Top medical Quotes Collection - Page 18

Discover a curated collection of medical quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 18 provides more medical quotes.

Image of Joel Fuhrman
We must always remember that all medical interventions have risk, and very little can be asserted with 100 percent certainty.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Medical
Image of Anthony Browne
After art college, I got a job as a medical illustrator, and I was pretty good. I had to imagine what was going on in the operations because the photographs just showed a mess.
- Anthony Browne
Collection: Medical
Image of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Nobody just leaves medical school, especially given it's fiercely competitive to get in. But I had a sister who was a doctor, another who was a pharmacist, a brother who was an engineer. So my parents already had sensible children who would be able to make an actual living, and I think they felt comfortable sacrificing their one strange child.
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Collection: Medical
Image of Kerby Jean-Raymond
I hope that people who don't believe depression is a real thing will stop calling people crazy, because that's dismissive and not a medical diagnosis.
- Kerby Jean-Raymond
Collection: Medical
Image of Jesse Spencer
I loved working on 'House,' but I never ever want to do another medical show. It's 'fiddly' stuff.
- Jesse Spencer
Collection: Medical
Image of Sam Kean
Even fictional characters sometimes receive unwarranted medical opinions. Doctors have diagnosed Ebenezer Scrooge with OCD, Sherlock Holmes with autism, and Darth Vader with borderline personality disorder.
- Sam Kean
Collection: Medical
Image of John Fleming
Uninsured care happens in this country, and here's the problem. It's not properly accounted for. The people who pay for uninsured care at the moment are the hospitals and the doctors and all of the medical providers.
- John Fleming
Collection: Medical
Image of Kent Brantly
On Octover 16th, 2013, I moved to Liberia with my family to serve as a medical missionary at ELWA Hospital in the capital city of Morovia.
- Kent Brantly
Collection: Medical
Image of Tom Brokaw
There's a lot of arrogance in the medical community. There are good, reliable websites you can go to for information - the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins.
- Tom Brokaw
Collection: Medical
Image of Jochen Zeitz
I was actually accepted into medical school in Italy. But then I wanted to come back and learn medicine in Germany. And while waiting, I decided to join a business school. I figured it would be useful for doctors to know some business as well!
- Jochen Zeitz
Collection: Medical
Image of Chris Squire
It's not beyond the possibility that there still could be a YES in 200 years' time... of course with different members, unless the medical profession comes up with something extraordinary.
- Chris Squire
Collection: Medical
Image of Ezekiel Emanuel
Medical school education and post graduate education emphasize thoroughness.
- Ezekiel Emanuel
Collection: Medical
Image of Elissa Slotkin
Even if you're not a union member, you've likely benefited from the hard-fought advancements our unions spearheaded: Have you taken a sick day, received paid leave for medical reasons or vacation, or received overtime pay? Unions paved the way for all of these.
- Elissa Slotkin
Collection: Medical
Image of Paul Berg
Today, it is research with human embryonic stem cells and attempts to prepare cloned stem cells for research and medical therapies that are being disavowed as being ethically unacceptable.
- Paul Berg
Collection: Medical
Image of Andreja Pejic
The Internet gave me the sense that there were words to describe my feelings and medical terms.
- Andreja Pejic
Collection: Medical
Image of Francis Collins
I think history would say that medical research has, throughout many changes of parties, remained as one of the shining lights of bipartisan agreement, that people are concerned about health for themselves, for their families, for their constituents.
- Francis Collins
Collection: Medical
Image of Rex Tillerson
More and more jobs are applying cutting-edge technologies and now demand deeper knowledge of math and science in positions that most people don't think of as STEM-related, including machinists, electricians, auto techs, medical technicians, plumbers and pipefitters.
- Rex Tillerson
Collection: Medical
Image of Kenneth Arrow
In 1963 and later papers, I pointed out that the special market characteristics of medical care and medical insurance could be explained by reference to differences in information among the parties involved.
- Kenneth Arrow
Collection: Medical
Image of Ralph Merkle
Today we see a human population of over 6 billion people, many of whom have serious medical conditions, which either can't be treated or cannot be treated economically.
- Ralph Merkle
Collection: Medical
Image of Warwick Davis
When I was born in 1970 with a rare genetic disorder called spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita (SED), medical science wasn't what it is today and my mum and dad were treated terribly by the medical profession.
- Warwick Davis
Collection: Medical
Image of Ben Goldacre
Yes. I'm a doctor, an epidemiologist, and lots of my professional colleagues flip back and forth between industry and medical roles. I know them; they are not bad people. But it is possible for good people in bad systems to do things that inflict enormous harm.
- Ben Goldacre
Collection: Medical
Image of Edwin Moses
I wanted to go to medical school. But, I never got a college scholarship.
- Edwin Moses
Collection: Medical
Image of Greg Mortenson
My father ended up starting the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre, which is on the slopes of Kilimanjaro. My mother started a school.
- Greg Mortenson
Collection: Medical
Image of Rachel Brosnahan
It's very difficult when you have $1.50 per day to spend on food and drink, but for people who live this reality, that money also has to cover medical expenses and education, fuel and shelter - sometimes for an entire family.
- Rachel Brosnahan
Collection: Medical
Image of James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
I think for the wounded, ill and injured warriors, they need the best possible care that we can give them - a continuum of care that not only started on the battlefield and extended all the way to the wonderful medical facilities that we have here in the United States - but beyond.
- James A. Winnefeld, Jr.
Collection: Medical
Image of Khaled Hosseini
I entered the literary world, really, from outside. My entire background has been in sciences; I was a biology major in college, then went to medical school. I've never had any formal training in writing.
- Khaled Hosseini
Collection: Medical
Image of William Henry Danforth
St. Louis has always been a great center for medicine. It has been a leader in the nation since the early part of the 20th century. Along with that, we've been a leader in medical science and biomedical science and innovation in medicine.
- William Henry Danforth
Collection: Medical
Image of Richard Dooling
And it was back in the mid-1980s, and as I point out in a piece, that was when we are spending about eight percent of our gross domestic product on health care. And even then, we had the impression that so much of the excessive, aggressive medical treatment that took place at the end of life was not only unnecessary but it was cruel.
- Richard Dooling
Collection: Medical
Image of Joel Fuhrman
Out of one pocket we pay billions of our tax dollars to support the production of expensive, disease-causing foods. Out of the other pocket, we pay medical bills that are too high because our overweight population consumes too much of these rich, disease-causing foods.
- Joel Fuhrman
Collection: Medical
Image of Siddhartha Mukherjee
A strong intuition is much more powerful than a weal test. Normals teach us rules; outliers teach us laws. For every perfect medical experiment, there is a perfect human bias.
- Siddhartha Mukherjee
Collection: Medical
Image of Chloe Madeley
I started to get quite bad panic attacks when I was in my late teens, and I began running because I wanted to do everything I could before going down the medical route.
- Chloe Madeley
Collection: Medical
Image of Edgar Davids
Sometimes I don't even accept the simplest medical treatment, such as, for example, the anti-flu vaccine.
- Edgar Davids
Collection: Medical
Image of Ada Yonath
My memories from my childhood are centered on my father's medical conditions alongside my constant desire to understand the principles of the nature around me.
- Ada Yonath
Collection: Medical
Image of Samuel Wilson
I spent some time at White Memorial Medical Center as a senior medical student doing a rotation in surgery; however, I felt I wasn't getting enough time assisting.
- Samuel Wilson
Collection: Medical
Image of S. Jay Olshansky
The way that we are going after ageing, I think, is a problem. The modern medical model is basically designed to attack one disease at a time. Independent of all other diseases and independent of the basic process of ageing itself.
- S. Jay Olshansky
Collection: Medical
Image of John Cameron
I have devoted much time and energy to helping medical physics in developing countries.
- John Cameron
Collection: Medical
Image of Peter Shilton
When you talk about obesity, there's so many things that can cause that. It can be a medical thing, or down to the individual. There's a lot of other things involved than eating a Mars bar.
- Peter Shilton
Collection: Medical
Image of Sue Kelly
The sacrifices made by veterans and their willingness to fight in defense of our nation merit our deep respect and praise - and to the best in benefits and medical care.
- Sue Kelly
Collection: Medical
Image of Taylor Wilson
I've been focused on detecting nuclear terrorism at ports, in cargo containers, and I developed and built detectors that are extremely cheap and also very sensitive. My other big development is a system to produce medical isotopes that are injected into patients and used to diagnose and treat cancer.
- Taylor Wilson
Collection: Medical
Image of Daniel Nathans
And of course, identifying all human genes and proteins will have great medical significance.
- Daniel Nathans
Collection: Medical
Image of Sherwin B. Nuland
I never had a conscious fear of death, but I did have a conscious fear of sickness. By the time I completed medical school, that fear was gone.
- Sherwin B. Nuland
Collection: Medical
Image of Anne Wojcicki
The paternalism of the medical industry is insane.
- Anne Wojcicki
Collection: Medical
Image of Lisa Madigan
While most of us are trying to be more frugal, the loss of a job, a divorce, or a medical emergency can quickly sink us deeply into debt.
- Lisa Madigan
Collection: Medical
Image of Mark Walport
Medical engineering is one of the areas in which the traditional 'silo' structures of university disciplines have not encouraged collaboration.
- Mark Walport
Collection: Medical
Image of Sheri Fink
Be an advocate for your loved ones in the hospital. Ask tough questions of your local hospital and health system about preparedness for the likeliest emergencies, and express your views on how medical resources should be allocated in case they ever fall short.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Medical
Image of Jed Mercurio
'Cardiac Arrest' was the first British drama to use a lot of medical jargon. 'ER' began the following year and was the first American drama to do that.
- Jed Mercurio
Collection: Medical
Image of Cote de Pablo
I love the Discovery Channel. I love all sorts of medical shows. I love a show called 'Diagnosis: Unknown.'
- Cote de Pablo
Collection: Medical
Image of Sharad Pawar
I am not an expert in medical field.
- Sharad Pawar
Collection: Medical
Image of Patrick Soon-Shiong
I have an obligation to use what I know to try to bring real, usable medical science to every doctor and bedside and patient.
- Patrick Soon-Shiong
Collection: Medical