I haven't really had to alter it very much ever since
- Boyd Rice
Collection: Philosophy
Image of William Beveridge
Scratch a pessimist and you will often find a defender of privilege.
- William Beveridge
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Sun Myung Moon
Anyone can keep going in an easy situation, but do you have a philosophy which can enable you to meet the worst hardship?
- Sun Myung Moon
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Thomas Watson, Jr.
The only sacred cow is an organisation should be its basic philosophy of doing business.
- Thomas Watson, Jr.
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Saina Nehwal
My philosophy is to not be scared of anyone. If I play well, great; if I dont, I learn from the match and move on.
- Saina Nehwal
Collection: Philosophy
Image of George Michael
Without despair, we will share, and the joys of caring will not be erased. What has been, must never end, the joys of caring will not be replace.
- George Michael
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Ozzy Osbourne
Be good and honest to your fellow man and try to do something good for somebody.
- Ozzy Osbourne
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Scarlett Thomas
You can't do science in a novel, but you can do philosophy. Or, if you're really lucky, you can manage to pose a question in such a way that other people will take it on.
- Scarlett Thomas
Collection: Philosophy
Image of William Gilmore Simms
Philosophy is reason with the eyes of the soul.
- William Gilmore Simms
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Antonio Tabucchi
Philosophy appears to concern itself only with the truth, but perhaps expresses only fantasies, while literature appears to concern itself only with fantasies, but perhaps it expresses the truth.
- Antonio Tabucchi
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Juana Inés de la Cruz
But, lady, as women, what wisdom may be ours if not the philosophies of the kitchen? Lupercio Leonardo spoke well when he said: 'how well one may philosophize when preparing dinner.' And I often say, when observing these trivial details: had Aristotle prepared vituals [sic], he would have written more.
- Juana Inés de la Cruz
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Mortimer Adler
Ultimately there can be no disagreement between history, science, philosophy, and theology. Where there is disagreement, there is either ignorance or error.
- Mortimer Adler
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Mortimer Adler
Philosophy is everybody's business.
- Mortimer Adler
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Mortimer Adler
My chief reason for choosing Christianity was because the mysteries were incomprehensible. What's the point of revelation if we could figure it out ourselves? If it were wholly comprehensible, then it would just be another philosophy.
- Mortimer Adler
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Tom Waits
Come down off the cross, we could use the wood.
- Tom Waits
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Linus Pauling
Humanism is a philosophy of joyous service for the greater good of all humanity, of application of new ideas of scientific progress for the benefit of all.
- Linus Pauling
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Jonas Salk
What is … important is that we — number one: Learn to live with each other. Number two: try to bring out the best in each other. The best from the best, and the best from those who, perhaps, might not have the same endowment. And so this bespeaks an entirely different philosophy — a different way of life — a different kind of relationship — where the object is not to put down the other, but to raise up the other.
- Jonas Salk
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Constantin Stanislavski
In every physical action, unless it is purely mechanical, there is concealed some inner action, some feelings. This is how the two levels of life in a part are created, the inner and the outer. They are intertwined. A common purpose brings them together and reinforces the unbreakable bond.
- Constantin Stanislavski
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Julian Baggini
There have been a number of philosophers who have reveled in the dismantling of truth. I think they did so with good ethical motives, and for good philosophical reasons. I can see the sense in what they were talking about; the idea that truth is often claimed by elites in order to further certain agendas. They crowd-out alternative perspectives - particularly those of the powerless. But the undermining of truth contributed - in the weird, indirect way that philosophy contributes to the culture - to a rejection of the idea of truth as having any kind of proper meaning at all.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Julian Baggini
I don't think there is ever a direct connection between the philosophical community and the wider populus. I'm very aware of this because I've been working on a book on ideas in global philosophy and you always find some kind of relation between the dominant philosophies in a culture and the folk philosophy but it's not a straight-down dissemination. It's partly bottom-up. Thinkers are the products of the cultures they grew-up in. They aspire to thinking purely objectively and universally, but they are often reflecting ways of thought that are embedded in a culture.
- Julian Baggini
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Murray Rothbard
This, by the way, is the welfare state in action: Its a whole bunch of special interest groups screwing consumers and taxpayers, and making them think they're really benefiting.
- Murray Rothbard
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Siri Hustvedt
I think that it's important for people to read philosophy and literature is not because I think everyone should be a well-rounded human being, but because it will help you think better about what you are doing.
- Siri Hustvedt
Collection: Philosophy
Image of George Sterling
A prison becomes a home when you have the key.
- George Sterling
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Elizabeth Zimmermann
Now comes what I perhaps inflatedly call my philosophy of knitting. Like many philosophies, it is hard to express in a few words. Its main tenets are enjoyment and satisfaction, accompanied by thrift, inventiveness, an appearance of industry, and, above all, resourcefulness.
- Elizabeth Zimmermann
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Thomas S. Monson
This is my philosophy on all life, not just when it comes to love. All the best things are terrifying, but that's why they're the best things. Nothing worth having comes easy. You have to be afraid to want it, afraid to lose it, afraid to try. If you feel that, then you know you're on to a winner.
- Thomas S. Monson
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Andrei Tarkovsky
When I speak of poetry I am not thinking of it as a genre. Poetry is an awareness of the world, a particular way of relating to reality. So poetry becomes a philosophy to guide a man throughout his life.
- Andrei Tarkovsky
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Erez Lieberman Aiden
I enjoyed mathematics from a very young age. At the beginning of college, I had this illusion, which was kind of silly in retrospect, that if I just understood math and physics and philosophy, I could figure out everything else from first principles.
- Erez Lieberman Aiden
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Robin Williams
Good people end up in Hell because they can't forgive themselves.
- Robin Williams
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Ayn Rand
Identify the dominant philosophy of a society and you can predict its future.
- Ayn Rand
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Julia Sweeney
My philosophy involves imaging terrible things happening all the time, and getting used to it, so reality isn't so bad. And then you're always happy. You really just have to think yourself through it. That is how I've been able to come to happiness, but it is a subtle difference between scaring yourself all the time with terrible things happening, it's more about actually about making peace with it. That's my advice.
- Julia Sweeney
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Roman Polanski
I simply think there's life after movies. I have to adhere to this philosophy, and therefore I like other things, and I have other passions. None are as big as movie-making, but they exist.
- Roman Polanski
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Wilbur Smith
They do say that socialism is the ideal philosophy-just as long as you have capitalists to pay for it.
- Wilbur Smith
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Smokey Robinson
Mistakes, I know I've made a few. But I'm only human, you've made mistakes, too.
- Smokey Robinson
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Algernon Sidney
For violence or fraud can create no right.
- Algernon Sidney
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Randy Travis
There's a constant contradiction between what feels good and what feels right. But you live with decisions that you make in your life.
- Randy Travis
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Randy Travis
There's a darkness that everyone must face, it wants to take what's good and fair and lay it all to waste. And that darkness covers everything in sight, until it meets a single point of light.
- Randy Travis
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Joe Queenan
The world is changing, but I am not changing with it. There is no e-reader or Kindle in my future. My philosophy is simple: Certain things are perfect the way they are. The sky, the Pacific Ocean, procreation and the Goldberg Variations all fit this bill, and so do books. Books are sublimely visceral, emotionally evocative objects that constitute a perfect delivery systemBooks that we can touch; books that we can smell; books that we can depend on. Books that make us believe, for however short a time, that we shall all live happily ever after.
- Joe Queenan
Collection: Philosophy
Image of John Scalzi
Libertarians secretly worried that ultimately someone will figure out the whole of their political philosophy boils down to “Get Off My Property.” News flash: This is not really a big secret to the rest of us.
- John Scalzi
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Marlon Brando
Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Ammon Hennacy
Despite the popular idea of anarchists as violent men, Anarchism is the one non-violent social philosophy.… The function of the Anarchist is two-fold. By daily courage in non-cooperation with the tyrannical forces of the State and the Church, he helps to tear down present society; the Anarchist by daily cooperation with his fellows in overcoming evil with good-will and solidarity builds toward the anarchistic commonwealth which is formed by voluntary action with the right of secession.
- Ammon Hennacy
Collection: Philosophy