Domhnall Gleeson

Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Life is difficult for everyone; everyone has bad days. Everyone has trouble in their life, because it doesn't matter how rich you are: Sickness and trouble and worry and love, these things will mess with you at every level of life.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Collection: Life
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
My mum and my dad have really good taste in movies. My gran would tape them off the TV and write notes about them, rating them.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Collection: Movies
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I did 'Never Let Me Go,' and there were amazing people on that. Brilliant writer, director, cast. That was quite special.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Collection: Amazing
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I got to work with Cillian Murphy and my dad, Jim Broadbent and Jodie Whittaker on 'Perrier's Bounty.' It was a small part, but it was really special.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Collection: Dad
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Conventionally handsome is not really where I'm at.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I like cashew nuts.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I do feel a wave come over me when I hear those two words, 'Star' and 'Wars,' said together. I feel tense, shut up, and stare into the middle distance.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
In 'Cavalry,' I had one scene where I was playing a pretty awful character.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
If there's one person in the world with whom a chemistry read is unnecessary, it's Rachel McAdams.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I get asked to give stuff to my dad. I'm, like, 'I'm not gonna pass your script to him!' You know? My dad's my dad. I'm not his agent.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
It's nice to sit down when you're not working. I try to do it as often as possible.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Portraying as human the people you hear about on the news doing bad things is dangerous. But it's also necessary and important.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
As an actor, there's very little you can do if people don't want to see you. Just getting yourself into the room to audition is tough.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm a little bit drifty. I'm a little bit all over the place.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Look at Cillian Murphy: 'Batman,' 'Tron'... those are some heavy-hitting franchises. But he works his way around it. He manages to have a great career and a great life.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
'Punch-Drunk Love' is my favorite movie.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Doesn't matter if I'm right or wrong - if I'm hungry or hot, I'm probably arguing with someone about something. Especially if that someone is rude.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
There is something wonderful about turning up every day and knowing that not just the character but the whole movie kind of rests on your shoulders. And there's great satisfaction when you think it's going well and then real terror when you think it's not.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Has anybody seen 'The Notebook' and not cried? I don't know, I don't know if that's the case. It sort of hangs around for a while.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
It was when I was on stage that I realized that acting could be such a brilliant job.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Though rom-coms aren't necessarily my cup of tea, I was a huge fan of 'Notting Hill.'
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm pleased to say I grew up in a happy family in Dublin. I feel we're very close.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'd seen my dad on stage, and that was fine, but the real excitement was - that was my dad. Even now, when I see his films, he's always my favourite person in the movie.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Most of the time, I do what I'm offered, but after I worked for it. I think I try much harder for the things that scare me and inspire me. The things that scare and inspire you are things that are different from what you did before.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'd been very certain about not wanting to do the acting thing because of my father. I thought I'd always have the father-son thing of 'He got you the part.'
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
The Coen brothers are amazing; they're special.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I worked with the Coen brothers, which had been a dream of mine.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I've been interested in the writing/directing thing and really fell into acting by complete accident.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
There's so many good comic actors that you just take the best of and try and run with it yourself. Try and bring a little bit of yourself to it, too.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I think the whole thing is: If it makes sense in your head, the audience will go along with it.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Every actor is like, 'I could direct!'
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I was in 'Harry Potter,' and nobody on the street recognizes me from that. Nobody on the street has ever stopped me from 'Harry Potter!'
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
When I was younger, my father told me not to pigeonhole the way that I perceive myself.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I think everybody's got their insecurities and hang-ups. Everybody! Unless you're an idiot.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I've gotten work based on how I look, and I've not gotten work based on how I look. It's all good.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Really, all I worry about is the work in hand.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
When you work with actors, what you're hoping to absorb is good ways to be an actor as opposed to how to handle being famous.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm a pessimist by nature, so it's always the worst things that come to mind first whenever you make a decision or have a decision to make.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
The rom-com genre is not something that necessarily lights my jets.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Though rom-coms aren't necessarily my cup of tea, I was a huge fan of 'Notting Hill.' I laughed a lot, and the romance got to me.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I stand to learn more working as an actor with really talented people than I do by directing a feature.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Going home, spending time with the family, I feel they're my friends as well, all of them. I look forward to meeting any one of them for a coffee, and when we all get together, I just love it.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm not built like a leading man.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'd rather do one day on a really cool movie than six months on something crap.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm not going to get better as an actor working on bad stuff.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I got very lucky with 'Harry Potter.' I got that role because I'm a ginger! Red hair was my only qualification!
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
Often times, I just do a job and tell my agents, 'I'm in lockdown now.' I won't talk to anybody about anything else in the meantime, and I think that's generally the way to go because I also like to have a gap in between jobs.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
It's hard to get people up and out to shows, but 'The Walworth Farce' has masses of energy and will attract a crowd who don't always come to the theatre, which is great.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
I'm certainly a young actor. I'm certainly those two things. Actually, I'm not even young anymore; I'm 29. So, I'm an actor.
- Domhnall Gleeson
Image of Domhnall Gleeson
The worst thing as an actor is when you're not getting opportunities to try and show what you can do; the best thing is when you get material that really lets you express something and that you're excited about.
- Domhnall Gleeson