Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 85

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 85 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Doreen Massey
The problem with the finance sector is not that it has crashed (though that has done enormous damage around the world) but the damage that it did even in its pomp. It is for that reason that we must not go back to business as usual. Most of all it is imperative we reduce the dominance of finance. And that means economically, ideologically, and in terms of political voice.
- Doreen Massey
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Burt
The experience taught me that the essence of a Cambridge education centers on two questions: What does it mean? How do you know?
- Dan Burt
Collection: Mean
Image of Rollo May
Therapy isn't curing somebody of something; it is a means of helping a person explore himself, his life, his consciousness. My purpose as a therapist is to find out what it means to be human. Every human being must have a point at which he stands against the culture, where he says, "This is me and the world be damned!" Leaders have always been the ones to stand against the society - Socrates, Christ, Freud, all the way down the line.
- Rollo May
Collection: Mean
Image of Colin Munroe
It's funny because I consider myself a musical scavenger. What that means to me is that I usually avoid feeding on the fresh meat. I kinda go for the meat that's kinda been forgot for a while.
- Colin Munroe
Collection: Mean
Image of Naguib Mahfouz
Literature should be more revolutionary than revolutions themselves; writers must find the means to continue to be critical of the negative elements in the sociopolitical reality.
- Naguib Mahfouz
Collection: Mean
Image of Naheed Nenshi
You know, the key issue is that city issues are not to be put in a box and say well, that's what the mayor wants. They're Canadian issues. Cities account for 75 percent of our GDP. If you don't have a plan for cities, it means you don't have a plan for the economy.
- Naheed Nenshi
Collection: Mean
Image of William J. Duiker
Ho Chi Minh sought to defeat both adversaries [French and American] primarily by using diplomatic and political means, combined with paramilitary activities.
- William J. Duiker
Collection: Mean
Image of Thea Gilmore
I'm already 30! It doesn't really feel like a landmark. When I started out, my aim was to keep making records. Just because I've reached the 10th doesn't mean I'm going to rest on my laurels now!
- Thea Gilmore
Collection: Mean
Image of Ladyhawke
You don't say "Maybe I should go to bed early tonight" or do any of that stuff. It's almost like you know you're alone and you have to get through it by whatever means - distracting yourself. Because, the more alone time the worse, you know?
- Ladyhawke
Collection: Mean
Image of Gail Zappa
I think it's okay that there's digital music out there, because that does mean more people have access. I mean, you're a student, and you're studying music, and you want to find a CD of a whole work, but there's one piece that intrigues you. It's easy to get that piece for a dollar for the most part. And it's so easy for people to carry around music digitally.
- Gail Zappa
Collection: Mean
Image of Charlie Benante
I mean if it wasn't for The Beatles, none of this, none of the music we listen to would even exist. They're my favourite band of all time.
- Charlie Benante
Collection: Mean
Image of Jane Alison
That's what perfect means. You're finished.
- Jane Alison
Collection: Mean
Image of Sufe Bradshaw
I've been extremely fortunate in that my career allows me to be seen and heard by people all over the world and I know that my only option is to utilize this gift to speak for those who may not have the means, courage, or strength to speak out.
- Sufe Bradshaw
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl A. Menninger
To "know thyself" must mean to know the malignancy of one's own instincts and to know, as well, one's power to deflect it.
- Karl A. Menninger
Collection: Mean
Image of Lawrence Davidson
Trump's election means that you have a US government that will no longer do one thing and say another.
- Lawrence Davidson
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin Keck
Of course, I don't mean to imply that all writers are working in the deep waters that border on the divine. Most writers are just trying to pay the bills, like anyone else - Stephanie Meyers is the literary equivalent of a television evangelist. Fork over twenty bucks and she'll help you forget your troubles for a while. I certainly don't fault her for her success, but I hope she has no illusions about the quality of her craft or the longevity of her efforts.
- Kevin Keck
Collection: Mean
Image of George Mason
All men are created equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; among which are the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing the obtaining of happiness and safety.
- George Mason
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Lyell
It was a profound saying of Wilhelm Humboldt, that 'Man is man only by means of speech, but in order to invent speech he must be already man.'
- Charles Lyell
Collection: Mean
Image of Russell Freedman
Thomas Jefferson once said, "Women shouldn't wrinkle their pretty little foreheads with politics." Now does that mean he was a sexist, or was he just expressing what most males, and maybe most females, felt at that time? Or are both true?
- Russell Freedman
Collection: Mean
Image of Ignatius of Loyola
All the things in this world are gifts of God, created for us, to be the means by which we can come to know him better, love him more surely, and serve him more faithfully.
- Ignatius of Loyola
Collection: Mean
Image of Francis Maude
Everyone now claims to be a moderniser and it's obvious, really. I mean, no one now says 'We need to go backwards... to the days of Lord Salisbury'.
- Francis Maude
Collection: Mean
Image of Landon Metz
None of the more apparently expressive elements involved in my work - color, form, application, and so on - are important or instructive in themselves. They're all just a means of entry, markers pointing beyond themselves towards something broader and less controlled.
- Landon Metz
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexander Spit
Hip-hop music in general kind of revolves around singles, and I appreciate that mindset, but at the same time, I wanted to go beyond that. It's not like I was intending to make a classic record - I mean, I'm always trying to make timeless music, but I really just tried to reference the music that on a road trip you can put in and not have to skip a track.
- Alexander Spit
Collection: Mean
Image of Perry Bellegarde
To be treaty person means coexist in peace and with mutual respect. That's at the core of these treaties. They intended for us to mutually benefit from sharing the land and its resources. To us, this contract and agreement is a sacred covenant whose signing was witnessed by your God, we call him the Creator, and by your angels, we call them ancestors. You can't break that. We didn't just sign it one day. It took months to prepare, to plan, to seek guidance.
- Perry Bellegarde
Collection: Mean
Image of Micah Perks
Writers like Twain, Whitman, Dickinson, Melville, Louise Erdrich, Toni Morrison, Russell Banks, Carolyn Chute, Alice Walker, so many others that I read coming up as a writer, that helped form my ideas of what it means to be American - and an American writer. I'm always in conversation with them.
- Micah Perks
Collection: Mean
Image of Micah Perks
I'm really interested in the United States, what it means to be American - maybe because my father's an immigrant and my grandparents were immigrants, and also because I grew up so isolated from mainstream life, and it was such a total shock to leave the commune and, in a way, enter America for the first time when I was eleven - so I've always felt a little like an anthropologist - like, what is this strange place I find myself in, what are the rules here?
- Micah Perks
Collection: Mean
Image of Emily Lazar
I have an artist background and I got into the field because I heard things in my own head that weren't happening and I wanted to have the control. So I learned to record and mix and do all those things. I found it as a means to an end, and I was fascinated by sound and creating sound. I very quickly became addicted to understanding everything there was to know.
- Emily Lazar
Collection: Mean
Image of Jason Fried
"Simple" is a tricky word, it can mean a lot of things. To us, it just means clear. That doesn't always mean total reduction, or minimalism - sometimes, to make things clearer, you have to add a step.
- Jason Fried
Collection: Mean
Image of Rick Mercer
I think when Justin Trudeau tweets - and Justin Trudeau tweets just like Donald Trump tweets. He occasionally just tweets things. And when he tweets that we're welcoming everyone, I mean, we're not a utopia for immigration as well. I mean, we have all sorts of issues that are very similar to the United States.
- Rick Mercer
Collection: Mean
Image of Annia Ciezadlo
In the Middle East, bread is so essential to everyday life that word for it in Egyptian Arabic is aish, which means life. It's always been the staple grain. But the predicament is that the Fertile Crescent, where wheat cultivation began, has now become the part of the world most dependent on imported wheat.
- Annia Ciezadlo
Collection: Mean
Image of Maria Bartiromo
Hillary Clinton has promised to build on President [Barack] Obama's policies. That means build on Obamacare, build on Dodd-Frank, build on the regulations coming out of the EPA. If that's the case, that will not be good for the economy.
- Maria Bartiromo
Collection: Mean
Image of Karl Lauterbach
The U.S. has a system that does have a poor cost-benefit ratio. I mean, 40 million people lack insurance; another 30 million or so are underinsured. The people who are insured do have to worry whether they are able to pay the bills. People become bankrupt because they cannot pay the medical bills, and there are vast differences in the quality of care depending on how much you are prepared and able to pay. I think the system is not working well.
- Karl Lauterbach
Collection: Mean
Image of Louis MacNeice
I am not yet born; Forgive me For the sins that in me the world shall commit, my words When they speak me, my thoughts when they think me, My treason engendered by traitors beyound me, My life when they murder by means of my hands, my death when they live me.
- Louis MacNeice
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul J. Manafort
The world is an unsafe place today because of his failed leadership, not because of anything Donald Trump has done. I mean, the American people are going to be reminded over and over in this election that these baseless charges by Obama and by Clinton are against man who has been the outsider, not the establishment.
- Paul J. Manafort
Collection: Mean
Image of Murray Gell-Mann
Just because things get a little dingy at the subatomic level doesn't mean all bets are off.
- Murray Gell-Mann
Collection: Mean
Image of Murray Gell-Mann
Of course the word chaos is used in rather a vague sense by a lot of writers, but in physics it means a particular phenomenon, namely that in a nonlinear system the outcome is often indefinitely, arbitrarily sensitive to tiny changes in the initial condition
- Murray Gell-Mann
Collection: Mean
Image of Larkin Grimm
Why even live? If that's your goal, if you're just clamoring your way to the top, I mean, why even have a life? Somebody was telling me the other day about the lives of investment bankers who work ninety hours a week and how it affects their patterns of consumption.
- Larkin Grimm
Collection: Mean
Image of Lydia Polgreen
We've traditionally thought of media on this traditional left/right spectrum and most media's kind of clustered in the center and I think people have traditionally thought of HuffPost as being this kind of liberal, progressive voice and that's, you know I think they're are good reasons for thinking that. I mean it started after George W. Bush was reelected and was an answer to the Drudge Report.
- Lydia Polgreen
Collection: Mean
Image of Ann Friedman
I'm looking for a balance of reported and essayistic work by up-and-coming women journalists. Often that means combing online-only sources or alt weeklies.
- Ann Friedman
Collection: Mean
Image of Douglas Valentine
There are two facets to the CIA's management and control of international drug trafficking, on behalf of the corporate interests that rule America. It's important to note that the US government's involvement in drug trafficking began before the CIA existed, as a means of controlling states, as well as the political and social movements within them, including America.
- Douglas Valentine
Collection: Mean
Image of Douglas Valentine
The essential contradiction at the heart of America's problems: if we were a democracy and if we truly enjoyed free speech, we would be able to study and speak about the CIA. We would confront our institutionalized racism and sadism. But we can't, and so our agency's history remains unknown, which in turn means we have no idea who we are, as individuals or as a nation. We imagine ourselves to be things we are not. Our leaders know bits and pieces of the truth, but they cease being leaders once they begin to talk about the truly evil things the CIA is doing.
- Douglas Valentine
Collection: Mean
Image of Gruff Rhys
I wouldn't call Super Furry Animals a political band, but we've all grown up in politically charged households, and we have a lot of political debates within the band. Obviously we don't think exactly alike, but we agree on a lot of points, and if something pisses us off, we're usually pretty open about it and very happy to share our views with other people. But I mean, we got together as a band because of our love of music.
- Gruff Rhys
Collection: Mean
Image of Richelle Mead
Okay, God, I thought. Get me out of this and I’ll stop my half-assed church-going ways. You got me past a pack of Strigoi tonight. I mean, trapping that one between the doors really shouldn't have worked, so clearly you're on board. Let me get out of here, and I’ll...I don’t know. Donate Adrian’s money to the poor. Get baptized. Join a convent. Well, no. Not that last one.
- Richelle Mead
Collection: Mean
Image of Arthur Bradford
I have many stories which don't make it to the computer. When I put it into the computer I make some changes and often add a few sentences here and there. I like the typewriter for first drafts because it means you can't change anything right away, you just have to put it all down.
- Arthur Bradford
Collection: Mean
Image of Tamlyn Tomita
I love independent films because I love to help, I love to assist, I love to pass along knowledge or experience to young filmmakers because usually, that's what they are. They're young filmmakers who are trying to either just simply tell their stories or trying to break into show business, and this is their calling card. But either way, I just really respect young filmmakers who are trying to tell a story that means something to them.
- Tamlyn Tomita
Collection: Mean
Image of Tamlyn Tomita
I've never been funny. I don't think I'm funny. People say I'm funny. I go, 'No. No. I'm not.' But again, knowing what it means to film on a TV show and on film, you have to repeat, repeat, repeat. You have to do the same thing a number of times if you're filming a sequence. And to carry that energy in a comedic mode, would be a challenge that I really would frightfully scared, but I'd have to buck up and pull up my bootstraps and say, 'I can do this. Let's figure it out.'
- Tamlyn Tomita
Collection: Mean
Image of Laura Sydell
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed, and software has been treated as a form of speech ever since. So if software code is speech, Apple says the First Amendment also means the government can't tell Apple what to say.
- Laura Sydell
Collection: Mean
Image of Julia Kent
I have totally like an urbanite relationship to nature. I mean I'm not someone who hikes.
- Julia Kent
Collection: Mean
Image of Julia Kent
I feel like these sounds are the ultimate kind of free sounds, the ultimate public domain sounds. And I feel like people put them in completely different contexts, and they mean something different to everybody.
- Julia Kent
Collection: Mean