Andreja Pejic

Image of Andreja Pejic
The beauty of my journey is that it's always been pretty unpredictable, so stay tuned.
- Andreja Pejic
Collection: Beauty
Image of Andreja Pejic
To all trans youth out there, I would like to say respect yourself and be proud of who you are.
- Andreja Pejic
Collection: Respect
Image of Andreja Pejic
In this society, if a man is called a woman, that's the biggest insult he could get. Is that because women are considered something less?
- Andreja Pejic
Collection: Society
Image of Andreja Pejic
The Internet gave me the sense that there were words to describe my feelings and medical terms.
- Andreja Pejic
Collection: Medical
Image of Andreja Pejic
My dream was, start young, take hormones, live as a woman, try and become as passable as possible, bury your past, change your friends. Now I've realised that I don't have to be ashamed of my past.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I was born a girl; it just took me a little while to become one fully.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I take biotin and silica for my hair to grow faster, but it's good for your skin, too.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I would go through my mother's makeup kit, and I think she thought it was really cute. I was only three or four years old.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I have a very angular face, so my makeup routine is focused around softening my features, and I've finally learned how to contour to my advantage.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Growing up, I was quite self-conscious about getting too tall, but then I realized, 'You know what? I can use it to my advantage. Big is beautiful.'
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Instead of trying to be the queen of cool, it feels like more of an achievement to work with mainstream brands and reach as many people as possible. It's more unexpected for someone like me.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I usually wake up around 9, and the first thing I do is make myself a cup of tea. I drink a lot of tea - green tea, white tea, and all kinds of herbal teas.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Weirdly enough, I'm a macroeconomics enthusiast.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Stepping outside of my personal bubble, or that of fashion or beauty, is pretty important to me.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I kick off my metabolism with a glass of O.J. and a pretty big smoothie. I put in chia seeds, flax seeds, raw organic honey, fresh spinach, hemp seeds, avocado, matcha, spirulina, raw almond butter, almond milk, berries, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Women are not baby machines. There's a lot more to being a woman, so reducing them to that is quite disgusting.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
My mum would say sometimes, 'Do you think you might be gay?' But it wasn't that. When I imagined myself in a romantic setting, it was heterosexual, but I was just always a girl.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
It used to be so important to choose what you were. Gay or straight. Male or female. I think the new generation is more fluid.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Radical feminists are often highly conservative in many areas except for women's rights, and LGBT activists can be the same.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Ever since Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. election, I've been trying to expand my scope to understand the thought processes of people who don't see the world, or humanity, as I do.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I've given up trying to convince the world about the authenticity of my femininity.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
To demand that people find their assigned narrow corridors of culture or ethnicity or gender, expecting people to forevermore stay in that lane, is to limit our human potential. It's oppressive.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
The fact that my body is presented as an unrealistic ideal of 'beauty' to the world doesn't stop me - or most other models - from feeling unsure about ourselves.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Makeup contracts are the Oscars of the modeling world.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I just want to prove that I can do anything any other female model can do.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
There are so many male models who are working in high fashion, and they are broke. It's good to be a woman.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
If I wasn't modeling, I'd be studying economics or international politics.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
On a personal level, my mom is my biggest inspiration. She's always been an idol for me. I used to dream about growing up and being like her.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I definitely did look back into the past when I was a teenager for transgender icons, like a famous model called Tula in the 1970s-'80s who starred as a 'Bond' girl.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I want to see creativity that breaks boundaries and isn't just about money.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Other women don't go around saying, 'Wow, I'm female.' They have room in their lives for other things. That's my goal. One day, I would like to be just another girl.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
The way I need to look, it's a very personal thing. When I started experimenting, it was to make myself feel happy, to look in the mirror and be satisfied. I never did drag or anything like that. It was always that I wanted to be pretty, to look beautiful, as a girl would want to.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
It's not like, 'Okay, today I want to look like a man, or today I want to look like a woman.' I want to look like me. It just so happens that some of the things I like are feminine.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I love costume jewelry, the stuff Givenchy/Riccardo Tisci do, and old school rock n' roll jewelry, too.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
The first time I came to New York - and the first time I saw the movie 'Paris Is Burning' - I learned about the homeless LGBT culture in New York City that goes back to the '80s. I found that very interesting, and it's definitely something that I care about.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I was lucky to grow up in a family where your parents loved you no matter what you were or what you came out as, and a lot of kids don't have that ride.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I think a life of a human being is not something you can explain in a few interview questions. The stuff you do in the media is sometimes a great reflection and sometimes not a great reflection of who you are as a person.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Fashion is quite inclusive and good at embracing different things and different forms of beauty. It's a very liberal industry. You can be yourself.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
Mum's very proud. She finds every picture of me and has them on every wall.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I would love to bring my mum to see me in shows and travel Europe with me because she has done so, so much for me.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
My first passion is politics.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
People would be surprised by me if they knew I was humble.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
When I'm nervous, I can't eat or sleep.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
When I was 12, I thought I wanted to be a witch.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I was prom queen, and the year before, I was prom king. It was kind of the same; you just got a differently shaped crown.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I'm comfortable in my skin, and for my look to be celebrated is great.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I think, at the end of the day, you have to live a truthful life and be true to yourself. You have one life, and everything has to fall into place around that.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
For a long time after childhood ended and before I expressed my femininity through androgyny, I really didn't like looking in the mirror much because I just felt like I wasn't attractive.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
I love Amanda Lear, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone.
- Andreja Pejic
Image of Andreja Pejic
You can wax on so much about your figure and your skin and your face and all of those really important, and I'm all about skin and keeping it healthy, but if you don't have confidence, none of it matters.
- Andreja Pejic