Marlon Brando

Image of Marlon Brando
I don't mind that I'm fat. You still get the same money.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Money
Image of Marlon Brando
Never confuse the size of your paycheck with the size of your talent.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Money
Image of Marlon Brando
There isn't anything that pays you as much money as acting while you are deciding what the hell you're going to do with yourself.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Money
Image of Marlon Brando
The only reason I'm in Hollywood is that I don't have the moral courage to refuse the money.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Courage
Image of Marlon Brando
Privacy is not something that I'm merely entitled to, it's an absolute prerequisite.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
I think to regret is useless in life. It belongs to the past.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
If we are not our brother's keeper, at least let us not be his executioner.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
We'd all like to be certain of what we know, but I think the most important question is to ask yourself do you really know what you know?
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
Acting is the expression of a neurotic impulse. It's a bum's life. Quitting acting, that's the sign of maturity.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
With women, I've got a long bamboo pole with a leather loop on the end. I slip the loop around their necks so they can't get away or come too close. Like catching snakes.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
I have eyes like those of a dead pig.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
Most of my childhood memories of my father are of being ignored. I was his namesake, but nothing I did ever pleased or even interested him. He enjoyed telling me I couldn't do anything right.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
I have never been able to remember the number of my driver's license, and there have been times when I couldn't even remember my own telephone number, but when I hear a song, sometimes only once, I never forget the melody or the lyric.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
An actor is at most a poet and at least an entertainer.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
I don't think that people generally realize what the motion picture industry has done to the American Indian, as a matter of fact, all ethnic groups. All minorities. All non-whites. People just simply don't realize. They take it for granted that that's the way people are going to be presented and that these cliches are just going to be perpetuated.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
There's a line in the picture where he snarls, 'Nobody tells me what to do.' That's exactly how I've felt all my life.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
If there's anything unsettling to the stomach, it's watching actors on television talk about their personal lives.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
To grasp the full significance of life is the actor's duty, to interpret it is his problem, and to express it his dedication.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
That's the principal guiding feature of all interviews today is money.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
At fourteen or fifteen, I decided to earn my living when I grew up playing drums made from wooden beer kegs and leading a group called Keg Brando and His Kegliners. We organized a little band, but it didn't last long and didn't make any money.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
Our family always had animals, but they became more important to me as the years passed because they helped me deal with the absence of love.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
An actor's a guy who, if you ain't talking about him, ain't listening.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
If you want something from an audience, you give blood to their fantasies. It's the ultimate hustle.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
The only thing an actor owes his public is not to bore them.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
The caste system may be more highly developed in countries like India or England, but every tier of society in almost every culture tries to dominate a group it perceives as beneath it.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
At Libertyville High, I was a bad student, chronic truant, and all-round incorrigible. I was forever being sent to the principal's office to be disciplined.
- Marlon Brando
Image of Marlon Brando
Only the one who walks his own way can't be overtaken.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Way
Image of Marlon Brando
Regret is useless in life. It's in the past. All we have is now.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Life
Image of Marlon Brando
Never surrender to the momentum of mediocrity.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Momentum
Image of Marlon Brando
All I want to be is normally insane.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Insane
Image of Marlon Brando
Acting, in general, is something most people think they're incapable of, but they do it from morning to night. The subtlest acting I've ever seen is by ordinary people trying to show they feel something they don't, or trying to hide something. It's something everyone learns at an early age.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Morning
Image of Marlon Brando
Every time you get knocked down you get up stronger.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Marlon Brando
The more sensitive you are, the more certain you are to be brutalized, develop scabs, never evolve. Never allow yourself to feel anything, because you always feel to much.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Love
Image of Marlon Brando
Too much success can ruin you as surely as too much failure.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Success
Image of Marlon Brando
Nobody "becomes" a character. You can't act unless you are who you are.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Character
Image of Marlon Brando
People will like you who never met you, they think you're absolutely wonderful; and then people also will hate you, for reasons that have nothing to do with any real experience with you. People don't want to lose their enemies. We have favorite enemies, people we love to hate and we hate to love. If they do something good, we don't like it. I found myself doing that with Ronald Reagan. He is anathema to me. If he does something that's reasonable, I find my mind trying to find some way to interpret it so that it's not reasonable, so that somewhere it's jingoist extremism.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Hate
Image of Marlon Brando
Most of the successful people in Hollywood are failures as human beings.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Successful
Image of Marlon Brando
Hey, you wanna hear my philosophy of life? Do it to him before he does it to you.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Philosophy
Image of Marlon Brando
I suppose the story of my life is a search for love, but more than that, I have been looking for a way to repair myself from the damages I suffered early on and to define my obligation, if I had any, to myself and my species.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Stories
Image of Marlon Brando
An actor must interpret life, and in order to do so he must be willing to accept all experiences that life can offer.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Marlon Brando
We don't go anywhere. Going somewhere is for squares. We just go!
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Squares
Image of Marlon Brando
I value each woman for what she has to offer whether it be charm-beauty-wit-intelligence or humor but warmth is the quality I value most.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Quality
Image of Marlon Brando
Tell me, do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man who doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Real
Image of Marlon Brando
A sensitive person receives fifty impressions where somebody else may only get seven. Sensitive people are so vulnerable; they're so easily brutalized and hurt just because they are sensitive. The more sensitive you are, the more certain you are to be brutalized, develop scabs.Analysis helps. It helped me. But still, the last eight, nine years I've been pretty messed up, a mess pretty much.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Hurt
Image of Marlon Brando
Would people applaud me if I was a good plumber?
- Marlon Brando
Collection: People
Image of Marlon Brando
‎We only have so many faces in our pockets
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Motivational
Image of Marlon Brando
When I lie on the beach there naked, which I do sometimes, and I feel the wind coming over me and I see the stars up above and I am looking into this very deep, indescribable night, it is something that escapes my vocabulary to describe. Then I think: 'God, I have no importance. Whatever I do or don't do, or what anybody does, is not more important than the grains of sand that I am lying on, or the coconut that I am using for my pillow.' So I really don't think in the long sense.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Beach
Image of Marlon Brando
Like a large number of men, I, too, have had homosexual experiences and I am not ashamed. But if there is someone who is convinced that Jack Nicholson and I are lovers, may they continue to do so. I find it amusing.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Men
Image of Marlon Brando
I watched a snail crawl along the edge of a straight razor. That's my dream. That's my nightmare. Crawling, slithering, along the edge of a straight razor and surviving.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Dream
Image of Marlon Brando
Working with any actor is like working with a monkey.
- Marlon Brando
Collection: Actors