Sheri Fink

Image of Sheri Fink
It remains to be seen the extent to which the critical needs of seniors in low income high rises, people with home medical needs and those with disabilities have been adequately planned for and met during widespread power outages. I fear the answers.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Medical
Image of Sheri Fink
Before journalism, I had worked doing medical aid work in conflict zones. Then, as a journalist, I had written about hospitals in war zones.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Medical
Image of Sheri Fink
Be an advocate for your loved ones in the hospital. Ask tough questions of your local hospital and health system about preparedness for the likeliest emergencies, and express your views on how medical resources should be allocated in case they ever fall short.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Medical
Image of Sheri Fink
Every day is a great day to give love, spread joy, and SPARKLE!
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Giving
Image of Sheri Fink
Often in life, the most important question we can ask ourselves is: do we really have the problem we think we have?
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Thinking
Image of Sheri Fink
Being your authentic self is the ultimate secret to happiness in life!
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Self
Image of Sheri Fink
Our dreams are expressions of our inner beauty. I've learned that it's completely okay to want whatever you want.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Dream
Image of Sheri Fink
A patient healthy enough to undergo a kidney transplant might someday no longer need dialysis. That would free up a slot for a new patient.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Healthy
Image of Sheri Fink
Alignment = Magic & Miracles ... Keep your standards high. YOU are worth it!
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Miracle
Image of Sheri Fink
Is the care of the dying man truly robbing care from the poor man? How reliably can we know when someone is in the last ten days of life?
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Men
Image of Sheri Fink
But we have gone so far in the direction of over treating terminal patients that we've failed to recognize when we're doing more harm than good.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Gone
Image of Sheri Fink
That being said, even if we cannot achieve it, journalism that strives toward objectivity and fairness has an important place in our society. So, too, does being honest and open when presenting our own opinions, as you do so well in your book
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Book
Image of Sheri Fink
Of course, no matter how hard we try to be objective as reporters, our life experiences and personal circumstances influence our journalism, including the choice of topics we pursue.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Choices
Image of Sheri Fink
Also, and this may sound naïve, but since my early days in journalism, I've felt that getting as close as possible to truth, revealing the reality of a situation in detail, has its own persuasive power. This allows readers to look at the facts and the perspectives presented and draw informed conclusions.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Reality
Image of Sheri Fink
Soon after a disaster passes, we tend to turn our eyes away and focus our resources on the day-to-day, rather than on preparing for the rare, but foreseeable and potentially catastrophic disaster. It's another form of triage, how much we invest in preparing for that, a very important question for public policy. We are a short-sighted species.
- Sheri Fink
Collection: Eye