Thomas a Kempis

Image of Thomas a Kempis
Great tranquility of heart is his who cares for neither praise nor blame.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Great
Image of Thomas a Kempis
The loftier the building, the deeper must the foundation be laid.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Architecture
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility; for it thinks all things lawful for itself, and all things possible.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Love
Image of Thomas a Kempis
He will easily be content and at peace, whose conscience is pure.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Peace
Image of Thomas a Kempis
What else does anxiety about the future bring you but sorrow upon sorrow?
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Future
Image of Thomas a Kempis
A humble knowledge of thyself is a surer way to God than a deep search after learning.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Learning
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Oh, how great peace and quietness would he possess who should cut off all vain anxiety and place all his confidence in God.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Peace
Image of Thomas a Kempis
First keep peace with yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Peace
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Without the way, there is no going; without the truth, there is no knowing; without the life, there is no living.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Truth
Image of Thomas a Kempis
All men commend patience, although few are willing to practice it.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Patience
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Intelligence must follow faith, never precede it, and never destroy it.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Thomas a Kempis
He who loves with purity considers not the gift of the lover, but the love of the giver.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Love
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Purity and simplicity are the two wings with which man soars above the earth and all temporary nature.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Nature
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Wait for the Lord. Behave yourself manfully, and be of good courage. Do not be faithless, but stay in your place and do not turn back.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Courage
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Anger
Image of Thomas a Kempis
But because many endeavor to get knowledge rather than to live well, they are often deceived and reap little or no benefit from their labor.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Thomas a Kempis
If you want to learn something that will really help you, learn to see yourself as God sees you and not as you see yourself in the distorted mirror of your own self-importance.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Patience is necessary in this life because so much of life is fraught with adversity. No matter how hard we try, our lives will never be without strife and grief. Thus, we should not strive for a peace that is without temptation, or for a life that never feels adversity. Peace is not found by escaping temptations, but by being tried by them. We will have discovered peace when we have been tried and come through the trial of temptation.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Peace
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Jesus has many who love the kingdom of God, but few who bear a cross. He has many who desire His comfort, but few who desire His suffering. All want to rejoice with him, but few are willing to suffer for Him. He writes; there are many who admire his miracles, but there are few who follow in the humiliation of the cross.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Thomas a Kempis
When anger enters the mind, wisdom departs.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Inspirational Life
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Man sees your actions, but God your motives.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas a Kempis
In the Cross is salvation; in the Cross is life; in the Cross is protection against our enemies; in the Cross is infusion of heavenly sweetness; in the Cross is strength of mind; in the Cross is joy of spirit; in the Cross is excellence of virtue; in the Cross is perfection of holiness. There is no salvation of soul, nor hope of eternal life, save in the Cross.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Jesus
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Don't think so much about who is for or against you, rather give all your care, that God be with you in everything you do.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: God
Image of Thomas a Kempis
If we live in peace ourselves, we in turn may bring peace to others. A peaceable man does more good than a learned one.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Thomas a Kempis
It is better to have but little knowledge with humility and understanding, than great learning which might make you proud. For a person's merits are not to be estimated by having many visions, or by knowledge of the bible, or by being placed in a higher position; but by being grounded in true humility, and by seeking always, purely, and entirely, the honor of God.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Humility
Image of Thomas a Kempis
At the day of judgment we shall not be asked what we have read but what we have done.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Liberty
Image of Thomas a Kempis
For a small reward, a man will hurry away on a long journey; while for eternal life, many will hardly take a single step.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Christian
Image of Thomas a Kempis
For man plans, but God arranges.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Faith
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Habit is overcome by habit.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Overcoming
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Always keep a good distance between yourself and lying, quarreling, detracting, insulting and gossip. The person who can do that will some day learn to enjoy the silence.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Distance
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Carry the cross patiently, and with perfect submission; and in the end it shall carry you.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Perfect
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Love flies, runs, leaps for joy; it is free and unrestrained. Love gives all for all, resting in One who is highest above all things, from whom every good flows and proceeds. Love does not regard the gifts, but turns to the Giver of all good gifts. Love knows no limits, but ardently transcends all bounds. Love feels no burden, takes no account of toil, attempts things beyond its strength; love sees nothing as impossible, for it feels able to achieve all things. Love therefore does great things; it is strange and effective; while he who lacks love faints and fails.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Running
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Judge yourself and beware of passing judgement on others. In judging others we expend our energy to no purpose; we are often mistaken and easily sin. But if we judge ourselves our labour is always to our profit.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Thomas a Kempis
He has great tranquillity of heart who cares neither for the praises nor the fault-finding of men. He will easily be content and pacified, whose conscience is pure. You are not holier if you are praised, nor the more worthless if you are found fault with. What you are, that you are; neither by word can you be made greater than what you are in the sight of God.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Heart
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Be thankful for the smallest blessing, and you will be worthy to receive greater.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Blessing
Image of Thomas a Kempis
The more humble and obedient to God a man is, the more wise and at peace he will be in all that he does.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Wise
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Do not try to find a place free from temptations and troubles. Rather, seek a peace that endures even when you are beset by various temptations and tried by much adversity.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Adversity
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Nothing is sweeter than love, nothing more courageous, nothing higher, nothing wider, nothing more pleasant, nothing fuller nor better in heaven and earth; because love is born of God, and cannot rest but in God, above all created things.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Thomas a Kempis
If you can talk and it's convenient to talk, try to say things that edify.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Trying
Image of Thomas a Kempis
If you carry your cross joyfully, it will carry you.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Crosses
Image of Thomas a Kempis
A disciple once complained, "You tell us stories, but you never reveal their meaning to us." The master replied, "How would you like it if someone offered you fruit and then chewed it up for you before giving it to you?" If your heart is straight with God, then every creature will be to you a mirror of life and a book of holy doctrine.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Book
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Let temporal things serve thy use, but the eternal be the object of thy desire.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Priorities
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Man considers the actions, but God weighs the intentions.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Men
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Ah, Lord God, thou holy lover of my soul, when thou comest into my heart, all that is within me shall rejoice.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Heart
Image of Thomas a Kempis
All men desire peace, but very few desire those things that make for peace.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Peace
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Be Yourself -The man who is neither bent upon pleasing his fellows nor afraid of offending them will enjoy great peace.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Being Yourself
Image of Thomas a Kempis
Remember always your end, and that lost time does not return.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Doe
Image of Thomas a Kempis
A book has but one voice, but it does not instruct everyone alike.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Book