Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 87

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 87 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Mira Calix
I think the role of the artist today is about being provocative. I don't mean shocking, but you have to provoke people into action. As an artist, you ask people for their time. It's the most precious thing anyone has. I'm asking audiences to come to my work and spend some time with it. What I'm really doing, of course, is asking people to take time for themselves.
- Mira Calix
Collection: Mean
Image of Shane McCrae
I think that the casual reader and the lyric and confession are trickily tied up together. I mean often when I read my students' poems my first impulse is to say, "O, the subject of this pronoun, this 'I,' is whatever kid wrote this poem." The audience for lyric poems is "confessionalized" to some extent. And I think this audience tends to find long narrative poems, for instance, kind of bewildering.
- Shane McCrae
Collection: Mean
Image of Fred Foster
I don't just want to put a price tag on pieces because I can. I don't want put a price tag on pieces that are unreasonable either. Just because people might buy it doesn't mean you won't alienate fans eventually.
- Fred Foster
Collection: Mean
Image of Danica McKellar
Math is the only place where truth and beauty mean the same thing.
- Danica McKellar
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Boghossian
When one has a crisis of faith it means one is struck by the realisation than one has been pretending know things that one doesn't know.
- Peter Boghossian
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Boghossian
Liberalism is a creation of the seventeenth century, fathered by British philosopher John Locke (1632-1704). For Locke, liberalism means limited government, the rule of law, due process, liberty, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, separation of church and state, and separation of government powers into branches that oversee each other's authority.
- Peter Boghossian
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert F. Engle
I mean, we've always had gold bugs, but now we sort of realize that Treasure Bills might be in the same category. And we have derivatives like credit default swaps which are in this category, and we have derivatives like volatilities that are actually an asset class that we can invest in which are now - would out perform if we have another financial crisis.
- Robert F. Engle
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert F. Engle
You know, some of the portfolios we might consider buying are portfolios which would do especially well if we have an economy-wide, or I mean, a global climate change that impacts us very negatively there are some companies that will do well, and so it might make sense to hold some of those in your portfolio.
- Robert F. Engle
Collection: Mean
Image of John Gimlette
I am always surprised to go into a bar in Boston and three televisions are playing different channels, all at once. We are constantly surprised by this noise and television. It means that's what we are going to get, because we always get everything eventually.
- John Gimlette
Collection: Mean
Image of Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami
Humility means one does not impose his conceptions upon others and he is fully dependent on the mercy of the Lord.
- Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Swami
Collection: Mean
Image of Reed Mullin
With the exception of Megadeth, I can't imagine any band we were hesitant about touring with. I mean we liked the original Megadeth, but I can't think of any band we toured with we weren't psyched about.
- Reed Mullin
Collection: Mean
Image of Heidi Shierholz
Basic US economics tells us that back-of-the-house workers are very unlikely to get more pay overall. The fact that workers are in those jobs means employers are already paying them what they need to pay them to get them in the current environment. If employers do share some tips with them, it will likely be offset by a reduction in their base pay.
- Heidi Shierholz
Collection: Mean
Image of Taylor Townsend
I don't really have a favorite artist - I mean, I really love Drake - but it depends on my mood. I like anything that makes me feel good.
- Taylor Townsend
Collection: Mean
Image of Ronee Blakley
I don't understand that about Taylor Swift, or about Joan [Mitchell] - how can she not say she's a feminist?! People don't understand what the word means. It simply means equal rights before the law.
- Ronee Blakley
Collection: Mean
Image of Doug Walters
The means of control that record labels had vis-à-vis distribution no longer exist.
- Doug Walters
Collection: Mean
Image of Willie Parker
The worst thing we can do is to assume that the Electoral College [voting] resulting in the election of Donald Trump represents a mandate. It does not. He did not get the majority of the popular vote; that went to Hillary Clinton. That means those votes represent the consciousness of the nation, which is that abortion should be legal, that contraception and family planning are health issues and prevention, that a woman's right to reproductive privacy is the law of the land and should remain such.
- Willie Parker
Collection: Mean
Image of Hal Whitehead
What I mean by it, and roughly what most biologists who talk about culture mean by it, is either behavior itself, or information that leads to behavior. Information that is picked up through social learning - so, from being with, watching, being taught by others. It's a way that individuals behave or get information about how they will behave that comes directly from the behavior of others.
- Hal Whitehead
Collection: Mean
Image of Hal Whitehead
What I mean is, if you look at the behavior of an animal and ask, "Well, why did it do that?" and then consider the alternatives, those alternatives probably wouldn't be as successful at getting its genes around.
- Hal Whitehead
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrei Soldatov
Look how great we are. We are to blame for everything in the world, which means we are really, really important.
- Andrei Soldatov
Collection: Mean
Image of Bela Bartok
Folk melodies are the embodiment of an artistic perfection of the highest order; in fact, they are models of the way in which a musical idea can be expressed with utmost perfection in terms of brevity of form and simplicity of means.
- Bela Bartok
Collection: Mean
Image of Alison Assiter
Autonomy is the capacity to act on principles that are one's own and one will exercise this capacity by means of a process of rational reflection on these principles. Autonomy is thought to be necessary for attributing political responsibility.
- Alison Assiter
Collection: Mean
Image of Zainab al-Khawaja
I want self-determination. If that means having a constitutional monarchy as the first step, fine. But, in the end, people in Bahrain should have the right to vote and choose their president. A single family should not be allowed to rule on its own.
- Zainab al-Khawaja
Collection: Mean
Image of Zainab al-Khawaja
If someone is calling for democracy, he is calling for an end of a dictatorship and if this is the will of the people, this could also mean overthrowing the regime.
- Zainab al-Khawaja
Collection: Mean
Image of Gold Panda
Maybe I should disappear and not make anymore music. I mean, I think I'd take it really badly if I got slayed.
- Gold Panda
Collection: Mean
Image of Hamilton Morris
Simply because you take drugs does not mean you are an expert on them. In fact, there seems to be an inverse relationship between drug consumption and drug knowledge: more of the former results in less of the latter. If that seems obvious, you have probably gone easy on the former, though this relationship only applies to curious people who are seriously interested in drugs.
- Hamilton Morris
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith E. Glaser
If I say any word, like, "Sit next to me." There is a chemistry inside of my brain and your brain that is figuring out what that means and turning that request into action. The brain is designed in a way to enable us to translate these strange interaction codes that people have with each other into something that can manifest a whole company's success. That's so extraordinary and that's what's going on. Everybody in the world needs to know that, in the whole planet. I just talked to somebody who studies cosmoses. She said, "Cosmoses need this."
- Judith E. Glaser
Collection: Mean
Image of Frederick C. Beiser
The romantics were reacting against a modern culture that divided individuals from themselves (through specialisation in the division of labor), from others (the competitive market place) and from nature, which had been reduced down to a machine through technology. The antidote to such division is unity and wholeness, which means feeling at home again in the world.
- Frederick C. Beiser
Collection: Mean
Image of Frederick C. Beiser
You only have to talk to artists to see that they work according to rules, and that they know all too well that they can employ only certain means to achieve the ends they want.
- Frederick C. Beiser
Collection: Mean
Image of Horace Panter
Just because you can make an album on a laptop computer in your back bedroom doesn't mean it's going to be any good. Like any 'product', it has to come from a good original idea. There are no shortcuts!
- Horace Panter
Collection: Mean
Image of Courtney Love
Don't be bitter and mean 'couse you don’t fit in, it’s a GIFT. Look at you. you’ve got your individuality, you don’t have the herd instinct, you can read Neitzsche and understand it. Only dumb people are happy.
- Courtney Love
Collection: Mean
Image of Marika Hackman
If you're stuck in a rut doing the same thing over and over again, what are you actually, really achieving? I'm someone who strives for success, for self-growth and new experiences, and to make a record that pushes me out of my comfort zone is something that's really exciting. It means you're making new decisions, you're making bold decisions, you're being scared, and you're getting through that - hopefully making something you're proud of, or being in a better position that makes you feel stronger as a human being.
- Marika Hackman
Collection: Mean
Image of Elly Jackson
Depeche Mode doesn't mean anything, nor does Eurythmics. Band names aren't supposed to mean anything. I wanted something that wasn't English, and you couldn't get more English than "Elly Jackson."
- Elly Jackson
Collection: Mean
Image of Jose Manuel Barroso
In the age of globalization pooled sovereignty means more power, not less.
- Jose Manuel Barroso
Collection: Mean
Image of Roy Kesey
If you're paying attention to human interactions - to the gap between who we are and who we think we are, or the gap between what happened and what we remember - you're going to end up thinking (obliquely or otherwise) about what it means to act ethically, and I think that's all to the good.
- Roy Kesey
Collection: Mean
Image of Nir Hod
For a long time I found myself calling so many things "genius." Sometimes you mean it literally and sometimes it's the opposite, but either way it is so heavy and has so much meaning.
- Nir Hod
Collection: Mean
Image of Shane Bunting
I just people to get big bang for their buck. I just feel like I am really lucky that I still get the support that I do from my fans when it is so easy to download music for free. When fans go out and support and buy my music that really means a lot to me so I want to make sure that I give the very best I can when selling a product.
- Shane Bunting
Collection: Mean
Image of Shane Bunting
You have to understand for my whole life I have been romanticized by this other side of the fence. This whole darker, egotistically, sort of mean world. I fully embraced that world and three or four years ago I completely walked away from that world, literally.
- Shane Bunting
Collection: Mean
Image of Gretl Braun
I wish I had [letters], can you imagine their value, and I don't mean merely financially. I am sure they were accidentally destroyed or that Schaub found them and destroyed them. [Adolf] Hitler didn't want those letters read by anyone but Eva [Braun] and had made that point clear in the course of the years.
- Gretl Braun
Collection: Mean
Image of Harold MacMillan
Churchill was fundamentally what the English call unstable - by which they mean anybody who has that touch of genius which is inconvenient in normal times.
- Harold MacMillan
Collection: Mean
Image of Simon Mainwaring
Perhaps the most effective way to describe the approach a brand must take is to think of themselves as social cartographers. By that I mean that brands must simultaneously inspire, engage and maintain a series of conversations taking place within certain cultural landscape specific to their business goal.
- Simon Mainwaring
Collection: Mean
Image of Lawrence English
I honestly feel, that difficult periods can be used as a means for radical rethinking and reconnection with some of the fundamental qualities that have made human societies and communities worthwhile and valuable. We all just need to strive towards these new ways of being.
- Lawrence English
Collection: Mean
Image of John Buffalo Mailer
As a screenwriter you're the towel boy in the whorehouse. I mean you know you're lucky if you're invited to set. It's kind of like here is the blueprint, go and that's you know there has been some debate as to whether or not a film should be by the director or by the screenwriter or by both.
- John Buffalo Mailer
Collection: Mean
Image of John Buffalo Mailer
I mean the price of our technology may very well end up being our humanity, so I think you got to have that balance. Personally I try to do one for one if I can. Do a movie, do a play, do a movie, do a play - while at the same time writing and being in that cycle.
- John Buffalo Mailer
Collection: Mean
Image of Rob Huebel
People always say, "When did you know you were funny?" They don't mean that in a bad way - this already makes me sound like such a jerk.
- Rob Huebel
Collection: Mean
Image of Tim Hecker
If I was completely satisfied with an album, I'd probably give it up, because that'd mean I had attained some kind of state that was greater than I'd ever hope, so I think I'd just give it up. But I don't think that's going to happen.
- Tim Hecker
Collection: Mean
Image of Bernard von NotHaus
When I was on tour, people would say "We don't need a value-based currency, we can go out and buy gold and silver with US dollars now." I mean that it is so utterly brain dead, because they miss the whole point: the reason we need to have a gold and silver based currency is to bring discipline to the financial system so the government can't go out and do all sorts of bad things.
- Bernard von NotHaus
Collection: Mean
Image of Daayiee Abdullah
There are men who do exist who have no desire for women. That doesn't necessarily mean they have an interest in men, but scholars often interpret it to mean those men who don't have sexual knowledge.
- Daayiee Abdullah
Collection: Mean
Image of Dakis Joannou
Influence means power, and I don't want that. Whatever happens, here we do our own thing and put it out there for people to take or leave. We're not doing anything to influence them.
- Dakis Joannou
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank McCourt
If you were mean to your parents, they'd give you a good belt in the gob and send you flying across the room.
- Frank McCourt
Collection: Mean