Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 53

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 53 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Frederick Wiseman
It is always a problem to know what an image means.
- Frederick Wiseman
Collection: Mean
Image of Frederick Wiseman
I don't really know what I want, other than good sequences, whatever that means. What I find is always a matter of chance, judgment, and luck.
- Frederick Wiseman
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Continetti
Persecution means an attempt to drive out, attempt to subjugate, and there are various ways that that can be done. Sarah Palin's opponents and her critics would like to see her leave the public square by insulting, degrading, demeaning, abusing and ridiculing her, and - by pretending that she has nothing to say.
- Matthew Continetti
Collection: Mean
Image of Jane Fonda
Aging is a staircase - the upward ascension of the human spirit, bringing us into wisdom, wholeness and authenticity. As you may know, the entire world operates on a universal law: entropy, the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy means that everything in the world, everything, is in a state of decline and decay, the arch. There's only one exception to this universal law, and that is the human spirit, which can continue to evolve upwards.
- Jane Fonda
Collection: Mean
Image of Jenna Elfman
Sting! I mean, come on - whoe doesn't love Sting? Even if you love Megadeath, you have respect for Sting. If you love Pokemon, you'll find out who Sting is someday.
- Jenna Elfman
Collection: Mean
Image of Sherwood Anderson
Work accomplished means little. It is in the past. What we all want is the glorious and living present.
- Sherwood Anderson
Collection: Mean
Image of Dorotheus of Gaza
A great means to preserve continual peace and tranquillity of soul is to receive everything from the hands of God, both great and small, and in whatever way it comes.
- Dorotheus of Gaza
Collection: Mean
Image of Justine Frischmann
In a musical sense, it seemed like all the good intentions had gone awry, very quickly. I mean, we got back from America and Blur had made The Great Escape, which I thought was a really, truly awful album - so cheesy, like a parody of Parklife, but without the balls or the intellect. And Oasis were enormous and I always found them incredibly dreary. There was this uncritical reverence surrounding the whole thing
- Justine Frischmann
Collection: Mean
Image of Rose Schneiderman
Today, for many people, being a union member simply means paying dues, but in the early days there were so few of us that if a majority of the members were not active, the union ceased to exist.
- Rose Schneiderman
Collection: Mean
Image of William Kittredge
Places come to exist in our imaginations because of stories, and so do we. When we reach for a "sense of place," we posit an intimate relationship to a set of stories connected to a particular location, such as Hong Kong or the Grand Canyon or the bed where we were born, thinking of histories and the evolution of personalities in a local context. Having "a sense of self" means possessing a set of stories about who we are and with whom and why.
- William Kittredge
Collection: Mean
Image of William Kittredge
Don't worry about meaning. If a story's any good, it can't help but have meaning. Let the PhDs tell you what your story means.
- William Kittredge
Collection: Mean
Image of Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Democracy means that if this man,you Miss and I will be trapped on an island, we having a majority of votes will decide that you have to sleep with us. That's the Democracy. And with 2/3 votes we can even put that in the constitution.
- Janusz Korwin-Mikke
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephen Grosz
I want to change, but not if it means changing.
- Stephen Grosz
Collection: Mean
Image of Patricia Piccinini
How does contemporary technology and culture changes our understanding of what it means to be human. What is our relationship with - and responsibilities towards - that which we create.
- Patricia Piccinini
Collection: Mean
Image of Sean Price
You gotta be comfortable in your own skin, man. I am, yaknow. Like I said, I am what I am, b. I'm not a gangster, namean. I ain't no killer. Have I used a gun before? Yeah but, just because you use a gun, don't mean you a killer or a gangster. It means you a man.
- Sean Price
Collection: Mean
Image of Sean Price
I'm definitely happy by my self, you know what I mean. The money is better. But you know, I'd just rather be alone.
- Sean Price
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Bedbury
Branding is everything - and I mean everything.
- Scott Bedbury
Collection: Mean
Image of Crystal Eastman
[S]exual intercourse remains a means or the means of psychologically making a woman inferior.
- Crystal Eastman
Collection: Mean
Image of Marc Lamont Hill
When they say accountability, they mean surveillance and standardization.
- Marc Lamont Hill
Collection: Mean
Image of Terry Eagleton
Genuine equality means not treating everyone the same, but attending equally to everyone’s different needs.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Mean
Image of Terry Eagleton
We face a conflict between civilisation and culture, which used to be on the same side. Civilisation means rational reflection, material wellbeing, individual autonomy and ironic self-doubt; culture means a form of life that is customary, collective, passionate, spontaneous, unreflective and arational.
- Terry Eagleton
Collection: Mean
Image of Shigeo Shingo
Improvement usually means doing something that we have never done before.
- Shigeo Shingo
Collection: Mean
Image of Frantz Fanon
To educate the masses politically does not mean, cannot mean, making a political speech. What it means is to try, relentlessly and passionately, to teach the masses that everything depends on them; that if we stagnate it is their responsibility, and that if we go forward it is due to them too, that there is no such thing as a demiurge, that there is no famous man who will take the responsibility for everything, but that the demiurge is the people themselves and the magic hands are finally only the hands of the people.
- Frantz Fanon
Collection: Mean
Image of Frantz Fanon
They realize at last that change does not mean reform, that change does not mean improvement.
- Frantz Fanon
Collection: Mean
Image of Ettore Sottsass
It is important to realize that whatever we do or design has iconographic references, it comes from somewhere; any form is always metaphorical, never totally metaphysical; it is never a 'destiny' but always a fact with some kind of historical reference. To put an object on a base means to monumentalize it, to make everyone aware it exists.
- Ettore Sottsass
Collection: Mean
Image of Shintaro Ishihara
Roppongi is now virtually a foreign neighborhood. Africans-I don't mean African-Americans-who don't speak English are there doing who knows what. This is leading to new forms of crime such as car theft. We should be letting in people who are intelligent.
- Shintaro Ishihara
Collection: Mean
Image of George Lakoff
In all aspects of life... we define our reality in terms of metaphors and then proceed to act on the basis of the metaphors. We draw inferences, set goals, make commitments, and execute plans, all on the basis of how we in part structure our experience, consciously and unconsciously, by means of metaphor.
- George Lakoff
Collection: Mean
Image of George Lakoff
We now know, from the latest research about neurons, that we are hard-wired for empathy. We're hard-wired for cooperation. That is something about what we are as people - what it means to be a human being. And what Barack Obama was addressing was not just race or just the nature of politics. The great speeches address who we are as people, what it means to be a human being.
- George Lakoff
Collection: Mean
Image of Mark Zandi
The discussion in Washington has changed dramatically. I mean, it's no longer a question of should we address entitlements - it's no longer a question of do we need to reduce spending in the future.
- Mark Zandi
Collection: Mean
Image of Justin Frankel
For me, coding is a form of self-expression. The company controls the most effective means of self-expression I have. This is unacceptable to me as an individual, therefore I must leave.
- Justin Frankel
Collection: Mean
Image of Frank Turner
Because the only thing that punk rock should ever really mean, is not sitting 'round and waiting for the lights to go green
- Frank Turner
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Ende
And if someone felt that his life had been an utter failure, and that he himself was only one among millions of wholly unimportant people who could be replaced as easily as broken windowpanes, he would go and pour out his heart to Momo. And, even as he spoke, he would come to realize by some mysterious means that he was absolutely wrong: that there was only one person like himself in the whole world, and that, consequently, he mattered to the world in his own particular way. Such was Momo's talent for listening.
- Michael Ende
Collection: Mean
Image of MC Lyte
For me, I guess, just learning that just because there's not a whole lot of female MCs on the front lines being supported by major record labels doesn't mean they don't exist. It doesn't mean they don't have the drive and the competitive nature and the will and the way.
- MC Lyte
Collection: Mean
Image of Ab-Soul
I'm just a demon that means well. Freelance for God, but do the work of Satan.
- Ab-Soul
Collection: Mean
Image of Jill McDonald
TV is the only medium that I've ever been successful with in delivering really emotional messaging and I think as people are trying to work their way through what this changing environment is going to mean, playing to the emotional side as well as the pragmatic and the rational side is going to be something that a number of brands will want to fully explore.
- Jill McDonald
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Urlacher
People don't think I'm big enough to be mean. I don't look big enough, but I am.
- Brian Urlacher
Collection: Mean
Image of Ed Paschke
I was a very introverted individual and this became an important outlet for me to express myself, to communicate, to take positions, make statements, take a stand and so forth. But I never really thought I had much a future at all So the thing that I had to do was to really go inward and really work super hard in the hope that someday it would pay off. And in using that term I don't mean necessarily money, but just the fact that I would have more depth and dimension both as a human being and as an artist.
- Ed Paschke
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Swimme
A tree is a self: it is 'unseen shaping' more than it is leaves or bark, roots or cellulose or fruit ... What this means is that we must address trees as we must address all things, confronting them in the awareness that we are in the presence of numinous mystery.
- Brian Swimme
Collection: Mean
Image of Brian Swimme
The new cosmic story emerging into human awareness overwhelms all previous conceptions of the universe for the simple reason that it draws them all into its comprehensive fullness. Who can learn what this means and remain calm?
- Brian Swimme
Collection: Mean
Image of Stuart Ewen
The ever-mounting glut of waste materials is characteristic by-product of modern consumer society. It might even be argued that capitalism's continual need to find of generate markets means that disposibility and waste have become the spine of the system. To consume means, literally, to destroy or expend, and in the garbage crisis we confront the underlying truth of a society in which enormous productive capacities and market forces have harnessed human needs and desires, without regard to the long or even short-term future of life on the planet.
- Stuart Ewen
Collection: Mean
Image of Ron Atchison
Deep down inside we know that the best gifts don't come from catalogs or shopping malls. They don't come in brightly-colored packages or fancy envelopes and they're not sitting under a tree somewhere... The best gifts come from the heart. They come when we look at each other, REALLY look at each other and say 'You mean a lot to me' or 'I'm so glad you're a part of my life.' A gift like that will never go out of style or be forgotten or be returned for a different size. A gift like that can change the world.
- Ron Atchison
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Halter
If ask 100 Arkansans about the phrase, 'the public option,' or 'a public option,' you'll get 100 different impressions about what that means.
- Bill Halter
Collection: Mean
Image of Dziga Vertov
Kino-Eye uses every possible means in montage, comparing and linking all points of the universe in any temporal order, breaking, when necessary, all the laws and conventions of film construction.
- Dziga Vertov
Collection: Mean
Image of Mimi Sheraton
If it is true, as used to be said, that oversalting means the cook is in love, at least one cook at Le Cirque must be head over heels.
- Mimi Sheraton
Collection: Mean
Image of Kim Jong-un
The revolution is carried out by means of one's thought.
- Kim Jong-un
Collection: Mean
Image of Anthony Eden
I am one of a rare breed of true politicians who definitely say what they may or may not mean with absolute certainty.
- Anthony Eden
Collection: Mean
Image of Lawrence Weiner
Genitive is a funny word because it means "from," but it also is the gender in European languages for objects: the masculine, feminine, and neuter. So if you have a genitive present, there's room for everybody to fit in. I just did a project in Vienna about rock, paper, scissor; you change the gender and it simply changes the whole thing. Rock is no longer a male. It doesn't function the same way.
- Lawrence Weiner
Collection: Mean
Image of Peter Higgs
Fundamentalism is another problem. I mean, Dawkins in a way is almost a fundamentalist himself, of another kind.
- Peter Higgs
Collection: Mean