Andrew Harvey

Image of Andrew Harvey
If you're really listening, if you're awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly. In fact, your heart is made to break; its purpose is to burst open again and again so that it can hold evermore wonders.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Harvey
The future of the world depends on the full restoration of the Sacred Feminine in all its tenderness, passion, divine ferocity, and surrendered persistence.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Harvey
We are so addicted, either to materialism or to transcending material reality, that we don’t see God right in front of us, in the beggar, the starving child, the brokenhearted woman; in our friend; in the cat; in the flea. We miss it, and in missing it, we allow the world to be destroyed.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Children
Image of Andrew Harvey
When you wake up to the Divine Consciousness within you and your divine identity, you wake up simultaneously to the Divine Consciousness appearing as all other beings. And this is not poetry and this is not a feeling, this is a direct experience of the divine light living in and as all other beings. And until this realization is firm in you, you do not know who or where you are.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Light
Image of Andrew Harvey
The very things we wish to avoid, neglect and flee from turn out to be the 'prima materia' from which all real growth comes.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Harvey
What breaks your heart, what you really love, is the thing that will sustain you. That's what you ought to be doing.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Heart
Image of Andrew Harvey
Sacred Activism is the fusion of the mystic's passion for God with the activist's passion for justice, creating a third fire, which is the burning sacred heart that longs to help, preserve, and nurture every living thing.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Harvey
Nothing that happens on the surface of the sea can alter the calm of its depths
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Sea
Image of Andrew Harvey
A spirituality that is only private and self-absorbed, one devoid of an authentic political and social consciousness, does little to halt the suicidal juggernaut of history. On the other hand, an activism that is not purified by profound spiritual and psychological self-awareness ... will only perpetuate the problem it is trying to solve, however righteous its intentions.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Andrew Harvey
What we are here to do is to meet and become the person we are.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Andrew Harvey
Unless the human race realizes with a passion and reverence beyond thought or words its inter-being with nature, it will destroy in its greed the very environment it is itself sustained by.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
When the passion of the mystic for God is married to the passion of the activist for justice, a new fire is born.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Passion
Image of Andrew Harvey
For Jesus, it is clear, poverty is not the problem; it is the solution. Until human beings learn to live in naked contact and direct simplicity and equality with each other, sharing all resources, there can be no solution to the misery of the human condition and no establishment of God's kingdom. Jesus' radical and paradoxical sense of who could and who could not enter the Kingdom is even more clearly illustrated by his famous praise of children.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Jesus
Image of Andrew Harvey
Coming into contact with the Mother is coming into contact with a force of passionate and active compassion in every area and dimension of life, a force that longs to be invoked by us to help transform all the existing conditions of life on earth so that they can mirror ever more clearly and accurately her law, her justice, and her love.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
Unless our fundamental sacred connectedness with every being and thing is experienced deeply and enacted everywhere, religious, political, and other differences will go on creating intolerable conflict that can only increase the already dangerously high chances of our self-annihilation.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
What a recovery of the wisdom of the Mother brings to all of us is the knowledge of inseparable connection with the entire creation and the wise, active love that is born from that knowledge.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Wise
Image of Andrew Harvey
If you’re really listening, if you’re awake to the poignant beauty of the world, your heart breaks regularly.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Heart
Image of Andrew Harvey
If you want a television, you go out and work for it and you buy it. If you want to learn about Aztec pottery, you take a course. But the relationship with God requires the active and passionate participation of you, yourself. You have to risk it. You have to abandon yourself to it. You have to leap into the fire. Nobody will do it for you; nobody can do it for you.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: God
Image of Andrew Harvey
There are no solutions to life, but there is an experience of wholeness, of bliss, of being, of the deathlessness of the Divine Self, of Silence in all its multifacted, diamond splendor that heals all grief, all wounds, all questions.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Grief
Image of Andrew Harvey
The Mother's knowledge of unity, her powers of sensitivity, humility, and balance, and her infinite respect for the miracle of all life have now to be invoked by each of us and practiced if the 'masculine' rational imbalance of our civilization is to be righted before its too late.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
What knowing the Mother means above all is daring to put love into action. The Mother herself is love-in-action, love acting everywhere and in everything to make creation possible.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
Adoration is not some fervent spiritual or poetic exercise reserved for a chosen few. I believe the human race will die out and destroy nature if it does not learn again how to adore God, the God in all of us, God shining and living in nature, and learn again how to act from and in that spirit of adoration.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Andrew Harvey
Coming to know the hidden and forgotten Mother and the marvelous wisdom of the sacred feminine as revealed from every side and angle by the different mystical traditions is not luxury; it is, I believe, a necessity for our survival as a species.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
.. every single corner and aspect of our lives, every single choice, will be different if we take the invitation of this [Rumi's] poetry to act from the Divine Center of Silence and allow the glory of the Presence to soak our every movement.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Choices
Image of Andrew Harvey
It is up to the leader to create a healthy environment where people are not afraid to fail. Mistakes should be seen as an integral part of the organizational process. They are a normal part of striving for excellence.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Leadership
Image of Andrew Harvey
Knowing her we will know that we are her divine children in a relationship of complete, unconditionally loving intimacy; we will know that nature is holy in all its sacred particulars because it is everywhere vibrant with her light and her love; we will know that we have come to this earth not, as some patriarchal mystical traditions have implied, to escape it but to embrace it fully, not to 'transcend' it but to arrive here in full presence, gratitude and love.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Mother
Image of Andrew Harvey
To be in a body is to hear the heartbeat of death at every moment.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Body
Image of Andrew Harvey
Competition exists to choose who gets the prize when the prize can’t be shared.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Competition
Image of Andrew Harvey
I have had the great good fortune of working with a true genius of yoga, Karuna Erickson, in developing a new system called Heart Yoga.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Yoga
Image of Andrew Harvey
Nothing that happens on the surface of the sea can alter the calm of its depths.
- Andrew Harvey
Collection: Sea