Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 86

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 86 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Wednesday Martin
I think the most relative thing is that women in a way that I think people haven't given us credit for, want to return to this idea about equality in marriages and financial autonomy. And if the richest women don't have financial autonomy, what does it mean for the rest of us? That's all.
- Wednesday Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Ramesh Srinivasan
I am a former engineer and I was really excited about the possibility of building better technology to serve humanity. A lot of us as engineers have this belief that if you build a tool you somehow can empower humans economically or socially. The idea of building a better technology often means more efficiency.
- Ramesh Srinivasan
Collection: Mean
Image of Henri Matisse
When I paint green, it doesn't mean grass; when I paint blue, it doesn't mean sky.
- Henri Matisse
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Moskos
If you're willing to give convicts time served and let them walk, why do you want to give them a criminal record? I mean, either they should be in jail, or be free. But it's all because of some internal bureaucratic stat about getting a felony conviction for the prosecutor. Everyone's got their own little game to play, but that prosecutorial part of it is not well known.
- Peter Moskos
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Moskos
I am very cynical. That is absolutely what police is doing. But you don't even have to be cynical. I mean, politicians don't even pretend they're doing otherwise. The problem is the other side is not screaming bloody murder and saying, you know, "This is immoral, this is slavery, you're profiting from human bondage."
- Peter Moskos
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Moskos
I think there is a lot of crime caused by desperation, and it doesn't mean that people commit crime because they're poor, but certainly a lot of people who are poor commit crime and they might not if they weren't poor. You understand the difference there? That's not news, but it comes up when I hear people say poverty doesn't affect crime - that crime is still going down in America even though the economy is bad.
- Peter Moskos
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrew Mango
Most Turkish Kurds want a quiet life and improved economic conditions. But the Kurdish regions of Turkey are mountainous; they're ill-favored climatically; they're poor; and there's a limit to what the government can do there without wasting a lot of resources. Developing the south east may mean decamping a large part of its population. But the thing that will improve the lot of the Kurds more than anything else will be the stabilization of Iraq in the first place, because then the Turkish southeast stops being a dead end. It can become a bridge, with trade flowing in both directions.
- Andrew Mango
Collection: Mean
Image of Archibald MacLeish
A poem should not mean but be.
- Archibald MacLeish
Collection: Mean
Image of David C. Driskell
We were told, no, you don't do. There was this high standard of morals and a sense of responsibility. That didn't mean that everybody stuck to those laws, but we were cognizant of the importance of trying to live up to that code.
- David C. Driskell
Collection: Mean
Image of Sam Branson
Whether through TV, film, online, app, or web, we will find ways to tell our stories with authenticity, and engage with our viewers beyond traditional means.
- Sam Branson
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Goddard
Right now, I don't particularly take different CDs or vinyl - I have my CD wallet that I take everywhere I go; there are different things in there that cater to different kinds of times - but if there's a special DJ thing coming up, I might go through my records and pick out this special selection. It's one the things that means you're improving as a DJ the more you do it, understanding what's going to go down well in a specific place.
- Joe Goddard
Collection: Mean
Image of Conor O'Brien
America's a funny place. Every time I've come over it just feels absolutely gigantic and massive. I've always had good shows there, but I just go and come back, feeling like another singer/songwriter in a sea of thousands of singer/songwriters. I don't really know what "breaking it in America" is or means. I just focus on touring day-by-day, and show-by-show, and see where it goes.
- Conor O'Brien
Collection: Mean
Image of Kathy Freston
You know you are addicted to a food if despite knowing it is bad for you and despite wanting to change, you still keep eating it. Addiction means that a craving has more control over your behavior than you do.
- Kathy Freston
Collection: Mean
Image of Joshua Landis
The center of gravity for opposition shifts to Idlib province and Idlib city. That city is dominated by the al-Qaida wing of the opposition and other Salafist forces. The United States and the West cannot support those Salafists and al-Qaida. It means that the rebels are going to have a very hard time getting significant amounts of support.
- Joshua Landis
Collection: Mean
Image of eL Seed
"eL Seed" was inspired by the French play Le Cid by Pierre Corneille. It was seeing "Le Cid" coming from the Arabic name "el sayed," which means "the master, the man." So I called myself like that because I was 16; I said, "Yes, I'm the man." That's how it started.
- eL Seed
Collection: Mean
Image of Sebastian Kurz
I have gotten the sense that developments when it comes to human rights are very alarming. In the long term, it needs to be in our interest to have a Turkey in which human rights are respected. Anything else would mean destabilization right on our border. If we look away, the developments in Turkey will constantly get worse.
- Sebastian Kurz
Collection: Mean
Image of Leah D. Daughtry
It means everything for me to serve as the CEO of a convention.
- Leah D. Daughtry
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael C. McMillen
For me, my work is pretty much a lot of my identity. I mean I live to work, basically. With money I'm able to earn I don't put into clothes especially or things like that. I use it as a way of buying time to work. That's how I see money for me. It represents time to be by myself working on these ideas. So in that sense, the work is kind of a surrogate religion, maybe not so surrogate, maybe it is part religion.
- Michael C. McMillen
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael C. McMillen
A large part of California is a sensual state. It has a huge range of geographical features and in addition to the deserts and the mountains and the huge coast line. The fact that we don't have harsh seasons, like they have in the East, means you can have convertible cars. There's more sunshine, per year here, and it affects people psychologically and physically. I think California has always been an attractive place for many, a lot of strange cults have been here over the years. Again, it's an experimental place.
- Michael C. McMillen
Collection: Mean
Image of David Batstone
During 2007 "Not for Sale" was born from a problem I saw in Thailand. We established a basic level of care to the community there. Over the years our effective means of response has changed to help provide people with choices for the future.
- David Batstone
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Maher
Faith means the purposeful suspension of critical thinking. It’s nothing to be admired.
- Bill Maher
Collection: Mean
Image of Tamara Keith
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are not themselves members of the middle class, not by a long shot, which means they've searched for other ways to prove to voters that they care about their concerns and understand what middle class workers are going through.
- Tamara Keith
Collection: Mean
Image of Thekla Reuten
I think it's very valuable as an actor to throw yourself back into having that direct connection with an audience on-stage and work that muscle. It is a very different type of work and equally fascinating. I mean, I've very much in love with filmmaking because I really love the way you can tell stories with a camera and how music and everything contributes to the story in a very direct way. But I also think it's very valuable to come back to theatre, so if the right script came along I would love to come back to London and do some more.
- Thekla Reuten
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary Hustwit
Who know what life is going to be like. I mean, there was no demand for the spaces before. It's not like people were flocking to Sochi before; they just didn't have enough hotel rooms and arenas to fill the need. So that's what we'll look at when we go there. But we'll wait a few years until things kind of return to normal.
- Gary Hustwit
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahan Esfahani
I mean, already in the French Revolution, the harpsichord becomes identified with the aristocracy, with the ancien regime. Plus, hey, you know, I mean, harpsichord is a really easy target, isn't it? I mean, it's - it's just how it is.
- Mahan Esfahani
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahan Esfahani
When I say that there's commonality, I mean more in terms of the sort of techniques by which we perceive Baroque and minimalist music rather than the techniques used to compose them. I know that's being sort of overly complicated.
- Mahan Esfahani
Collection: Mean
Image of Mahan Esfahani
Well, harpsichord is kind of a big guitar, isn't it? I mean, it is plucked, after all.
- Mahan Esfahani
Collection: Mean
Image of Siedah Garrett
Michael Jackson loved studying the greats. He felt that they could only add to what he did naturally. He was absolutely right. I mean, he studied James Brown for years when he was 10 years old, because the Jackson 5 would open for James. He studied him. He studied Fred Astaire. He loved to watch Fred's movies.
- Siedah Garrett
Collection: Mean
Image of Siedah Garrett
There's so many good things I have to look forward to in life and new opportunities that arise every day because of my association with Michael Jackson. I mean, he is the gift that keeps on giving.
- Siedah Garrett
Collection: Mean
Image of Hiroshi Fujiwara
If you look at items of clothing like denim or polo shirts, they came from someone else's idea and everyone now makes them, but even so, I sometimes want to buy into the newer thing because it looks good or whatever. I mean, I copy many things - almost everything I do could be called a copy in some way. But I copy with a certain respect. I have a high regard for the original, and so I want to put my twist onto that. It's just like sampling music - when it's done well, the new work communicates a respect for the original source material.
- Hiroshi Fujiwara
Collection: Mean
Image of Hiroshi Fujiwara
I really got interested in the DJ side. I mean, I guess I was some kind of DJ in Japan already, but the hip-hop scene was naturally happening, and I picked up on that style, then brought back from New York the information on records and technique to Tokyo.
- Hiroshi Fujiwara
Collection: Mean
Image of Hiroshi Fujiwara
London has become really boring. I mean, years ago, London was really happening - there was swinging London and then punk. It was really different from other cities, and so I'd always wanted to go there and see what was actually going on. After that, hip-hop was the next thing happening, so to get the records or the proper clothing, you really had to actually go to New York. But now you don't really need to go.
- Hiroshi Fujiwara
Collection: Mean
Image of Bonnie Canino
The belts to me, they don't really mean much to be honest. It's the people who I fought and me going out there competing and fighting.
- Bonnie Canino
Collection: Mean
Image of David Mccandless
If you want to visualize something in its fullness you have to look at every perspective and every angle, and that means - sometimes uncomfortably - looking at things you don't want to look at.
- David Mccandless
Collection: Mean
Image of Christopher McCandless
Circumstance has no value. It is how one relates to the situation that has value. All the meaning resides in the personal relationship to a phenomenon, what it means to you.
- Christopher McCandless
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael S. Heiser
Ruling the way God wants you to rule means fostering the ordered relationships he desires, not because he is a killjoy, but because that order maximizes human happiness and love for God. Part of that is worshipping only the true God and no other.
- Michael S. Heiser
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin Maney
Fidelity is the total quality of an experience, including a sense of exclusiveness and aura. Convenience is simply how easy something is to get, which often means a low price and ubiquitousness. A super-fidelity product or service would lose its luster and quality if it's pushed too hard toward convenience. A super-convenient product or service would start to get expensive and exclusive if it moved toward higher fidelity, which would naturally undermine its convenience.
- Kevin Maney
Collection: Mean
Image of Fred Melamed
The word "hedonistic" to me means pleasure above all else. My pleasure above all else.
- Fred Melamed
Collection: Mean
Image of Jason H. Moore
If you can make someone tear up a little bit and feel something in their throat, those are the best kinds. That generally means that there's got to be some love in there.
- Jason H. Moore
Collection: Mean
Image of Chris Martin
So what Ghost Stories means to me is like you've got to open yourself up to love and if you really do, of course it will be painful at times, but it will be great at some point.
- Chris Martin
Collection: Mean
Image of Tricia Rhodes
The 24/7 internet connection means we're never really free and we always feel behind. The Internet also continually entices us to explore its options through hyperlinks and ads so we can spend a lot of time on things for which we have little to show, adding to our unrest.
- Tricia Rhodes
Collection: Mean
Image of Markos Moulitsas
One of my rules is I generally don't talk to elected officials. It's kind of a firewall. I'll talk to staff if they have something of interest. I try to avoid talking to politicians altogether. I mean, to be honest, I don't really find them that interesting. If I want juicy information I talk to staff of the politicians.
- Markos Moulitsas
Collection: Mean
Image of Murdoc Niccals
Snobs look down on people, and I look down on everyone. Not in a snooty, classist way - I mean because I'm better than everyone. I don't give a s**t about good manners.
- Murdoc Niccals
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Barclay
According to which principle or hypothesis all the objections against the universality of Christ's death are easily solved; neither is it needful to recur to the ministry of angels, and those other miraculous means which they say God useth to manifest the doctrine and history of Christ's passion unto such, who, living in the places of the world where the outward preaching of the Gospel is unknown, have well improved the first and common grace.
- Robert Barclay
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Menzel
It's important to get a translator who will ask the questions in a sensitive and thoughtful way. Knowing the ethnicity issues, the tribal issues in some places...who your translator is can mean a lot.
- Peter Menzel
Collection: Mean
Image of Ross W. Greene
Challenging behavior is just a signal, the fever, the means by which the kid is communicating that he or she is having difficulty meeting an expectation.
- Ross W. Greene
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Wilson Lynd
When people complain of the decay of manners they have in mind not the impudent abbreviations of the crowd, but the decline in bowing and scraping and in speaking of one's employer as "the master." What the rich mean by the good manners of the poor is usually not civility, but servility.
- Robert Wilson Lynd
Collection: Mean
Image of Danielle Tabor
Loving ourselves is about acceptance, not always liking and feeling comfortable. In the same way I love my fiancé, I love him but don't always like his behavior. I don't always like what he says. But I accept him. I accept him because of these things. It doesn't mean I don't want our relationship to grow or progress. But I don't feel the need to change him. When I accept him for him, we grow naturally, and the same for our own self-love.
- Danielle Tabor
Collection: Mean
Image of Tim Presley
Music feels like therapy, actually. A lot of people come out of a therapy session and feel like a weight has been lifted - I got it out, I cried, I feel good. I think for me this is just my way of doing that. It's the only avenue I have that fulfills that, that makes me feel good about myself. And I don't mean that in regards to the rewards, or like getting some good review. That's not what it's about. It's more about trying to please myself. It's really sick and weird.
- Tim Presley
Collection: Mean