Top Meaningful Quotes Collection - Page 11

Discover a curated collection of Meaningful quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 11 provides more Meaningful quotes.

Image of Michelle Kwan
When I look at the kids training today... I can tell which ones are going to do well. It's not necessarily the ones who have the most natural talent or who fall the least. Sometimes it's the kids who fall the most, and keep pulling themselves up and trying again.
- Michelle Kwan
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Maria Borges
All models experience resistance during their modeling careers; the point is just to remain yourself and make meaningful and genuine decisions.
- Maria Borges
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Maria Borges
I've been successfully wearing my TWA during the fashion month in September 2015, but also I felt like my third appearance at a Victoria's Secret show would be more meaningful or impactful if I could help a few women embrace their natural beauty.
- Maria Borges
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Alfonso Herrera
The only thing that I am trying to do is to find stories that I like, stories that are meaningful and that can connect and question, since I am not 18 years old anymore.
- Alfonso Herrera
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jaron Lanier
The network by itself is meaningless. Only the people were ever meaningful.
- Jaron Lanier
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Kesha Rogers
Barack Obama is a threat to the continued existence of the United States, and he must be impeached, or resign. The real question is, what will we replace his bad policies with? Real patriots understand the need to think ahead, to create a meaningful purpose and direction as we rebuild our nation. We know that the next several generations need a better world to live in, which can only be a Post-Obama World.
- Kesha Rogers
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Denise Di Novi
I think that some of the writing, directing, and the content is better than a lot of movies sometimes. Actors, well artists in general - actors, writers, directors - what we all care about the most is good work and being able to create something that is really resonant and meaningful.
- Denise Di Novi
Collection: Meaningful
Image of John Knowles
I felt that I was not, never had been and never would be a living part of this overpoweringly solid and deeply meaningful world around me.
- John Knowles
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Oleta Adams
I'm so honored to have been a part of something so meaningful that helped to keep so many families and loved ones connected.
- Oleta Adams
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Douglas McCulloh
A meaningful conceptual basis is always more important than vivid photographs, and vice versa.
- Douglas McCulloh
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Phil Elvrum
When someone close to you dies, the line is shifted really drastically about what is meaningful and what isn't.
- Phil Elvrum
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Phil Elvrum
All the books on my shelves, when I would go to them to look for help with my anguish, they all just seemed so crass. They didn't get it. Those books don't understand. Nobody understands. The universe, nobody understands my agony, or my questioning, and it's this shift in what in the world around us could possibly be meaningful or helpful.
- Phil Elvrum
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Park Dietz
One of the problems with studies that examine the effects of violent imagery is that they typically use mentally healthy psychology students. If you want to do a meaningful study, show movies like Body Double and Copycat to a group of sexual psychopaths the day before you release them.
- Park Dietz
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Michael Hersch
If somebody responds positively to what I'm doing - if there is a connection - that can be very meaningful. If someone reacts with displeasure, confusion, hostility, well, that is not pleasant, and can often be upsetting.
- Michael Hersch
Collection: Meaningful
Image of June Diane Raphael
One thing that I would like to do that I've seen them not do that well is take women all through the process of the postpartum period in a more meaningful way. That would be my agenda.
- June Diane Raphael
Collection: Meaningful
Image of David Katz
I naturally gravitate toward the big picture which isn't necessarily advantageous when you go on to a career in research because successful researchers usually choose a pretty narrow channel. So having tunnel vision actually helps you stay where you are supposed to stay. The big picture in medical care was looking at the underlying causes of all of this pathology. I really wanted to do something about that and play a meaningful role in changing the trajectory of people's lives and their health and by changing their health, changing the quality of their lives.
- David Katz
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Thomas L. Dumm
Worldwide, the twentieth century has seen the rise of extraordinary concentrations of economic and political power - evoking the people as the source of power while simultaneously privatizing its most meaningful exercise. Democracy always seems to be at least slightly elusive under such conditions.
- Thomas L. Dumm
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Joel Dicker
Two things can make life meaningful: books and love. ...I already have books. Now I am setting off in search of love.
- Joel Dicker
Collection: Meaningful
Image of David Levithan
The words that matter always stay.
- David Levithan
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Doseone
I wonder a lot about making things meaningful. You want to do meaningful work and make art, but you're making records, which is good, but you don't want to weight them - it's a very curious thing.
- Doseone
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Michele Tafoya
I feel so fortunate, Because some people think, well you're just relegated to the sideline. But I feel valued there. They trust me. We work very, very hard at making it worthwhile. We are not going to just be down there spewing a bunch of blah. With our halftime talking to the coaches we are really trying to get something meaningful there and something that helps spin the game forward.
- Michele Tafoya
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Ralph Lauren
There is a way of living that has a certain grace and beauty. It is not a constant race for what is next, rather, an appreciation of that which has come before. There is a depth and quality of experience that is lived and felt, a recognition of what is truly meaningful. These are the feelings I would like my work to inspire. This is the quality of life that I believe in.
- Ralph Lauren
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Torbjørn Rødland
I'd like the photographs to potentially be meaningful to a wide range of people. They do not grow out of the reportage mode, this was always clear to me. Personal imaginations blend into each other and create our visual cultures. No one is a neutral observer of this field.
- Torbjørn Rødland
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Measha Brueggergosman
I don't need to live my art and almost die to understand my heroines. I want to love my sons, live quietly, eat good food, have meaningful friendships in and out of work and have a very large wine collection.
- Measha Brueggergosman
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Darren Hardy
Forget about willpower. It's time for why-power. Your choices are only meaningful when you connect them to your desires and dreams. The wisest and most motivating choices are the ones aligned with that which you identify as your purpose, your core self, and your highest values. You've got to want something, and know why you want it, or you'll end up giving up too easily.
- Darren Hardy
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mitch Horowitz
I think spiritualism, mesmerism, the mental healing movement, provided some people with the most meaningful experiences of their lives.
- Mitch Horowitz
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Paul Dalio
Love is the most universal experience. There is nothing more important than love, there is nothing more meaningful than love, and there is nothing more human in people's relationships than love.
- Paul Dalio
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Paul Dalio
I feel much more emotion than I did before, and more meaningful emotion and richer emotion than when I was manic. I'm able to experience meaningful things that can only be experienced when I'm stable, like a family.
- Paul Dalio
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Jeff Atwood
In software, we rarely have meaningful requirements. Even if we do, the only measure of success that matters is whether our solution solves the customer's shifting idea of what their problem is.
- Jeff Atwood
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sher Valenzuela
It doesn't matter if you have a D, or an I or an R after your name if you have a job - a J-O-B. It really matters to people that they have an opportunity to contribute to their economy in a very meaningful way, and this is outside party lines. So we believe that these are the solutions that America is craving.
- Sher Valenzuela
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Matthew McConaughey
I think it's because we're looking for the meaning. Where is the meaning? We have mindless jobs, we take frantic vacations, deficit finance trips to the mall to buy more things that we think are going to fill these holes in our lives. Is it any wonder that we've lost our sense of direction?
- Matthew McConaughey
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Keller Easterling
In the context of the kind of infrastructure space I'm looking at, I'm making a very unlikely argument by saying that all the stuff that's repeated, from spatial products to whole cities, which looks so daunting to architects, might be especially empowering. At this moment, it might be harder to make a meaningful object form alone, but easier to make an active form that can piggyback on those multipliers to recondition spaces in a politically significant way.
- Keller Easterling
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Brian McKnight
Music used to be essential and meaningful, but now it's disposable.
- Brian McKnight
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Lydia Loveless
I was kind of a little redneck growing up, living on a farm, and running around in the country. I developed hillbilly tendencies, but I wanted to listen to something a little more meaningful than "Redneck Woman" or whatever.
- Lydia Loveless
Collection: Meaningful
Image of David Mamet
A good writer gets better only by learning to cut, to remove the ornamental, the descriptive, the narrative, and especially the deeply felt and meaningful. What remains? The story remains.
- David Mamet
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Deborah Landau
I don't write poems with a purpose in mind, but I'd hope that some readers would find their experiences mirrored or articulated here - and that the language would feel alive to them. Alive, in a way that is meaningful and pleasurable.
- Deborah Landau
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Deborah Landau
I lost my mother early, I've sometimes felt I haven't had anyone to show me the way. When I look to the future there's only a blank. "I can't see past the point where I am," the speaker says at one point - "like you, I'm just passing through." If my mother were still alive I imagine I'd have a clearer sense of what a meaningful, vital life might look like 25 years down the line.
- Deborah Landau
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mike Vallely
I don't like to get too involved in the idea that "I'm a role model" and that everything I do is right. I don't think that's the case at all, but I think who I am at my core, and what I represent at my core, is something that is meaningful, and can be something that other people can gain inspiration from.
- Mike Vallely
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Mohammad Marandi
It is difficult for Iranian scholars and universities to retain their independence and to be seen as doing so, when cultural warfare is being carried out by some of their American partners. Indeed, such irresponsible behavior basically serves to intensify suspicion and in reality decreases the opportunity for real and meaningful dialogue.
- Mohammad Marandi
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Massimo Dobrovic
Behind The Curtain of the Night is a life after death movie and it is based on a best-selling novel in the Czech Republic. It is a true story, and together with director Dalibor Stach, producers Milan Friedrich and Phil Goldfine, we were able to bring such a meaningful, important, and powerful story onto the big screen. We were so blessed that we got to shoot in the best historical locations throughout the entire Czech Republic from Prague to Karlovy Vary and many other important locations.
- Massimo Dobrovic
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Joshua Clover
When people are in a workplace where it's possible to organize and engage in labor actions, that's how they fight, and it can be very effective. When people are not in that situation, they fight in other ways. They fight in the marketplace. One need only notice that there's been a meaningful shift in where people are over the last thirty, or fifty years from traditional productive industries toward a kind of work that involves circulation of capital and products, and toward unemployment. People who are in that situation are unlikely to fight somewhere else.
- Joshua Clover
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Hanya Yanagihara
I've never really understood the desire to be immortal myself. The idea of both wanting to live forever in some form and wanting to stay young forever just sounds exhausting. It's one of those desires that people think they want but when you actually stop to think about what it actually means, it's really awful. One of the reasons that life is bearable is because it's going to end soon. One of the main concerns of fiction is how do we make a life of 85 years or so meaningful.
- Hanya Yanagihara
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Hanya Yanagihara
If you start asking how do we make life meaningful and life never ends, then you get into sort of these terrible sort of metaphysical quandaries and it gets really, really bleak looking.
- Hanya Yanagihara
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sophie Marceau
There's no point living, if you can't feel alive.
- Sophie Marceau
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Anjan Sundaram
The first victim in journalism today is proximity. I know I've used that word a lot. Because of foreign budgets, newspapers have consolidated, and journalists now cover dozens of countries at a time. It is physically not possible for one person to understand and live the unique sets of experiences in all these places in honest and meaningful ways. Outlets used to send journalists to places like Congo for months at a time, and they were stationed there for months or years. There was a sense of immersive reporting, and that has been a casualty of the shift in news over the past years.
- Anjan Sundaram
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Bakari Kitwana
Few places in American culture have made as effective a case for entrepreneurship than hip-hop. Hip-hop tells young people that our society is offering very limited options for youth. And that while society points to a radical decline in living wage jobs for youth and meaningful and affordable education, hip-hop is offering an alternative legitimate economy that is giving youth hope.
- Bakari Kitwana
Collection: Meaningful
Image of John Maeda
Simplicity is about subtracting the obvious and adding the meaningful.
- John Maeda
Collection: Meaningful
Image of James M. Buchanan
We want to limit the exploitation of the fiscal capacity of the richer regions by keeping down the rate of immigration to a level that would be meaningful and efficient. One way to do that is to have a scheme of equalization which essential bribes people to stay in the poorer regions.
- James M. Buchanan
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Sufe Bradshaw
My passion for others and my experience as an actor and citizen of the world has naturally shaped me into a social and political activist who finds fulfillment from their work with meaningful organizations.
- Sufe Bradshaw
Collection: Meaningful