Top Meaningful Quotes Collection - Page 9

Discover a curated collection of Meaningful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 9 provides more Meaningful quotes.

Image of Paul Hindemith
Your task it is, amid confusion, rush, and noise, to grasp the lasting, calm and meaningful, and finding it anew, to hold and treasure it.
- Paul Hindemith
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Meyer Schapiro
Style is, above all, a system of forms with a quality and a meaningful expression through which the personality of the artist andthe broad outlook of a group are visible,... communicating and fixing certain values of religious, social, and moral life through the emotional suggestiveness of forms. It is, besides, a common ground against which innovations and individuality of particular works may be measured.
- Meyer Schapiro
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Alex Kendrick
Love is the most important ingredient to any meaningful relationship. It is fundamental to true significance. Your quality of life is directly tied to the amount of love flowing in you and through you to others. Though it's often overlooked, love is infinitely more valuable than riches, fame, and honor. They will pass away, but love remains. You can be fulfilled without these, but not without love.
- Alex Kendrick
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mikal Cronin
We found ourselves becoming more serious about playing music than our friends were - or just more committed and had more meaningful connections. I realized then that I would probably be playing in bands for the rest of my life; that that's what made me happy. Even though it's awesome that people are paying attention - buying records or selling shows out - I never have that conscious thought about, "this is going to be the band that will tour the world."
- Mikal Cronin
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Irena Klepfisz
The aspirations of most people--security, pleasure, leisure, meaningful work, creative and intellectual pursuits--are to be supported. These desires and dreams are not shameful. In supporting them, we are showing solidarity with working people, for whom these are luxuries and not givens.
- Irena Klepfisz
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Margo Timmins
Well, you know, when you're putting together a show, you've got to be careful not to load it up with the new stuff. We have to play the songs that people want to hear, too. People may come thinking, "Oh, I've just got to hear this song." Or maybe they'll write me a letter saying a certain song is really meaningful to them, so we'll be sure to play those songs.
- Margo Timmins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bell Hooks
Dominator culture has tried to keep us all afraid, to make us choose safety instead of risk, sameness instead of diversity. Moving through that fear, finding out what connects us, revelling in our differences; this is the process that brings us closer, that gives us a world of shared values, of meaningful community.
- Bell Hooks
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Benjamin L. Corey
If one takes a public stand against, say, most any sin you can think of, one is considered "courageous" and a "defender of the faith." Folks will quickly applaud you and tell you how much they admire you for "taking a stand" on biblical truth. Except if you quote Matt. 5:44 and invite people to apply it in any sort of meaningful, literal way. The moment one begins to talk about loving your enemies they all of a sudden become "liberals," "extremists," or are accused of completely taking an otherwise straight forward passage "out of context.
- Benjamin L. Corey
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Barbara Crampton
Everybody can justify their actions. We all think that we're doing things for reasons that are meaningful to us. Maybe not to other people, but to us.
- Barbara Crampton
Collection: Meaningful
Image of John C. Norcross
Realizing your goal, resolution, or transformation is a journey. Change, like any meaningful endeavor, proceeds sequentially through steps. The journey begins with the contemplation stage of specifying realistic goals, getting ready, or getting psyched. The planning stage is all about prepping. How exactly will I do this thing? At some point you will jump from preparing and planning to perspiring, the work of implementing the new, desired behavior. Getting there is wonderful, but we need to keep you there, which entails persevering through slips and, finally, persisting over time.
- John C. Norcross
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Steve Guttenberg
Any kind of writing that's meaningful becomes hard work, so there were times when it would really flow, there were times when I'd get 10 pages a day, and then there were days when I would do three pages. Depends on the thickness of the material. If it's satisfying, it's hard, but it's pretty wonderful.
- Steve Guttenberg
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Nathan Shedroff
Information design addresses the organization and presentation of data: its transformation into valuable, meaningful information.
- Nathan Shedroff
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Nathan Shedroff
Rules of Play is an exhaustive, clear, cogent, and complete resource for understanding games and game design. Salen and Zimmerman describe an encyclopedia of game design issues, techniques, and attributes. In particular, they analyze the elements that can make a game experience richer, more interesting, more emotional, more meaningful, and, ultimately, more successful. It should be the first stop you make when learning about game design.
- Nathan Shedroff
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Rutger Hauer
Whatsoever your hand finds to do, do it gladly. Because there is no work, love, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave.
- Rutger Hauer
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ray William Johnson
Be yourself, build meaningful relationships, follow your dreams.
- Ray William Johnson
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Anthony Davis
Time and rhythm are the most important elements in music. If both aren't well conceived, organized, and executed, no amount of notes will make the piece a meaningful artistic experience.
- Anthony Davis
Collection: Meaningful
Image of John S. Hall
I have tried very hard to find meaning in what I do, but I have found instead a vast and limitless nothingness. I tried to embrace the nothingness, but it slipped through my grasp, and now there is nothing where the nothingness was. This may sound meaningful, but it isn't.
- John S. Hall
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Vani Hari
When I see someone either break free from the grips of the food industry, leave their job for something more meaningful, or start to be in a relationship that really helps them become who they're supposed to be, that inspires me.
- Vani Hari
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Dan S Kennedy
Productivity is the deliberate, strategic investment of your time, talent, intelligence, energy, resources, and opportunities in a manner calculated to move you measurably closer to meaningful goals.
- Dan S Kennedy
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Hari Nef
We consume luxury. We participate in the image industry in a meaningful way, and we have a look and a background that should be taken on its own terms.
- Hari Nef
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Andre Vltchek
People have to be engaged. Enough of nihilism! Enough of emptiness and defeatism! Fighting for a better world is not only the decent thing to do, it is also fun; it is meaningful and fulfilling.
- Andre Vltchek
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Kenneth Cole
Social media has totally transformed the way we communicate with each other and the way we provide for needs as we see them. I've always believed that if somebody looks good, they invariably are going to feel good. And it's self-fulfilling, because you'll just relax, you'll smile, you'll think you own the world. But if you also do good, you'll feel even better. So my goal is to make what we do meaningful in as many people's lives as we can.
- Kenneth Cole
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Zelig Pliskin
What would you love to achieve and accomplish? What would you feel great about doing in your life? What meaningful goals would you wish to reach? Imagine achieving and accomplishing everything that you would wish [dream] for. Picture yourself reaching your highest aspirations and your most meaningful goals. Visualize yourself speaking and acting the way you would wish with the highest and best character traits.
- Zelig Pliskin
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Gary A. Klein
Many change initiatives are poorly thought out, and rolled out prematurely. Others are genuinely good ideas but the proponents underestimate the amount of time needed to make the change. And, I agree, true change usually requires people giving something up and so resistance is pretty well guaranteed for any meaningful change.
- Gary A. Klein
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Joshua Rogers
Creativity doesn’t come from glancing quickly at your Twitter feed while in line at Starbucks. It comes from deep thought. It comes from voraciously reading books—long books that require focused attention. It comes from meaningful discourse with other intellectually curious people. It comes from listening and asking good questions.
- Joshua Rogers
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Dag Hammarskjold
I don't know Who, or what, put the question, I don't know when it was put. I don't even remember answering. But at some moment I did answer Yes to Someone, or Something,and from that hour I was certain that existence is meaningful and that, therefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal.
- Dag Hammarskjold
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Seymour Krim
Insanity and psychosis can no longer be respected as meaningful [terms] - but are used by limited individuals in positions of social power to describe ways of behaving and thinking that are alien, threatening, and obscure to them.
- Seymour Krim
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ellen Pao
I don't encourage people to litigate when facing discrimination: It is so hard - painful and difficult. It's draining financially, emotionally, and professionally. But when you see that you could be the person who impacts the conversation in a meaningful way - or that you could inspire a few people to feel better about themselves, to speak up, to inspire others, to create this broader wave of change - I don't regret that at all.
- Ellen Pao
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sergio De La Pava
Intellectual discourse and investigation is admittedly great fun but only truly meaningful when conducted in the service of others.
- Sergio De La Pava
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Joe Sample
That was an idea of the record company, and also that was my first album after MCA and we wanted to come back with a strong album that would be noticed. If we put the vocals by very talented people and very meaningful songs, then the vocals would be a platform so that I could be noticed again. All of the MCA albums were just loaded with problems -- you know, the right musicians, the engineers. The record company would say 'You have to make music for black radio, you can't do what you have been doing with The Crusaders.' Everybody was telling me that was over, finished, done.
- Joe Sample
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Michael Kimmel
I believe that Americans are entitled. We're entitled to have a job that makes us feel like we have some dignity in our lives, that we live a life of integrity, and that we have good family relationships and our relationships with our friends and our families and our coworkers are enriching and meaningful.
- Michael Kimmel
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Graham Hancock
There can be no more intimate and elemental part of the individual than his or her own consciousness. At the deepest level, our consciousness is what we are - to the extent that if we are not sovereign over our own consciousness then we cannot in any meaningful sense be sovereign over anything else either.
- Graham Hancock
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Donna Farhi
Life is not inherently meaningful. We make meaning happen through the attention and care we express through our actions.
- Donna Farhi
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Cory Trepanier
Create quality art.... meaningful, passionate and high quality work! If it's not meaningful to you, how can you expect it to be meaningful to anyone else?
- Cory Trepanier
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Anthony H. Cordesman
There is no clear or meaningful difference between insurgency and civil war, or between national terrorism and civil war for that matter.
- Anthony H. Cordesman
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Pamela Love
To me, jewelry is a natural progression and there is something so meaningful and magical about creating that one of a kind, special piece.
- Pamela Love
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Judy Tatelbaum
Another misconception is that if we truly loved someone, we will never finish with our grief, as if continued sorrow is a testimonial to our love. But true love does not need grief to support its truth. Love can last in a healthy and meaningful way, once our grief is dispelled. We can honor our dead more by the quality of our continued living than by our constantly remembering the past.
- Judy Tatelbaum
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Kweisi Mfume
Even if they're not reaching out to us, we're going to reach out to them anyway and involve them in a meaningful way. Because if we don't, we will fail to learn the lesson of a generation before us, that reached out for us and never let us go.
- Kweisi Mfume
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mireille Guiliano
Making choices that are meaningful to you is the essence of the French woman's secret.
- Mireille Guiliano
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Dustin Hoffman
37 seconds, well used, is a lifetime.
- Dustin Hoffman
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Gerald Brommer
Content is the meaningful substance of the work.
- Gerald Brommer
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ivan Illich
Most learning is not the result of instruction. It is rather the result of unhampered participation in a meaningful setting. Most people learn best by being "with it," yet school makes them identify their personal, cognitive growth with elaborate planning and manipulation.
- Ivan Illich
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Larry Howes
One of my favorite writers is short story writer/essayist Jorge Luis Borges, who was blind. I'm not claiming to be anything remotely resembling a talent of Borges' caliber, but he is an inspiration and a proof that one can be a meaningful and successful writer while blind.
- Larry Howes
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Richard Jenkins
Life is too god damn short and you can't waste a minute of it.
- Richard Jenkins
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jan Hunt
Children raised with love and compassion will be free to use their time as adults in meaningful and creative ways, rather than expressing their childhood hurts in ways that harm themselves or others. If adults have no need to deal with the past, they can live fully in the present.
- Jan Hunt
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Amy Adams
If you're not excited by it, why do you do it?
- Amy Adams
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Samuel L. Jackson
You ain't got but one life. You ought to live it the way you want.
- Samuel L. Jackson
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Wolfgang Tillmans
Growing up in the '80s, questions of style and music and youth culture all seemed inherently political - like gay rights issues, dressing up, wearing makeup, arms protests. A lot of attitude and opinions were expressed through clothes, and they all were meaningful. So in that way, I was so excited about the connection between our private lives and politics - who I kiss, how I like to dance.
- Wolfgang Tillmans
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Thomas Keller
I think that's the important thing - being aware of that inspiration and being able to interpret it into something that's meaningful for you.
- Thomas Keller
Collection: Meaningful