Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 52

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 52 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Emil Ruder
To design is to plan, to order, to relate, and to control. In short, it opposes all means of disorder and accident.
- Emil Ruder
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Henson
Adolescence is interesting. I mean, all of life is interesting and all of life is transitionary. But I think there is an exponential growth physically, intellectually, emotionally and there is so much potential.
- Bill Henson
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Heizer
The trouble is, once you say something about a source, then you've pegged it down, and so now I'm reluctant to say anything. If I say I developed 50 different shapes from Mississippian tumuli, that doesn't mean they're copies of tumuli - I'm not ripping off those shapes.
- Michael Heizer
Collection: Mean
Image of Christopher Penczak
Spirtual does not mean divorced from the physical, earthly realm. The Earth is one of the most divine forms in all creation.
- Christopher Penczak
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Teti
Surviving a tough situation means staying in the fight and maintaining a warrior's mindset.
- Joe Teti
Collection: Mean
Image of Mira Bartok
Cheryl Strayed reminds us, in her lyrical and courageous memoir Wild, of what it means to be fully alive, even in the face of catastrophe, physical and psychic hardship, and loss.
- Mira Bartok
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric Snow
The deeper you get into the playoffs, obviously the better the opponent is. Which means they'll be better defensively, they'll rebound better, they don't turn the ball over.
- Eric Snow
Collection: Mean
Image of Ken Jeong
It was such an amazing feeling to be on that movie set. And for the first scene I ever did in any movie, I improvised for about 10 minutes, and then there's applause by the crew, you know what I mean? I haven't had that before or since. It was just such an amazing moment.
- Ken Jeong
Collection: Mean
Image of Brother Ali
Strategies are great, business models are great, but the reality is your music has to mean something to people.
- Brother Ali
Collection: Mean
Image of Renee Fleming
Everybody's a work in progress. I'm a work in progress. I mean, I've never arrived. I'm still learning all the time.
- Renee Fleming
Collection: Mean
Image of Ella Fitzgerald
Coming through the years, and finding that I not only have just the fans of my day, but the young ones of today - that's what it means, it means it was worth all of it.
- Ella Fitzgerald
Collection: Mean
Image of Julian Simon
Adding more people causes problems. But people are also the means to solve these problems. The main fuel to speed the world’s progress is our stock of knowledge; the brakes are our lack of imagination and unsound social regulations of these activities. The ultimate resource is people—especially skilled, spirited, and hopeful young people endowed with liberty—who will exert their wills and imaginations for their own benefits, and so inevitably they will benefit the rest of us as well.
- Julian Simon
Collection: Mean
Image of David Alfaro Siqueiros
The artist must paint as he would speak. I don’t want people to speculate what I mean, I want them to understand.
- David Alfaro Siqueiros
Collection: Mean
Image of Dave Sim
I think the more rational explanation is that the excision of a five-to-six-foot leech from the surface of a human body means that that body is going to have more of its own blood in its own veins. Unless the leech finds another body, it is going to go hungry.
- Dave Sim
Collection: Mean
Image of Trina Robbins
The most interesting to me were Doctor Strange, because he was so mystic, and Thor, because that was really cool. I mean, I had never been able to relate to the idea of a bearded guy in the sky, you know, and I'd always really liked mythology, and with Thor, it was like Stan Lee was actually saying, "Yeah, it's okay, there really is this Nordic god, there really is something besides the bearded guy in the sky". So I loved that!
- Trina Robbins
Collection: Mean
Image of Necro
Bury you with Satan, to hell then I bury ya. I'm like Lucifer the unforgiven, cast out of heaven, I much rather rule in hell than be a servant. A hell on earth survivor means you better be a earner.
- Necro
Collection: Mean
Image of Masao Abe
When one existentially awakens from within, the relation of birth-and-death is not seen as a sequential change from the former to the latter. Rather, living as it is, is no more than dying, and at the same time there is no living separate from dying. This means that life itself is death and death itself is life. That is, we do not shift sequentially from birth to death, but undergo living-dying in each and every moment.
- Masao Abe
Collection: Mean
Image of Masao Abe
Science without religion is dangerous because it necessarily entails a mechanization of humanity and consequent loss of individual autonomy and spirituality. On the other hand, religion without science is powerless because it lacks an effective means through which to actualize the ultimate reality. Science and religion must work together harmoniously.
- Masao Abe
Collection: Mean
Image of Vilhelm Moberg
When a politician states that we are all in the same boat, be on Your guard. Does it mean that YOU are supposed to be doing all the rowing?
- Vilhelm Moberg
Collection: Mean
Image of Philip Schultz
I wrote poetry in a secretive way, I think, a secret from myself, I mean. I wrote it because it gave me great pleasure to do so and because it relieved the ever-building pressure of the demanding world around me. It's always served me as a way of appraising, and controlling overwhelming experiences. But this need, and desire, was always in conflict with my need to "survive."
- Philip Schultz
Collection: Mean
Image of Staffan de Mistura
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of offending culture, religion or traditions.
- Staffan de Mistura
Collection: Mean
Image of Sharon Maas
Don't you know yet that men are full of words that mean nothing? The silence of a woman is a thousand times weightier. You must learn to trust silence. To load it with truth, and to wait.
- Sharon Maas
Collection: Mean
Image of Kimon Nicolaides
Technique should be taught, not as an end in itself, but as something related to individual expression, as a means toward an end. One cannot separate technique from expression. There is only expression.
- Kimon Nicolaides
Collection: Mean
Image of Matthew Zapruder
I've always been more than a little mystified by poets who seem to think talking to people as directly as possible is a bad thing. I mean, I don't want to set up a straw man here: I understand that for many poets - and for me, at times - writing truly means writing in a way that is difficult, simply because the poem is trying to grasp for something elusive. So the difficulty of the poem is just unavoidable, and not in any way artificially imposed. So "as possible" is the key part of the phrase above, I suppose.
- Matthew Zapruder
Collection: Mean
Image of Kevin McKenzie
The noble entitlement bespeaks an élan, a certain type of relationship with your partner. It means formidable technique not displayed lightly. The excitement comes from elegance.
- Kevin McKenzie
Collection: Mean
Image of Ferdinand Foch
There is but one means to extenuate the effects of enemy fire: it is to develop a more violent fire oneself.
- Ferdinand Foch
Collection: Mean
Image of Ferdinand Foch
The laurels of victory are at the point of the enemy bayonets. They must be plucked there; they must be carried by a hand-to-hand fight if one really means to conquer.
- Ferdinand Foch
Collection: Mean
Image of Evelyn Beatrice Hall
If to be great means to be good, then Denis Diderot was a little man. But if to be great means to do great things in the teeth of great obstacles, then none can refuse him a place in the temple of the Immortals.
- Evelyn Beatrice Hall
Collection: Mean
Image of Shanley Caswell
I wouldn't exactly describe 'Detention' as a horror movie. I mean, it does have horror elements in it, but it's got a lot more to it, and it's not a typical horror movie.
- Shanley Caswell
Collection: Mean
Image of Preity Zinta
Acting can truly take a toll on your nerves. I mean we have to be larger than life. Worse, I've seen actors acting off the sets too.
- Preity Zinta
Collection: Mean
Image of Ernesto Sabato
The expression 'there is nothing like the good old days' does not mean that fewer bad things happened before, but fortunately, that people tend to forget about them.
- Ernesto Sabato
Collection: Mean
Image of Ari Fleischer
Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for ther own reconstruction.
- Ari Fleischer
Collection: Mean
Image of Larry Gagosian
I don't know what 'loyal' means.
- Larry Gagosian
Collection: Mean
Image of Larry Gagosian
A lot of artists are involved with fabrication. Artists today are making more objects and many of them need the participation of a dealer in order to facilitate and provide support for projects. So that has changed. But I don't know if what it means to be an artist has really changed. I hope that it hasn't.
- Larry Gagosian
Collection: Mean
Image of Jerry Buss
I mean, the Lakers are pretty damn Hollywood.
- Jerry Buss
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Palmer
It's a mean old world, but its up to us to make it heaven, here and now.
- Robert Palmer
Collection: Mean
Image of Jennifer Echols
I mean, even in these snow pants,check out my ass.
- Jennifer Echols
Collection: Mean
Image of Reggie McNeal
To think and to live missionally means seeing all life as a way to be engaged with the mission of God in the world.
- Reggie McNeal
Collection: Mean
Image of Jackson Pearce
Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from judgement.
- Jackson Pearce
Collection: Mean
Image of Ihara Saikaku
If we live by subhuman means we might as well never have had the good fortune to be born human.
- Ihara Saikaku
Collection: Mean
Image of Sparky Anderson
I don't know why the players make such a big fuss about sitting in the first class section of the plane. Does that mean they'll get there faster?
- Sparky Anderson
Collection: Mean
Image of Dustin Pedroia
Just because somebody swings one way and I swing another way doesn't mean he's better than me or I'm better than him ... Does my swing get hits? Yes.
- Dustin Pedroia
Collection: Mean
Image of Lincoln Peirce
Wearing a bath towel around the school yard and pretending it's a cape doesn't mean you have magical powers.
- Lincoln Peirce
Collection: Mean
Image of Frederick Scott Oliver
Men who are engaged in public life must necessarily aim at reducing opposition to a minimum, and one of the most obvious means to that end is by misrepresenting, discrediting or ruining their opponents.
- Frederick Scott Oliver
Collection: Mean
Image of Frederick Scott Oliver
In taking stock of a politician, the first question is not whether he was a good man who used righteous means, but whether he was successful in gaining power, in keeping it, and in governing; whether, in short, he was skilful at his particular craft or a bungler.
- Frederick Scott Oliver
Collection: Mean
Image of David Murray Cowie
If you care to be a master or to make a true success of your profession, the smallest detail of your work must be done with thoroughness. To be thorough in medicine means that in the ever alluring present, we do not forget the past.
- David Murray Cowie
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul R. Ehrlich
All scientists who've looked at it know we have to phase away from burning fossil fuels. That means we've got to put a lot of effort into alternate energy technologies, but we're still subsidizing fossil fuels and not subsidizing most of the alternatives. It's not going to be an easy transition.
- Paul R. Ehrlich
Collection: Mean
Image of Jon Brion
I get to be a musician with my life, so it doesn't even matter if I'm good in it. It means at the very least, I'm pulling the wool over everyone's eyes consistently enough. And I put food on the table, and have work to do.
- Jon Brion
Collection: Mean