Top memories Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of memories quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more memories quotes.

Image of Marion Zimmer Bradley
There is no sorrow like the memory of love and the knowledge that it is gone forever.
- Marion Zimmer Bradley
Collection: Memories
Image of Czeslaw Milosz
I think that I am here, on this earth, to present a report on it, but to whom I don't know. As if I were sent so that whatever takes place has meaning because it changes into memory.
- Czeslaw Milosz
Collection: Memories
Image of Michel de Certeau
A memory is only a Prince Charming who stays just long enough to awaken the Sleeping Beauties of our wordless stories.
- Michel de Certeau
Collection: Memories
Image of David Rakoff
What remains of your past if you didn't allow yourself to feel it when it happened? If you don't have your experiences in the moment, if you gloss them over with jokes or zoom past them, you end up with curiously dispassionate memories.
- David Rakoff
Collection: Memories
Image of Kate Morton
Memory is a cruel mistress with whom we all must learn to dance.
- Kate Morton
Collection: Memories
Image of Holly Lisle
This is writing. You cut out chunks of your own memories, rework them, bleed into them, breathe into the raw clay, and hope the creature lives.
- Holly Lisle
Collection: Memories
Image of Sara Zarr
Forgetting isn't enough. You can paddle away from the memories and think they are gone. But they will keep floating back, again and again and agian. They circle you, like sharks. Until, unless, something, someone? Can do more than just cover the wound.
- Sara Zarr
Collection: Memories
Image of Sara Zarr
Because love, love is never finished. It circles and circles, the memories out of order and not always complete.
- Sara Zarr
Collection: Memories
Image of Sara Zarr
When the remembering was done, the forgetting could begin.
- Sara Zarr
Collection: Memories
Image of Chip Heath
The more hooks an idea has, the better it will cling to memory.
- Chip Heath
Collection: Memories
Image of Theodore White
History is always best written generations after the event, when clouded fact and memory have all fused into what can be accepted as truth, whether it be so or not.
- Theodore White
Collection: Memories
Image of Brian Falkner
We are our memories," Dodge said. "That's all we are. That's what makes us the person we are. The sum of all our memories from the day we were born. If you took a person and replaced his set of memories with another set, he'd be a different person. He'd think, act, and feel things differently.
- Brian Falkner
Collection: Memories
Image of Brian Falkner
She said, "You may be able to implant an image, even a taste or a smell, but I don't think you can implant the feelings that went with the experience that created the memory.
- Brian Falkner
Collection: Memories
Image of Tim O'Brien
Stories are for joining the past to the future. Stories are for those late hours in the night when you can't remember how you got from where you were to where you are. Stories ar for eternity, when memory is erased, when there is nothing to remember except the story.
- Tim O'Brien
Collection: Memories
Image of Tim O'Brien
They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die. Grief, terror, love, longing--these were intangibles, but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they had tangible weight. They carried shameful memories. They carried the common secret of cowardice.... Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to.
- Tim O'Brien
Collection: Memories
Image of Tim O'Brien
And in the end, of course, a true war story is never about war. It's about sunlight. It's about the special way that dawn spreads out on a river when you know you must cross the river and march into the mountains and do things you are afraid to do. It's about love and memory. It's about sorrow. It's about sisters who never write back and people who never listen.
- Tim O'Brien
Collection: Memories
Image of Jerry Stiller
I've got a prostate the size of a honeydew and a head full of bad memories.
- Jerry Stiller
Collection: Memories
Image of Daniel J. Siegel
We must keep in mind that only a part of memory can be translated into the language-based packets of information people use to tell their life stories to others. Learning to be open to many layers of communication is a fundamental part of getting to know another person's life.
- Daniel J. Siegel
Collection: Memories
Image of Daniel J. Siegel
At the most basic level, therefore, secure attachments in both childhood and adulthood are established by two individual's sharing a nonverbal focus on the energy flow (emotional states) and a verbal focus on the information-processing aspects (representational processes of memory and narrative) of mental life. The matter of the mind matters for secure attachments.
- Daniel J. Siegel
Collection: Memories
Image of Daniel J. Siegel
The amygdala, along with related areas..., plays a crucial role in coordinating perceptions with memory and behavior. These regions are especially sensitive to social interactions.
- Daniel J. Siegel
Collection: Memories
Image of Gordon Ramsay
However amazing a dish looks, it is always the taste that lingers in your memory. Family and friends will appreciate a meal that tastes superb-even if you've brought the pan to the table.
- Gordon Ramsay
Collection: Memories
Image of Jill Shalvis
Mallory dropped her head to the steering wheel. "Look, I'm mad at you, okay? This isn't about me. I know my painful memories are relative. My life is good. I'm lucky. This isn't about how poor little Mallory has had it so hard. I'm not falling apart or anything." He stroked a hand down her back. "Of course you're not. You're just holding the steering wheel up with your head for a minute, that's all.
- Jill Shalvis
Collection: Memories
Image of Kevin Williamson
The poets and philosophers I once loved had it wrong. Death does not come to us all, nor does the passage of time dim our memories and reduce our bodies to dust. Because while I was considered dead, and a headstone had been engraved with my name, in truth my life was just beginning.
- Kevin Williamson
Collection: Memories
Image of Sarah Strohmeyer
I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that's all you have - happy memories.
- Sarah Strohmeyer
Collection: Memories
Image of Anna Funder
Memory, like so much else, is unreliable. Not only for what it hides and what it alters, but also for what it reveals.
- Anna Funder
Collection: Memories
Image of Bill Johnson
One of the side effects of losing intimacy with God is that at some point we stop doing ministry out of imagination and we begin doing it out of memory.
- Bill Johnson
Collection: Memories
Image of George Benson
The less one remembers about the day before, the more the new day will be unfettered by triviality.
- George Benson
Collection: Memories
Image of Rachel Joyce
He must have driven this way countless times, and yet he had no memory of the scenery. He must have been so caught up in the day's agenda, and arriving punctually at their destination, that the land beyond the car had been no more than a wash of one green, and a backdrop of one hill. Life was very different when you walked through it.
- Rachel Joyce
Collection: Memories
Image of Mary E. Pearson
My memory is coming back. It is curious how it comes. Each day, a rush of pieces, loosely connected, unimportant bits, snake through me. They click, click, click into my brain, like links being snapped together. And then they are done. A small chain of memories that fill in one tiny part of my life. They come out of nowhere, and most are not important.
- Mary E. Pearson
Collection: Memories
Image of Mary E. Pearson
It's the unknown that I fear, the bites of memories that still have no connections.
- Mary E. Pearson
Collection: Memories
Image of Robin Wasserman
Now I existed solely thanks to the quantum paradox, my brain a collection of qubits in quantum superposition, encoding truths and memories, imagination and irrationality in opposing, contradictory states that existed and didn't exist, all at the same time.
- Robin Wasserman
Collection: Memories
Image of Deborah Smith
The hardest memories are the pieces of what might have been.
- Deborah Smith
Collection: Memories
Image of Christopher Pike
Truly it it not the tragedies that destroy us, but the memories of them.
- Christopher Pike
Collection: Memories
Image of Karen White
Death and loss, they plague you. So do memories. Like the Mississippi's incessant slap against the levees, they creep up with deceptive sweetness before grabbing your heart and pulling it under.
- Karen White
Collection: Memories
Image of Brian Morton
The moments of beauty, the moments when you feel blessed, are only moments; but memory and imagination, treasuring them, can string them together... Everything else passes away; that which you love remains.
- Brian Morton
Collection: Memories
Image of Elena Ferrante
Writers, because they write, are condemned never to be readers of their own stories...The memory of first putting a story into words will always prevent writers from reading their work as an ordinary reader would.
- Elena Ferrante
Collection: Memories
Image of Jessamyn West
The conversation of two people remembering, if the memory is enjoyable to both, rocks on like music or lovemaking. There is a rhythm and a predictability to it that each anticipates and relishes.
- Jessamyn West
Collection: Memories
Image of Liane Moriarty
A red traffic light loomed, and Cecilia slammed her foot on the brake. The fact that Polly no longer wanted a pirate party was breathtakingly insignificant in comparison to that poor man (thirty!) crashing to the ground for the freedom that Cecilia took for granted, but right now, she couldn’t pause to honor his memory, because a last-minute change of party theme was unacceptable. That’s what happened when you had freedom. You lost your mind over a pirate party.
- Liane Moriarty
Collection: Memories
Image of Alfred North Whitehead
What we perceive as the present is the vivid fringe of memory tinged with anticipation.
- Alfred North Whitehead
Collection: Memories
Image of Brian Weiss
You are not your body; you are not your brain, not even your mind. You are Spirit. All you have to do is reawaken to the memory, to remember.
- Brian Weiss
Collection: Memories
Image of Brian Weiss
Throughout history, humankind has been resistant to change and to the acceptance of new ideas... When Galileo discovered the moons of Jupiter, the astronomers of that time refused to accept or even to look at these satellites because the existence of these moons conflicted with their accepted beliefs. So it is now with psychiatrists and other therapists, who refuse to examine and evaluate the considerable evidence being gathered about survival after bodily death and about past life memories. Their eyes are tightly shut.
- Brian Weiss
Collection: Memories
Image of Sebastian Faulks
Memory is the only thing that binds you to earlier selves; for the rest, you become an entirely different being every decade or so, sloughing off the old persona, renewing and moving on. You are not who you were, he told her, nor who you will be.
- Sebastian Faulks
Collection: Memories
Image of Damon Galgut
Things happen once only and are never repeated, never return. Except in memory.
- Damon Galgut
Collection: Memories
Image of Paolo Giordano
You can fall ill with just a memory.
- Paolo Giordano
Collection: Memories
Image of Karen Joy Fowler
The happening and telling are very different things. This doesn’t mean that the story isn’t true, only that I honestly don’t know anymore if I really remember it or only remember how to tell it. Language does this to our memories, simplifies, solidifies, codifies, mummifies. An off-told story is like a photograph in a family album. Eventually it replaces the moment it was meant to capture.
- Karen Joy Fowler
Collection: Memories
Image of Stevie Smith
I love people, but I love the thought and memory of them just as much.
- Stevie Smith
Collection: Memories
Image of Lucy Maud Montgomery
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it.
- Lucy Maud Montgomery
Collection: Memories