Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 209

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 209 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Francis Bacon
For whatever deserves to exist deserves also to be known, for knowledge is the image of existence, and things mean and splendid exist alike.
- Francis Bacon
Collection: Mean
Image of Miranda July
We were always getting away with something, which implied that someone was always watching us, which meant that we were not alone in this world.
- Miranda July
Collection: Mean
Image of Samuel Johnson
Politics are now nothing more than means of rising in the world.
- Samuel Johnson
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Huxley
If then, said I, the question is put to me would I rather have a miserable ape for a grandfather or a man highly endowed by nature and possessing great means and influence and yet who employs those faculties for the mere purpose of introducing ridicule into a grave scientific discussion-I unhesitatingly affirm my preference for the ape.
- Thomas Huxley
Collection: Mean
Image of James Joyce
I done me best when I was let. Thinking always if I go all goes. A hundred cares, a tithe of troubles and is there one who understands me? One in a thousand of years of the nights? All me life I have been lived among them but now they are becoming lothed to me. And I am lothing their little warm tricks. And lothing their mean cosy turns. And all the greedy gushes out through their small souls. And all the lazy leaks down over their brash bodies. How small it's all! And me letting on to meself always. And lilting on all the time.
- James Joyce
Collection: Mean
Image of Young Jeezy
It wasn't necessary to speak on the recession, you know what I mean, but I just though it made a lot of sense. I was like, "okay, cool," I'm going to go with this approach for the name of the album [ The Recession].
- Young Jeezy
Collection: Mean
Image of Maureen Johnson
Debbie had to get up and slice me a thick piece of cake before she could answer. And I do mean thick. Harry Potter volume seven thick. I could have knocked out a burglar with this piece of cake. Once I tasted it, though, it seemed just the right size.
- Maureen Johnson
Collection: Mean
Image of John F. Kennedy
Events of October 1962 indicated, as they had all through history, that control of the sea means security. Control of the seas can mean peace. Control of the seas can mean victory. The United States must control the seas if it is to protect your security.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Mean
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
You don’t know about Travis Fimmel? Oh, sister, you are deprived. He the finest man alive. (Simi) You lust for men? (Xirena) Well, I certainly don’t lust for women. (Simi) No, I mean you lust for humans? (Xirena) Well, don’t you? (Simi) Ew! What have you don’t to her? You have corrupted a good demon! (Xirena)
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Hughes
But the existence of a cult does not mean that images appropriate to it automatically follow.
- Robert Hughes
Collection: Mean
Image of John F. Kennedy
There is only one rule by which to judge if God is near us or is far away - the rule that God's word is giving us today: everyone concerned for the hungry, the naked, the poor, for those who have vanished in police custody, for the tortured, for prisoners, for all flesh that suffers, has God close at hand. We have the ability, we have the means, and we have the capacity to eliminate hunger from the face of the earth. We need only the will.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Kerouac
But yet, but yet, woe, woe unto those who think that the Beat Generation means crime, delinquency, immorality, amorality ... woe unto those who attack it on the grounds that they simply don't understand history and the yearning of human souls ... woe in fact unto those who make evil movies about the Beat Generation where innocent housewives are raped by beatniks! ... woe unto those who spit on the Beat Generation, the wind'll blow it back.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Kerouac
I went one afternoon to the church of my childhood and had a vision of what I must have really meant with "Beat"... the vision of the word Beat as being to mean beatific... People began to call themselves beatniks, beats, jazzniks, bopniks, bugniks and finally I was called the "avatar" of all this.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Kerouac you think God made the world to amuse himself because he was bored? Because if so he would have to be mean.
- Jack Kerouac
Collection: Mean
Image of Franz Kafka
Utterance does not in principle mean a weakening of conviction--that would not be anything to be deplored--but a weakness of conviction.
- Franz Kafka
Collection: Mean
Image of John Maynard Keynes
So it is not an accident that the Nazi lads vent a particular fury against (Einstein). He does truly stand for what they most dislike, the opposite of the blond beast intellectualist, individualist, supernationalist, pacifist, inky, plump... How should they know the glory of the free-ranging intellect and soft objective sympathy to whom money and violence, drink and blood and pomp, mean absolutely nothing?
- John Maynard Keynes
Collection: Mean
Image of Aldous Huxley
But the nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Mean
Image of Juvenal
Dare to do something worthy of transportation and a prison, if you mean to be anybody.
- Juvenal
Collection: Mean
Image of Mac DeMarco
I mean it was weird. But Phoenix watched us every night. But it's like they're not even a band, they're like a corporation. They bring a staff of like 40 people.
- Mac DeMarco
Collection: Mean
Image of Sheena Iyengar
About the only time our gut can truly outperform our reason is if we truly have developed a kind of informed intuition. So that means the chess master or someone who has really thought about it and given themselves feedback on a particular activity for at least 10,000 hours or more.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Mean
Image of Sheena Iyengar
One day I went to the manager and I asked him whether his model was working and he said, "Well, haven't you seen how many customers we have in this store?" And yes indeed I had. I mean it was definitely attracting a lot of customers, even attracting tourist buses that would land up at this store and people would go through the store and marvel at all the options, even sometimes take photographs of the various aisles.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Mean
Image of Sheena Iyengar
This is at a time when you know most of us drank tap water, so I used to go to this store and examine all the varieties and we used to marvel at all the choices out there, but I found that I rarely bought anything and I kind of thought that was kind of curious. I mean, they had things that the other grocery stores didn't have and yet I never bought anything.
- Sheena Iyengar
Collection: Mean
Image of Immanuel Kant
Always treat people as ends in themselves, never as means to an end.
- Immanuel Kant
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Jefferson
It is a principle that the right to a thing gives a right to the means without which it could not be used, that is to say, that the means follow their end.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Mean
Image of Sherrilyn Kenyon
Is she okay? I mean, no offense, she sounds more mental than I do.
- Sherrilyn Kenyon
Collection: Mean
Image of Ivan Illich
To deschool means to abolish the power of one person to oblige another.
- Ivan Illich
Collection: Mean
Image of Diane Keaton
The thing is, though, that some of these people are my age, right? And I didn't know them. I didn't know Susan Sarandon. I mean, I'd seen her.
- Diane Keaton
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Huxley
I take it that the good of mankind means the attainment, by every man, of all the happiness which he can enjoy without diminishing the happiness of his fellow men
- Thomas Huxley
Collection: Mean
Image of T. D. Jakes
I know whatever God means for me to have He'll give it to me. And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.
- T. D. Jakes
Collection: Mean
Image of Saddam Hussein
We have never said that the fight against the Iranian aggression and against the expansionist Persian tendencies (which have been demonstrated by various means under successive regimes in Iran) is the decisive battle for the Arabs. What we have said, and still say, is that the fight against Zionism is the main decisive battle for the Arabs. This is a great objective reality, which cannot be denied or underestimated except by someone who would not only harm the Arab nation and its main causes, but would also overlook the main danger.
- Saddam Hussein
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Kagame
When people accuse us of taking coltan from Congo, I don't understand what they mean. The quality of our own coltan here from Rwanda is much better. But still people from the UN come here, we show them our coltan mines, we show them the documents, then they go and say: Rwanda smuggles coltan.
- Paul Kagame
Collection: Mean
Image of Aldous Huxley
We are so anxious to achieve some particular end that we never pay attention to the psycho-physical means whereby that end is to be gained. So far as we are concerned, any old means is good enough. But the nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means. On the contrary, the means always determine the end.
- Aldous Huxley
Collection: Mean
Image of Alicia Keys
If your family - just because they're blood doesn't mean that they necessarily give you the best advice.
- Alicia Keys
Collection: Mean
Image of Penn Jillette
How I was brought up and my imaginary friend means more to me than anything you can ever say or do.
- Penn Jillette
Collection: Mean
Image of John F. Kennedy
So long as freedom from hunger is only half achieved, so long as two thirds of the nations have food deficits, no citizen, no nation can afford to be satisfied. We have the ability, as members of the human race, we have the means, we have the capacity to eliminate hunger from the face of the earth in our lifetime. We only need the will.
- John F. Kennedy
Collection: Mean
Image of Garry Kasparov
Chess strength in general and chess strength in a specific match are by no means one and the same thing.
- Garry Kasparov
Collection: Mean
Image of Douglas Adams
Exactly!" said Deep Thought. "So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the answer means.
- Douglas Adams
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Jefferson
I may err in my measures, but never shall deflect from the intention to fortify the public liberty by every possible means, and to put it out of the power of the few to riot on the labors of the many.
- Thomas Jefferson
Collection: Mean
Image of John Kasich
Well, it's not all Americans. But I understand those polls. But as a result of that, that's not going to change my position. I mean I don't think it is even practical and I don't think it's right. I mean just because somebody happens to be of the Muslim faith, doesn't make them a terrorist or make them a threat to America. And we've had relations with people all over the world of the Muslim faith.
- John Kasich
Collection: Mean
Image of Curtis Jackson
Most people can't handle boredom. That means they can't stay on one thing until they get good at it. And they wonder why they're unhappy.
- Curtis Jackson
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas a Kempis
It carries a burden which is no burden; it will not be kept back by anything low and mean; it desires to be free from all wordly affections, and not to be entangled by any outward prosperity, or by any adversity subdued.
- Thomas a Kempis
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric Drooker
We all know what tragedy is. "Yes, I'd rather not have any more tragedy, please. I'll have comedy, please." Comedy, in the Greek sense, only means that it has a happy ending.
- Eric Drooker
Collection: Mean
Image of John Maynard Keynes
I conceive, therefore, that a somewhat comprehensive socialisation of investment will prove the means of securing an approximation to full employment.
- John Maynard Keynes
Collection: Mean
Image of John Maynard Keynes
I do not mean to impugn the social justice and social expediency of the redistribution of incomes aimed at by N.I.R.A. and by the various schemes for agricultural restriction. The latter, in particular, I should strongly support in principle. But too much emphasis on the remedial value of a higher price-level as an object in itself may lead to serious misapprehension as to the part which prices can play in the technique of recovery. The stimulation of output by increasing aggregate purchasing power is the right way to get prices up; and not the other way round.
- John Maynard Keynes
Collection: Mean
Image of John Kasich
It's an individual morality in values that matters in these companies [like Wells Fargo]. I mean, they ought to clean house. And they ought to figure out how to claw back all this money. That is a given. In terms of additional laws, there are reasonable approaches to this, but I'd have to see what they are. I'm not a federal lawmaker.
- John Kasich
Collection: Mean
Image of John Kasich
God is a compass. God is not about who you're sleeping with or, I mean, I don't care about that. It's about loving your neighbor. It's about living a life that's bigger than yourself. As time goes on, societies have a tendency to put themselves on the throne, and that leads to self-absorption and that leads to "life is all about me." And there's not a compass that sends you in a direction where life can't be just about you.
- John Kasich
Collection: Mean
Image of Alain Badiou
I am surprised to see that today everything that does not amount to surrender pure and simple to generalized capitalism, let us call it thus, is considered to be archaic or old-fashioned, as though in a way there existed no other definition of what it means to be modern than, quite simply, to be at all times caught in the dominant forms of the moment.
- Alain Badiou
Collection: Mean
Image of Alain Badiou
We must point out that in what concerns its material the event is not a miracle. What I mean is that what composes an event is always extracted from a situation, always related back to a singular multiplicity, to its state, to the language that is connected to it, etc. In fact, so as not to succumb to an obscurantist theory of creation ex nihilo, we must accept that an event is nothing but a part of a given situation, nothing but a fragment of being.
- Alain Badiou
Collection: Mean
Image of Angelina Jolie
I'm trying to find things that are extremely challenging or mean something to me deeply.
- Angelina Jolie
Collection: Mean