Top Mirrors Quotes Collection - Page 10

Discover a curated collection of Mirrors quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 10 provides more Mirrors quotes.

Image of Cassandra Clare
Well, what? Sophie-" "I hit her on the head with a mirror," Sophie said hopelessly. "One of those silver-backed ones, so it was quite heavy. She went down just like a stone, miss. So I...I tied her to the bed and I came looking for you.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Orson Scott Card
Perhaps every writer who thoroughly creates a fictional world will inevitably create a mirror of his own time and yet also create a world that no one else but him has ever visited.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Dan Chaon
The thing that grounds you, and the thing that really gives you a sense of wholeness, is your family, friends and your community. Those are the things that can mirror back to you what you're experiencing, and can affirm to you that the stories you are telling are true.
- Dan Chaon
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Hildegard of Bingen
Just as a mirror, which reflects all things, is set in its own container, so too the rational soul is placed in the fragile container of the body. In this way, the body is governed in its earthly life by the soul, and the soul contemplates heavenly things through faith.
- Hildegard of Bingen
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Deepak Chopra
The cosmos will always mirror back to us whatever your inner state is. The greater the love we discover in ourselves, the greater the love will reflect back to us from the environment through others.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Deepak Chopra
The world is a mirror for us – whatever you say about others is really how you feel about yourself.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Dante Alighieri
That infinite and indescribable good which is there above races as swiftly to love as a ray of light to a bright body.It gives of itself according to the ardor it finds, so that as charity spreads farther the eternal good increases upon it,and the more souls there are who love, up there, the more there are to love well, and the more love they reflect to each other, as in a mirror.
- Dante Alighieri
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Truman Capote
They can romanticize us so, mirrors, and that is their secret: what a subtle torture it would be to destroy all the mirrors in the world: where then could we look for reassurance of our identities?
- Truman Capote
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Jim Carrey
Ultimately, we’re not the avatars we create. We’re not the pictures on the film stock. We are the light that shines through it. All else is just smoke and mirrors. Distracting, but not truly compelling.
- Jim Carrey
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Robert McKee
Classical design is a mirror of the human mind. It's how we see the world.
- Robert McKee
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Noam Chomsky
There is a principle of human affairs that goes back millennia, which is that you don't look in the mirror. You can trace this principle back to the Bible. The designated intellectuals of that time are called prophets, which is a mistranslation of a Hebrew word, but they were basically intellectuals, giving geopolitical analysis, criticizing the moral practice of leadership, etc. Now, these people were not treated very nicely. There were other intellectuals who were treated nicely, namely those who centuries later came to be called false prophets. These were the flatterers of the court.
- Noam Chomsky
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Miguel de Cervantes
The reputation of a woman may also be compared to a mirror of crystal, shining and bright, but liable to be sullied by every breath that comes near it.
- Miguel de Cervantes
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Cassandra Clare
Admiring yourself?” The Inquisitor’s voice but through his reverie. “You wont look so pretty when the Clave gets through with you.” “You do seem obsessed with my looks.” Jace turned away from the mirror with some relief. “Could it be that all this is because you‘re attracted to me?
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Sandra Bullock
Back when I was very small, and we had this bathroom with these sort of paneled mirrors on the side. And I would just sit there - because it was the only warm room in the house. And I would - if I was in a bad place - I would go to my imaginary place with these mirrors, and create this entire other world to sort of help level out what I was dealing with.
- Sandra Bullock
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Deepak Chopra
You can expand your awareness in many ways, and as you do, your brain will evolve. It will grow physically by developing new neural pathways, synaptic connections, and even new brain cells. Perhaps more importantly, it will evolve to mirror the expansion of your mind into new, creative areas.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Italo Calvino
At times the mirror increases a thing’s value, at times denies it.
- Italo Calvino
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Channing Tatum
I've always said that movies are a direct mirror of the director.
- Channing Tatum
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Laurie Halse Anderson
I am locked into the mirror and there is no door out.
- Laurie Halse Anderson
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Mason Cooley
When Medusa looks in the mirror, she sees the Lady of Sorrows.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Mark Z. Danielewski
Maybe you saw her first? Caught a glimpse between the lines, between the letters, like a ghost in the mirror, a ghost in the wings?
- Mark Z. Danielewski
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Ray Davies
I looked in the mirror at my pigeon chest, I had to put my clothes on cause it made me depressed.
- Ray Davies
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Ted Alexandro
I don't do the mirror thing; maybe once or twice when I first started out.
- Ted Alexandro
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Ani DiFranco
If you don't live what you sing about, your mirror is gonna fade.
- Ani DiFranco
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Mason Cooley
Something is sticking out its tongue at me from the corner of my mirror.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Sarah Dessen
As I stepped out to face myself in the mirror, reaching a hand to smooth away the steam, I saw myself differently. It was as if I had grown again as I slept, but this time just to fit my own size. As if my soul had expanded, filling out the gaps of the height that had burdened me all these months. Like a balloon filling slowly with air, becoming all smooth and buoyant, I felt like I finally fit within myself, edge to edge, every crevice filled.
- Sarah Dessen
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Dane Cook
Sometimes, like we all do, I look at myself in the mirror. Sometimes I cry. Like a really hard cry like you just watch yourself cry but then you're done and you're just glowing and you're staring at yourself.
- Dane Cook
Collection: Mirrors
Image of William A. Dembski
The world is a mirror representing the divine life.
- William A. Dembski
Collection: Mirrors
Image of James Dashner
He pulled the envelope out of his pocket and ripped it open, then took out the slip of paper. The soft lights that ringed the mirror lit up the message in a warm glow. It was two short sentences: " KILL ME. IF YOU'VE EVER BEEN MY FRIEND, KILL ME.
- James Dashner
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Eugene Delacroix
The more an object is polished or brilliant, the less you see its own color and the more it becomes a mirror reflecting the color of its surroundings.
- Eugene Delacroix
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Mason Cooley
Seeing my malevolent face in the mirror, my benevolent soul shrinks back.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Mason Cooley
Don't stare into a mirror when you are trying to solve a problem.
- Mason Cooley
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Charles Dickens
Surely there had been no figure leaning on the back of his chair; no face looking over it. It is certain that no gliding footstep touched the floor, as he lifted up his head, with a start, and spoke. And yet there was no mirror in the room on whose surface his own form could have cast its shadow for a moment; and, Something had passed darkly and gone!
- Charles Dickens
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Pat Conroy
She had so mastered the strategies of camouflage that her own history had seemed a series of well-placed mirrors that kept her hidden from herself.
- Pat Conroy
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Mark Cuban
Everyday I look in the mirror and make sure I don't pinch myself so I don't wake up. I don't take it for granted. All the time I say: 'Why me?'
- Mark Cuban
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Gene Weingarten
I always thought there was some cleverness to the joke diet in which you could eat as much as you want and as often as you want, but everything must be consumed naked in front of a full-length mirror. That would deter me!
- Gene Weingarten
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Gerald Jampolsky
Everything we see is but a mirror of what we are.
- Gerald Jampolsky
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Suzanne Collins
Really, the combination of the scabs and the ointment looks hideous. I can't help enjoying his distress. "Poor Finnick. Is this the first time in your life you haven't looked pretty?" I say. "It must be. The sensation's completely new. How have you managed it all these years?" he asks. "Just avoid mirrors. You'll forget about it," I say. "Not if I keep looking at you," he says.
- Suzanne Collins
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Ice Cube
Most of the problems that we have are brought on by the government and not by music. Music is a mirror of what we're going through, not the cause of what we're going through.
- Ice Cube
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Johnny Depp
Every time I stand in front of mirror, I found my face too ugly, so I thought I have to get the role in some movies which cover my face with make up.
- Johnny Depp
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Neville Goddard
The world is a mirror in which everyone sees himself reflected
- Neville Goddard
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Laurie Halse Anderson
I pushed my ragged mouth against the mirror. A thousand crushed bleeding lips pushed back at me.
- Laurie Halse Anderson
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Jean Cocteau
Mirrors would do well to reflect a little more before sending back images.
- Jean Cocteau
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Bryce Dallas Howard
Joe [Wright] reached out to me and sent me a treatment, and I said yes on the spot just from the treatment. Within six weeks, I was in Cape Town and there was a script [of Black Mirror episode 'Nosedive'], but I didn't realize until I received the full script that Rashida [Jones] and Michael [Schur] had worked on it. It's a particularly funny episode. Joe and I always looked at it as a satire; it has a lot of comedic elements to it.
- Bryce Dallas Howard
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Bryce Dallas Howard
I saw an episode - the second episode [of Black Mirror], "Fifteen Million Merits" - and I completely flipped out: "This is what my nightmares are made of. This is the most terrifying thing I've ever seen."
- Bryce Dallas Howard
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Publilius Syrus
Speech is the mirror of the soul.
- Publilius Syrus
Collection: Mirrors
Image of George Eliot
I like breakfast-time better than any other moment in the day. No dust has settled on one's mind then, and it presents a clear mirror to the rays of things.
- George Eliot
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Drake
Young, dumb, lookin' in the mirror tryin' to figure out who I’m gonna be this year.
- Drake
Collection: Mirrors
Image of Clemence Poesy
An actor alone is a bit naked. Like when you do something in front of your mirror, you're usually really bad, because you're looking at yourself.
- Clemence Poesy
Collection: Mirrors