Matthew J. Kirby

Image of Matthew J. Kirby
In life, the hardest decisions often have to be made more than once. But each time, it gets easier.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Decision
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
I hate them!' she cried. 'It's not fair!' 'No, it isn't,' Frederick said gently. 'I can't do it all!' 'No. You can't.' After a long moment he said, 'But you can do what you can.' 'And what if that isn't enough?' Frederick held her shoulders and took a step back. He looked in her eyes. 'Enough for what?' 'For my family.' 'What more could they ask for than what you've given?
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Hate
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
You can never trust anyone once you've had to trap them in a cage.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Cages
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
Sometimes, when we want something so badly, we fear failure more than we fear being without that thing.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
When you are in pain, a moment is an eternity.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Pain
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
Never trust a storyteller," he says. "We're all of us liars.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Liars
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
Clockwork could not run counter to its nature. The seconds, minutes, and hours moved only forward. Patient, precise, and unstoppable. Memory was an indulgence, an illusion that broke like a wave upon the juggernaut of time. The past remained the past.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Running
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
You are stronger than me," Asa says. "And in bravery and strength, there is a kind of beauty.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Bravery
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
In the early morning hours, Hannah read at the table by the dim light of dawn. She leaned in close to the pages, chin resting on her folded arms, eyes racing over the words, like chasing butterflies over the hills, to catch as many as she could before going to work. She wondered at how such tales of magic could be contained by mere paper and ink for her to read again and again.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Morning
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
One cannot apologize for one's nature.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Apologizing
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
He waved to the city and said good-bye. The city responded by carrying on the way it always did, traffic moving forward uninterrupted, without slowing, as if it were trying to demonstrate its permanence and show him it would still be there if he ever wanted to return. That promise was the best and only thing he could ask of it.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: Moving
Image of Matthew J. Kirby
Maybe if people can't have an end to their suffering, the next thing they seek for is to know why they suffer. Suffering is a part of life in this world, part of a cycle....Stories give you a way to see things. A way to understand the events of your life. Even if you don't realize it while you're hearing the tale.
- Matthew J. Kirby
Collection: People