Top Order Quotes Collection - Page 43

Discover a curated collection of Order quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 43 provides more Order quotes.

Image of Charles Babbage
Miracles may be, for anything we know to the contrary, phenomena of a higher order of God's laws, superior to, and, under certain conditions, controlling the inferior order known to us as the ordinary laws of nature.
- Charles Babbage
Collection: Order
Image of Meher Baba
Suffering is essential for the elimination of the ego, just as it was necessary for you to scrub and scrub in order to wash the stain from my coat.
- Meher Baba
Collection: Order
Image of Immanuel Kant
We ourselves introduce that order and regularity in the appearance which we entitle "nature". We could never find them in appearances had we not ourselves, by the nature of our own mind, originally set them there.
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Order
Image of Johannes Kepler
When things are in order, if the cause of the orderliness cannot be deduced from the motion of the elements or from the composition of matter, it is quite possibly a cause possessing a mind.
- Johannes Kepler
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas a Kempis
No one is so good that he is immune from temptation. We will never be entirely free from it. . . . There is no order so holy, no place so secret where there will be no temptation.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas Jefferson
During the course of administration, and in order to disturb it, the artillery of the press has been levelled against us, charged with whatsoever its licentiousness could devise or dare. These abuses of an institution so important to freedom and science are deeply to be regretted, inasmuch as they tend to lessen its usefulness and to sap its safety.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Order
Image of Stonewall Jackson
My duty is to obey orders.
- Stonewall Jackson
Collection: Order
Image of Immanuel Kant
Why were a few, or a single one, made at all, if only to exist in order to be made eternally miserable, which is infinitely worse than non-existence?
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Order
Image of Immanuel Kant
Reason in a creature is a faculty of widening the rules and purposes of the use of all its powers far beyond natural instinct; it acknowledges no limits to its projects. Reason itself does not work instinctively, but requires trial, practice, and instruction in order gradually to progress from one level of insight to another.
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Order
Image of St. Jerome
Love knows nothing of order.
- St. Jerome
Collection: Order
Image of David Jeremiah
God’s grace is freely available but in order to receive it you have to realize you are lost without it.
- David Jeremiah
Collection: Order
Image of Graham Joyce
Since I've been hired to contribute to the storyline of 'Doom 4' I can say what was always true anyway. I'm working. You see, for a writer, lots of stuff that doesn't look like working is actually working. Looking out of the window, for example. Balancing a pencil on the edge of the desk in order to find its exact fulcrum. Playing 'Doom.
- Graham Joyce
Collection: Order
Image of P. D. James
I love the idea of bringing order out of disorder which is what the mystery is about. I like the way in which it affirms the sanity of human life and exorcises irrational guilts.
- P. D. James
Collection: Order
Image of Alice Foote MacDougall
Not only is orderliness an economy; it produces rest.
- Alice Foote MacDougall
Collection: Order
Image of Juvenal
I will have this done, so I order it done; let my will replace reasoned judgement.
- Juvenal
Collection: Order
Image of Hubert H. Humphrey
We can not expect to breed respect for law and order among people who do not share the fruits of our freedom.
- Hubert H. Humphrey
Collection: Order
Image of Nita Leland
Use design as a framework to bring order out of chaos.
- Nita Leland
Collection: Order
Image of Francis Bacon
The human understanding of its own nature is prone to suppose the existence of more order and regularity in the world than it finds.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Order
Image of Victor Hugo
Does there exist an Infinity outside ourselves? Is that infinity One, immanent and permanent, necessarily having substance, since He is infinite and if He lacked matter He would be limited, necessarily possessing intelligence since He is infinite and, lacking intelligence, He would be in that sense finite. Does this Infinity inspire in us the idea of essense, while to ourselves we can only attribute the idea of existence? In order words, is He not the whole of which we are but the part?
- Victor Hugo
Collection: Order
Image of David Hume
To have recourse to the veracity of the supreme Being, in order to prove the veracity of our senses, is surely making a very unexpected circuit.
- David Hume
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas Jefferson
A superintending power to maintain the Universe in its course and order.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Order
Image of John Maynard Keynes
Thus those reformers, who look for a remedy by creating artificial carrying-costs for the money through the device of requiring legal-tender currency to be periodically stamped at a prescribed cost in order to retain its quality as money, or in analogous ways, have been on the right track; and the practical value of their proposals deserves consideration.
- John Maynard Keynes
Collection: Order
Image of Curtis Jackson
You can be a victim, or you can lock and load.
- Curtis Jackson
Collection: Order
Image of Ivan Illich
What kinds of things and people might learners want to be in contact with in order to learn?
- Ivan Illich
Collection: Order
Image of Juvenal
I will it, I order it, let my will stand for a reason.
- Juvenal
Collection: Order
Image of John Maynard Keynes
The study of economics does not seem to require any specialised gifts of an unusually high order.
- John Maynard Keynes
Collection: Order
Image of Aldous Huxley
It is in the social sphere, in the realm of politics and economics, that the Will to Order becomes really dangerous.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Order
Image of William James
Millions of items in the outward order are present to my senses which never properly enter into my experience. Why? Because they have no interest for me. My experience is what I agree to attend to. Only those items which I notice shape my mind --without selective interest, experience is an utter chaos.
- William James
Collection: Order
Image of Garry Kasparov
There is no doubt that [Vladimir] Putin is responsible for this crime, whether or not he gave the order to commit the murder [of Boris Nemtsov] himself. Putin created the conditions and atmosphere that have made this kind of thing possible.
- Garry Kasparov
Collection: Order
Image of Byron Katie
I know that even at moments of apparent danger, nothing is out of order or lacking, other than our own unquestioned thoughts about those moments.
- Byron Katie
Collection: Order
Image of Kevin Kelly
Wherever the Net arises, there arises also a rebel to resist human control...A network nurtures small failures in order that large failures don't happen as often. It is...fertile ground for learning, adaptation, and evolution...The only organization capable of unprejudiced growth, or unguided learning, is a network. All other topologies limit what can happen.
- Kevin Kelly
Collection: Order
Image of Douglas Adams
Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Order
Image of Sue Monk Kidd
People in general would rather die than forgive. It's THAT hard. If God said in plain language. "I'm giving you a choice, forgive or die," a lot of people would go ahead and order their coffin.
- Sue Monk Kidd
Collection: Order
Image of William James
The most violent revolutions in an individuals beliefs leave most of his old order standing. Time and space, cause and effect, nature and history, and ones own biography remain untouched. New truth is always a go-between, a smoother-over of transitions. It marries old opinion to new fact so as ever to show a minimum of jolt, a maximum of continuity.
- William James
Collection: Order
Image of Francis Bacon
The human understanding when it has once adopted an opinion (either as being the received opinion or as being agreeable to itself) draws all things else to support and agree with it. And though there be a greater number and weight of instances to be found on the other side, yet these it either neglects and despises, or else by some distinction sets aside and rejects, in order that by this great and pernicious predetermination the authority of its former conclusions may remain inviolate.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Order
Image of William James
In order to disprove the assertion that all crows are black, one white crow is sufficient.
- William James
Collection: Order
Image of E. Stanley Jones
In conversion you are not attached primarily to an order, nor to an institution, nor a movement, nor a set of beliefs, nor a code of action - you are attached primarily to a Person, and secondarily to these other things.
- E. Stanley Jones
Collection: Order
Image of Nikos Kazantzakis
All my life I struggled to stretch my mind to the breaking point, until it began to creak, in order to create a great thought which might be able to give a new meaning to life, a new meaning to death, and to console mankind.
- Nikos Kazantzakis
Collection: Order
Image of Lyndon B. Johnson
I am afraid, ... that health begins, after seventy, and often long before, to have a meaning different from that which it had at thirty. But it is culpable to murmur at the established order of the creation, as it is vain to oppose it. He that lives, must grow old; and he that would rather grow old than die, has God to thank for the infirmities of old age.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
Collection: Order
Image of Mary Karr
I'd spent way more years worrying about how to look like a poet -- buying black clothes, smearing on scarlet lipstick, languidly draping myself over thrift-store furniture -- than I had learning how to assemble words in some discernible order.
- Mary Karr
Collection: Order
Image of Robert Jordan
Belief and order give strength. Have to clear rubble before you can build.
- Robert Jordan
Collection: Order
Image of Joseph Joubert
The last word should be the last word. It is like a finishing touch given to color; there is nothing more to add. But what precaution is needed in order not to put the last word first.
- Joseph Joubert
Collection: Order
Image of Thomas Pogge
It is for the poor people's sake, above all, that we urgently need more unity and better organization and need to concentrate our reform efforts in order to really to achieve reforms, one by one.
- Thomas Pogge
Collection: Order
Image of Francis Bacon
The human understanding, from its peculiar nature, easily supposes a greater degree of order and equality in things than it really finds.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Order
Image of Toby Keith
It's time the long arm of the law put a few more in the ground, send them all to their maker and he'll settle them down.
- Toby Keith
Collection: Order
Image of Steve Jobs
In order to learn how to do something well, you have to fail sometimes. In order to fail, there has to be a measurement system. And that's the problem with most philanthropy - there's no measurement system. You give somebody some money to do something and most of the time you can really never measure whether you failed or succeeded in your judgment of that person or his ideas or their implementation.
- Steve Jobs
Collection: Order
Image of William James
[Religion is] the attempt to be in harmony with an unseen order of things.
- William James
Collection: Order
Image of Henry Adams
Since [Rousseau's] time, and largely thanks to him, the Ego has steadily tended to efface itself, and, for purposes of model, to become a manikin on which the toilet of education is to be draped in order to show the fit or misfit of the clothes. The object of study is the garment, not the figure.
- Henry Adams
Collection: Order
Image of Walter Lippmann
Without some form of censorship, propaganda in the strict sense of the word is impossible. In order to conduct propaganda there must be some barrier between the public and the event.
- Walter Lippmann
Collection: Order