Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 54

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 54 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Roger Deakins
All I’ve ever wanted to do is take stills of people, or take documentaries about people, and try to express to an audience how somebody lives next door. You know what I mean? Just how similar we all are as individuals.
- Roger Deakins
Collection: Mean
Image of Jean Jaures
Tradition does not mean to look after the ash, but to keep the flame alive.
- Jean Jaures
Collection: Mean
Image of Marghanita Laski
One can never be sure of the end, only of the means, and so we must be sure that the means are good.
- Marghanita Laski
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert Speer
No doubt concentration camps were a means, a menace used to keep order.
- Albert Speer
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert Speer
Hitler's dictatorship was the first of an industrial estate in this age of modern technology, a dictatorship which employed to perfection the instruments of technology to dominate its own people. By means of such instruments of technology, eighty million persons could be made subject to the will of one individual. Telephone, teletype, radio, made it possible to transmit the commands of the highest levels directly to the lowest organs where they were executed uncritically
- Albert Speer
Collection: Mean
Image of Andrew W.K.
If pizza brings you joy, then by all means, love that pizza like your life depends on it. Because it does.
- Andrew W.K.
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Roberts
I get out of all of these things that many of these candidates would rather take legislation to build a time machine and go back in time to where, uh, we had, you know, no women voting, slavery was cool. I mean, it's just kind of ridiculous.
- Thomas Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Eminem
I don't mean to be mean but that's all I can be, that's just me.
- Eminem
Collection: Mean
Image of Joe Berlinger
I mean, "The Jinx" is an amazing piece of cinema and amazing television moment, it`s rare documentarians can feel the direct impact of their work.
- Joe Berlinger
Collection: Mean
Image of Akhil Sharma
I need to tell the things that are important but which don't make sense in terms of the narrative, things that would destroy symmetry or narrative pace. This is my personal belief about what it means to write nonfiction.
- Akhil Sharma
Collection: Mean
Image of Walter Rodney
If there is to be any proving of our humanity it must be by revolutionary means
- Walter Rodney
Collection: Mean
Image of Mikhail Bakhtin
The way in which I create myself is by means of a quest. I go out into the world in order to come back with a self.
- Mikhail Bakhtin
Collection: Mean
Image of Antony Beevor
I think it's outrageous if a historian has a 'leading thought' because it means they will select their material according to their thesis
- Antony Beevor
Collection: Mean
Image of Kristen Ashley
You lose anyone, there’s no replacing them. What you need to get is that’s precious, you get to keep that, you don’t want to replace it. That doesn’t mean you can’t find something else just as good.
- Kristen Ashley
Collection: Mean
Image of Frankie Avalon
I think todays music absolutely stinks. I really do mean that.
- Frankie Avalon
Collection: Mean
Image of Joseph J. Ellis
Lincoln once said that America was founded on a proposition that was written by Jefferson in 1776. We are really founded on an argument about what that proposition means.
- Joseph J. Ellis
Collection: Mean
Image of Pau Gasol
All the stats don't mean a thing if we don't get the win. The most important stat is the win. Nothing else really matters if you don't get the win.
- Pau Gasol
Collection: Mean
Image of Abraham Polonsky
What do you mean "gangsters"? It's business.
- Abraham Polonsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Powter
Well, I'm very dyslexic, so I can't read music. It means I never know where I'm at so it's different every single time. I know when it works though. I might end up doing a bosa nova version of Bad Day when I get to Australia!
- Daniel Powter
Collection: Mean
Image of Rosemary Radford Ruether
We do not have thousands of years to unlearn the wrong patters that were established over thousands of years. The exponential speed-up of these cumulative patterns of destruction means we have to both learn new patterns and put them into practice on a global scale within the next generation.
- Rosemary Radford Ruether
Collection: Mean
Image of Eliyahu M. Goldratt
If we reduce batch sizes by half, we also reduce by half the time it will take to process a batch. That means we reduce queue and wait by half as well. Reduce those by half, and we reduce by about half the total time parts spend in the plant. Reduce the time parts spend in the plant and our total lead time condenses. And with faster turn-around on orders, customers get their orders faster.
- Eliyahu M. Goldratt
Collection: Mean
Image of Stephanie Rice
I think for most people it's hard to understand what it is about swimming - I mean, it's such a solo endeavour.
- Stephanie Rice
Collection: Mean
Image of Miroslav Penkov
What's great about symbols, what a writer can do with them is provide a really vivid, interesting image, and the reader will do the rest of the work. That's always been very interesting to me. Like if I just introduce the storks, I don't have to say what they mean because the reader will do that. And if I bring in the dark history of the region, other trends come up, for example how in ancient Egypt they are associated with the souls of the dead. You can surprise yourself by introducing an image and then see how developing the story fills it with meaning that is suddenly new.
- Miroslav Penkov
Collection: Mean
Image of Josh Marshall
Officials and journalists live in parallel but separate realities; they see and talk to each other, may have a meal and gossip together, but their worlds never touch, because officials use words that don't mean what they say, while for those reporters in Vietnam - Halberstam, Peter Arnett, Morley Safer, and others - words were vessels of reality.
- Josh Marshall
Collection: Mean
Image of Katie Chapman
Love means nothing if you can't accept someone for their core values.
- Katie Chapman
Collection: Mean
Image of John Todd
I'm first and foremost a biological explorer. I've looked all over the world for answers. Secondly, I'm an ecological designer, and by that I mean I attempt to work with constellations of nature to create technological forms. So I'm part engineer, part ecologist, part inventor, really.
- John Todd
Collection: Mean
Image of Je Tsongkhapa
Even if a bodhisattva investigates the highest wisdom, one is not a proper bodhisattva unless one applies skillful means for the benefit of other sentient beings.
- Je Tsongkhapa
Collection: Mean
Image of John Hirsch
I'm aware of being a stranger, an outsider, and that's always an advantage for an artist. It means I can see from the inside and the outside. I have that double vision.
- John Hirsch
Collection: Mean
Image of Mors Kochanski
Next to knowing how to dress well, fire is one of the most important bush skills there are, because it is one of the few means available to make up most great deficiencies.
- Mors Kochanski
Collection: Mean
Image of Theo de Raadt
I actually am fairly uncomfortable about it, even if our firm stipulation was that they cannot tell us what to do. We are simply doing what we do anyways - securing software - and they have no say in the matter. I try to convince myself that our grant means a half of a cruise missile doesn't get built.
- Theo de Raadt
Collection: Mean
Image of Tom Daley
It means so much to be European champion again with a personal best and I couldn’t have asked for anything more.
- Tom Daley
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Stacy McCain
When somebody is determined to whup your ass, without regard to any concern for what is fair, you must recognize that the only alternative is to whup his ass by whatever means or methods are available.
- Robert Stacy McCain
Collection: Mean
Image of Nalo Hopkinson
I tried to get the word out to people who are information hubs in their communities, because they could propagate the call quickly. One challenge is that breaking science fiction means, well, breaking science fiction. Many communities of colour have a different approach to narratives of science.
- Nalo Hopkinson
Collection: Mean
Image of David Zinczenko
With our lives and food chain set up to make us fat - I mean, you can't drive down any highway in America and find a grapefruit - a guy needs to be smarter and more determined to get lean.
- David Zinczenko
Collection: Mean
Image of Hubertine Auclert
Ladies, we must remind ourselves that the weapon of the vote will be for us, just as it is for man, the only means of obtaining the reforms we desire. As long as we remain excluded from civic life, men will attend to their own interests rather than to our.
- Hubertine Auclert
Collection: Mean
Image of Adam Gollner
No one wants to live forever if it means becoming increasingly decrepit.
- Adam Gollner
Collection: Mean
Image of Mohamed El-Erian
If you happen to be the only one with negative interest rates, you also weaken your currency, which means you make your exports more competitive.
- Mohamed El-Erian
Collection: Mean
Image of Kushal Pal Singh
Land is an emotional subject with a farmer in India because it is his only means of income.
- Kushal Pal Singh
Collection: Mean
Image of Dan Carter
Nerves are natural, it means you're ready to face a challenge and perform.
- Dan Carter
Collection: Mean
Image of Darryl Pinckney
It's important for the progressive youth to remember that the agenda you set today is the agenda that will matter tomorrow. If you are engaged and active, it means you are one of the lucky ones and you are awake. Most people are not there yet.
- Darryl Pinckney
Collection: Mean
Image of John Laroche
Adaptation is a profound process. Means you figure out how to thrive in the world.
- John Laroche
Collection: Mean
Image of Olivia De Berardinis
All you have to do is put on the Bettie Bangs and everybody automatically knows what it means.
- Olivia De Berardinis
Collection: Mean
Image of David Duke
They're trying to exterminate our race. I think, probably in a moral sense, the Jewish people have been a blight. I mean as a whole, not every Jew. And they probably deserve to go into the ashbin of history. But saying that and actually shooting or killing people in masses, are two different things. I'm not advocating extermination. I think the best thing is to resettle them in someplace where they can't exploit others. And I don't think they can live among themselves, I really don't.
- David Duke
Collection: Mean
Image of Ry Cooder
The environment is rarely put on tape, or if it is, it's so abstract that most people never realize it. They just don't know what it means. But if you can show it to them, then that's what becomes the main instrument.
- Ry Cooder
Collection: Mean
Image of Max More
Religion is (a) a pre-scientific system of explanation and technology; (b) a source of meaning, direction and emotional expression in life; (c) a means of social control; (d) a means of coping with uncertainty and death.
- Max More
Collection: Mean
Image of David James Duncan
Everybody gets jolted. You, me, before we die we’ll all get nailed, lots of times. But that doesn’t mean we’ll get turned into witches. You can’t avoid getting zapped, but you can avoid passing the mean energy on. That’s the interesting thing about witches, the challenge of them-- learning not to hit back, or hit somebody else, when they zap you. You can bury the zap, for instance, like the gods buried the Titans in the center of the earth. Or you can be like a river when a forest fire hits it--phshhhhhhhhhhhh! Just drown it, drown all the heat and let it wash away.
- David James Duncan
Collection: Mean
Image of Sonam Kapoor
If you're not good looking, you're considered a good actor, you know what I mean?
- Sonam Kapoor
Collection: Mean
Image of Lynn Hill
For me, climbing is a form of exploration that inspires me to confront my own inner nature within nature. It’s a means of experiencing a state of consciousness where there are no distractions or expectations. This intuitive state of being is what allows me to experience moments of true freedom and harmony.
- Lynn Hill
Collection: Mean
Image of Michael Oher
It’s true that we can’t help the circumstances we’re born into and some of us start out in a much tougher place than other people. But just because we started there doesn’t mean we have to end there.
- Michael Oher
Collection: Mean