John Malkovich

Image of John Malkovich
I lost seventy pounds eating nothing but Jello for 4 months. But of course there is great variety in the colors! I think, if I remember correctly, it's 230 calories for a whole bowl. Maybe 270? In the 5th month, I added fruit.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Great
Image of John Malkovich
Sigmund Freud said we act out our own dreams, but if you are only an actor you are not acting out your own dream. You are simply participating in someone else's dream.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Dreams
Image of John Malkovich
I don't understand how somebody wouldn't have a sense of humor about themselves.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Humor
Image of John Malkovich
You can be a mason and build 50 buildings, but it doesn't mean you can design one.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Design
Image of John Malkovich
I'm more comfortable with whatever's wrong with me than my father was whenever he felt he failed or didn't measure up to the standard he set.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Dad
Image of John Malkovich
Well, I design costumes because I started with the theater in Chicago, but somehow a few lines just sort of fell to me to do it. And I studied it in school and I always liked it.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Design
Image of John Malkovich
Failure's a natural part of life.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Failure
Image of John Malkovich
I like design, I like details, to me it is just another form of self-expression.
- John Malkovich
Collection: Design
Image of John Malkovich
I always liked clothes; since I was very, very young, I was interested. I studied costume as part of my theatre education.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I grew up in the Midwest, quite far from any ocean or any beach, a million miles. I think for kids who grew up where I did, the idea of California, surfing and beach life was so exotic and glamorous.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I'm a little bit phobic about stains on my clothes, so I never travel without a little packet of organic stain remover.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I am inspired by the appearance of a bohemian of the new millennium. I thought it was necessary to update the figure of the bohemian, but not in the traditional way.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I brought my first fall/winter line to New York, and it was confiscated by U.S. Customs. They asked, 'What is the value of this?' I said, 'I'm not so good with existential questions.'
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I think when I went to psychoanalysis, I actually believed that people said what they meant. This was my whole problem.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I like very much to do movies.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I've done quite a few big American films.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I always wanted to be fashionable.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I'm not a control maniac.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I don't throw things or yell.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I'm very much a typical midwesterner, and I don't think the condition is curable.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I think I was born at a time when an American male had so many advantages and opportunities that weren't available to men before or after, just a very brief period.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I think with actors, if you just don't set about trying to crush their confidence immediately, you're usually OK.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Scary monsters are like Hula Hoops. They come in and out of fashion.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
If you're too smart it can limit you because you spend so much time thinking that you don't do anything.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Actors generally get to do things you probably shouldn't do in real life - well, at least as much as one might like to or be tempted to. Though I suppose a lot of actors just go ahead and do it, don't they?
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Every country has their problems.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
You can't take a play someone has directed and do whatever you want with it.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Unlike my grandfather or my brother, I've actually been able to make some money at a racetrack.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Anybody doing something brings something to it.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
It never occurred to me to be an actor.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I was never a fanatical movie person.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I don't wake up drenched in sweat because I haven't been on stage in years.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Most films, it doesn't matter if you see them or not.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I don't need to be liked.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I go around the world, working with all kinds of people who I love.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I prefer to conduct my life based on how I treat people.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Nothing you do particularly matters. But I'm not sure that's a great excuse for doing it poorly.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I believe in humans.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
When you think of how history is revealed, we know certain things to be facts at certain periods of time, which turn out not to be so factual as time marches on.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I don't remember my life before I had children.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
Things are so much global and Americanised.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I never really did a western western.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I mean, a lot of time rehearsals are taken up with other things other than preparing a character.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I'm not a very skeptical person.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
As an actor there are no drawbacks.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I'm more boring and more conservative.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I don't like things too overstated in the cut or too perfect.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
In New York in the Forties or Fifties, everybody's in a suit, an overcoat and a hat.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
I don't mind tracksuits. At the track.
- John Malkovich
Image of John Malkovich
The projects I look for to produce or direct would not be ones in which I would want to act.
- John Malkovich