Top Meaningful Quotes Collection - Page 7

Discover a curated collection of Meaningful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 7 provides more Meaningful quotes.

Image of John Fahey
More American young people can tell you where an island that the 'Survivor' TV series came from is located than can identify Afghanistan or Iraq. Ironically a TV show seems more real or at least more meaningful interesting or relevant than reality.
- John Fahey
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ed Seykota
Risk no more that you can afford to lose, and also risk enough so that a win is meaningful.
- Ed Seykota
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Terry Winograd
Ultimately, we are seeking a better understanding of what is means to be human. In this quest, progress is not made by finding the "right" answers, but by asking meaningful questions.
- Terry Winograd
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Dee Rees
I just want to tell stories that are meaningful and have inspiration to them; people can watch it and take away something or maybe they'll just think about themselves differently, or thing about the world differently. I just want to create characters that live on.
- Dee Rees
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Elinor Ostrom
Some of the homes that have been built in the last 10 years just appall me. Why do humans need huge homes? I was born poor and I didn’t know you bought clothes at anything but the Goodwill until I went to college. Some of our mentality about what it means to have a good life is, I think, not going to help us in the next 50 years. We have to think through how to choose a meaningful life where we’re helping one another in ways that really help the Earth.
- Elinor Ostrom
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jenna Elfman
I do not see how it's possible to have a "friends with benefits" lifestyle, because if the sex is great, it's going to naturally expand into a more meaningful relationship. Otherwise, it's just a booty call.
- Jenna Elfman
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Patricia Piccinini
It's interesting to work with what's important today, which is meaningful for our everyday lives.
- Patricia Piccinini
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sabina Murray
Perhaps no man is an island, but every man and woman is a nation unto herself. I actually had to look up the definition of "nation"; this is how awkward my relation is to this concept. And it is defined as, "a large aggregate of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular country or territory." Perhaps if you replace "descent" with "dissent" the definition becomes more meaningful.
- Sabina Murray
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Andrew W.K.
In some ways, you do lose a bit of freedom but as you get older, you might realize that you've met someone pretty cool - maybe a soulmate - so you're getting released from the endless pursuit of going out and trying to meet new people. So now you get to put your energy into building something that's longer lasting and a bit more meaningful.
- Andrew W.K.
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ann Druyan
I remember that one time Carl Sagan was giving a talk, and he spelled out, in a kind of withering succession, these great theories of demotion that science has dealt us, all of the ways in which science is telling us we are not who we would like to believe we are. At the end of it, a young man came up to him and he said: "What do you give us in return? Now that you've taken everything from us? What meaning is left, if everything that I've been taught since I was a child turns out to be untrue?" Carl looked at him and said, Do something meaningful.
- Ann Druyan
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Richard Dreyfuss
Wake up and live. It's a fast world out there.
- Richard Dreyfuss
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Robert Reynolds
The search for a meaningful painting subject is a search for ourselves.
- Robert Reynolds
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Kurt Koffka
It has been said: The whole is more than the sum of its parts. It is more correct to say that the whole is something else than the sum of its parts, because summing up is a meaningless procedure, whereas the whole-part relationship is meaningful.
- Kurt Koffka
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Victor Papanek
Design is a conscious and intuitive effort to impose meaningful order. Design is both the underlying matrix of order and the tool that creates it.
- Victor Papanek
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Victor Papanek
Design is the conscious effort to impose a meaningful order
- Victor Papanek
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Guy Finley
Instead of always asking yourself why so-and-so acts this or that way, learn to ask: "What's inside of me that wants to hurt itself over how anyone else acts?"
- Guy Finley
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Carl Honore
The great benefit of slowing down is reclaiming the time and tranquility to make meaningful connections--with people, with culture, with work, with nature, with our own bodies and minds
- Carl Honore
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jonathan Cainer
Nothing in this world is more powerful, or more dangerous, than the truth. That's why some people go to such lengths to avoid hearing it. It may also be why others strive so hard to keep their conversations empty. They wouldn't want to find themselves accidentally saying something meaningful that might bring about a change.
- Jonathan Cainer
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jonathan Cainer
Passion is essential for a meaningful existence. Life is about what you feel.
- Jonathan Cainer
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Scott Kim
My goal as a puzzle designer is to create a meaningful experience for the player, not just 'I solved it,'
- Scott Kim
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Susan Harris
Many South Africans qualify for working visas in the UK and are keen to experience working and living overseas. However, more and more young people are rebelling against the materialistic 'me' generation and are keen to find meaningful work during their stay.
- Susan Harris
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Antony Hegarty
What separates people that create from the people that don't is just one's ability to take action despite the fear, you know? Or to suspend the fear, or more commonly, the voice of judgment within yourself that says, "This isn't good enough. You don't deserve to do this. You're not worthy. Your expression isn't meaningful. You have nothing to contribute, just get back to your 9-to-5 job." It's not so much that I don't have all those same voices, it's more just that for some reason as a kid I was shameless enough that could plow through them for long enough to get something on the table.
- Antony Hegarty
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Paul Feyerabend
Those who violate the rules of a language do not enter new territory; they leave the domain of meaningful discourse. Even facts in these circumstances dissolve, because they are shaped by the language and subjected to its limitations.
- Paul Feyerabend
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Amanda Ripley
Resilience is a precious skill. People who have it tend to also have three underlying advantages: a believe that they can influence life events; a tendency to find meaningful purpose in life’s turmoil; and a conviction that they can learn from both positive and negative experiences.
- Amanda Ripley
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Albert Goldbarth
I hope any poem I've ever written could stand on its own and not need to be a part of biography, critical theory or cultural studies. I don't want to give a poetry reading and have to provide the story behind the poem in order for it to make sense to an audience. I certainly don't want the poem to require a critical intermediary - a "spokescritic." I want my poems to be independently meaningful moments of power for a good reader. And that's the expectation I initially bring to other poets' writing.
- Albert Goldbarth
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ken Cohen
Silence is the foundation of truth. Words are most meaningful when they emerge from silence and when they are received by a quiet mind.
- Ken Cohen
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Nate Green
Focusing on one thing without interruption is how you get meaningful work done.
- Nate Green
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Soledad O'Brien
People want to know how do they pay for education and they want to figure out how to find and maintain meaningful employment. Education and the economy are polled by Latinos as the top two most important issues. But those are also the issues that everyone cares about, regardless of race; so we don't need to be divided over it.
- Soledad O'Brien
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Khoi Vinh
I think design does evolve in a meaningful sense. I think if you look at design as a part of the continuum of communication, since even before Guttenberg.
- Khoi Vinh
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mary Travers
We hadn't sung together in six years. We realized that we'd missed each other personally and musically, so we decided to try a limited reunion tour. We wanted to work together enough to have it be a meaningful part of our lives, but not so much that it wouldn't be fun.
- Mary Travers
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mihai Eminescu
I understand that a man can have everything having nothing and nothing having everything.
- Mihai Eminescu
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Becca Fitzpatrick
I love you,Nora. Whatever happens, promise me you'll remember that. I don't care why you came into my life,only that you did. I don't remember all the things i did wrong. I remember what i did right, I remember you. You made my life meaningful. You made my life special.
- Becca Fitzpatrick
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Lou Ferrigno
I certainly don't agree with the bodybuilders who say you can get big forearms just by squeezing the dumbbell handles when doing curls. In a few cases this may be true, but those guys would build big forearms by merely eating eggs in the morning. Most bodybuilders, myself included, have to work very hard for any kind of meaningful forearm development.
- Lou Ferrigno
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Leonard Baskin
There is, however, a change going on in the world. There's far more interest in drawing now than there has been in a long, long time. Schools are beginning to teach drawing again in a serious and meaningful way.
- Leonard Baskin
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mel Thompson
If you don't stand for something, you stand for nothing.
- Mel Thompson
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jonathan Gottschall
The storytelling mind is allergic to uncertainty, randomness, and coincidence. It is addicted to meaning. If the storytelling mind cannot find meaningful patterns in the world, it will try to impose them. In short, the storytelling mind is a factory that churns out true stories when it can, but will manufacture lies when it can’t.
- Jonathan Gottschall
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Vikram Sarabhai
There are some who question the relevance of space activities in a developing nation. To us, there is no ambiguity of purpose. We do not have the fantasy of competing with the economically advanced nations in the exploration of the moon or the planets or manned space-flight. But we are convinced that if we are to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society.
- Vikram Sarabhai
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Vikram Sarabhai
But we are convinced that if we are to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society.
- Vikram Sarabhai
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Wells Tower
I think what people really want is fiction that in some tiny way makes their life more meaningful and makes the world seem like a richer place. The world is awfully short on joy and richness, and I think to some extent it’s the fiction writer’s job to salvage some of that and to give it to us in ways that we can believe in.
- Wells Tower
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jeff Mangum
Soft silly music is meaningful, magical.
- Jeff Mangum
Collection: Meaningful
Image of David Blumenthal
I resisted using EHRs while an internist in Boston, as I wrote in my blog, ‘Why Be a Meaningful User.’ Over time, however, I found that working with health IT made me a better and safer physician. Most importantly, my patients received better, safer care and improved outcomes.
- David Blumenthal
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Oliver Burkeman
Resisting a task is usually a sign that it's meaningful-which is why it's awakening your fears and stimulating procrastination. You could adopt "Do whatever you're resisting the most" as a philosophy of life.
- Oliver Burkeman
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Drew Gilpin Faust
If you don't pursue what you think will be most meaningful, you will regret it. Life is long. There is always time for Plan B. But don't begin with it.
- Drew Gilpin Faust
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Antwone Fisher
The meaningful times, the meaningful people, even the people who were not so meaningful, but these people who have done things in your life that make you what you are, they're bricks in the building that you are.
- Antwone Fisher
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Steven Solomon
I am inclined to believe that if there can be a meaningful human right to any material thing, surely it starts with access to minimum clean freshwater.
- Steven Solomon
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Shirin Neshat
Art is no crime. It's every artist's responsibility to make art that is meaningful
- Shirin Neshat
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Robben Ford
I don't find a lot of people actually saying things through music any longer. They are not trying to say anything with their music, they just want to make money with it. I think it's important to actually say something real, something meaningful, rather than just write some trash and try to sell it.
- Robben Ford
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Adam Fletcher
It is not enough to simply listen to student voice. Educators have an ethical imperative to do something with students, and that is why meaningful student involvement is vital to school improvement.
- Adam Fletcher
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Adam Fletcher
Meaningful student involvement is the process of engaging students as partners in every facet of school change for the purpose strengthening their commitment to education, community & democracy.
- Adam Fletcher
Collection: Meaningful