Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 2

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 2 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of Paul Scott
English is the language of a people ho have probably earned their reputation for perfidy and hypocrisy because their language itself is so flexible, so often light-headed with with statements which appear to mean one thing one year and quite a different thing the next.
- Paul Scott
Collection: Mean
Image of Stella Gibbons
Well,' said Mrs Smiling, 'it sounds an appalling place, but in a different way from all the others. I mean, it does sound interesting and appalling, while the others just sound appalling.
- Stella Gibbons
Collection: Mean
Image of Charles Stanley
Trusting God means looking beyond what we can see to what God sees.
- Charles Stanley
Collection: Mean
Image of Arthur W. Pink
Taking up my cross means a life voluntarily surrendered to God.
- Arthur W. Pink
Collection: Mean
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I would love to do a musical. When I did Fame L.A. for a year - all the singing, dancing and acting - I was in heaven. I cried so much when they cancelled the show. I mean, I loved going to work and I couldn't wait to get on the set.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Mean
Image of Philip Wylie
I don't like people--much. This kind, I mean. And they don't like me at all, as a rule. Maybe the latter explains the former.
- Philip Wylie
Collection: Mean
Image of Josef Pieper
Leisure is only possible when we are at one with ourselves. We tend to overwork as a means of self-escape, as a way of trying to justify our existence.
- Josef Pieper
Collection: Mean
Image of Josef Pieper
The happy life does not mean loving what we possess, but possessing what we love." Possession of the beloved, St. Thomas holds, takes place in an act of cognition, in seeing, in intuition, in contemplation.
- Josef Pieper
Collection: Mean
Image of Josef Pieper
Happiness and joy are not the same. For what does the fervent craving for joy mean? It does not mean that we wish at any cost to experience the psychic state of being joyful. We want to have reason for joy, for an unceasing joy that fills us utterly, sweeps all before it, exceeds all measure.
- Josef Pieper
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Parcells
Potential means you haven't done anything yet.
- Bill Parcells
Collection: Mean
Image of Katherine Anne Porter
Be respectful of words. They mean something.
- Katherine Anne Porter
Collection: Mean
Image of Patrick Carman
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean there isn't somebody watching.
- Patrick Carman
Collection: Mean
Image of Anthony Storr
It is true that many creative people fail to make mature personal relationships, and some are extremely isolated. It is also true that, in some instances, trauma, in the shape of early separation or bereavement, has steered the potentially creative person toward developing aspects of his personality which can find fulfillment in comparative isolation. But this does not mean that solitary, creative pursuits are themselves pathological.
- Anthony Storr
Collection: Mean
Image of Amy Winehouse
I dont ever want to do anything mediocre. I hear the music in the charts and I dont mean to be rude, but those people have no soul. Learning from music is like eating a meal - you have to pace yourself. You cant take everything from it all at once. I want to be different, definitely. Im not a one trick pony. Im at least a five-trick pony.
- Amy Winehouse
Collection: Mean
Image of Moby
To truly live a creative life means that you will need to experiment in as many different fields as possible.
- Moby
Collection: Mean
Image of Elon Musk
Funded by the government just means funded by the people. Government, by the way, has no money. It only takes money from the people. Sometimes people forget that that's really what occurs.
- Elon Musk
Collection: Mean
Image of Nicolas Sarkozy
We live in a world where people don't all have the same scruples, where all blows can be given, and where, in order to down somebody, all means can be used. Nothing will lead me astray from the path that I have chosen.
- Nicolas Sarkozy
Collection: Mean
Image of Bruce Sterling
When you can’t imagine how things are going to change, that doesn’t mean that nothing will change. It means that things will change in ways that are unimaginable.
- Bruce Sterling
Collection: Mean
Image of Rosalind Miles
True lovers may never know what love means. A man may love a woman out of his reach. She does not know he loves her, and he will never speak of it.
- Rosalind Miles
Collection: Mean
Image of Hans Fallada
As it was, we all acted alone, we were caught alone, and every one of us will have to die alone. But that doesn’t mean that we are alone.
- Hans Fallada
Collection: Mean
Image of Alexander Gordon Smith
There always has to be someone to take the punches. That's how it works. It isn't fair, it isn't right, but that kid licking slop off the floor over there means that we get to eat in peace.
- Alexander Gordon Smith
Collection: Mean
Image of Harry Nilsson
It happens so quickly it seems like it's coming from somewhere else. It's not It just means that you're in sync with yourself. And whatever your goal is, in terms of hearing a melody or a lyric, the closer you get to it, the faster it comes out and the easier it is to "spit it out", as it were.
- Harry Nilsson
Collection: Mean
Image of Harry Nilsson
It happens so quickly it seems like it's coming from somewhere else. It's not. It just means that you're in sync with yourself.
- Harry Nilsson
Collection: Mean
Image of Graeme Simsion
But why, why, why can't people just say what they mean?
- Graeme Simsion
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Neilan
It’s like someone who prays every night saying God’s a good listener. Just because you’re talking to us doesn’t mean we’re listening. With me and God, you never really know.
- Paul Neilan
Collection: Mean
Image of Gavin Newsom
But living in uncertain times does not mean San Franciscans must live in fear
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Mean
Image of Jack Spicer
And I think that it is certainly possible that the objective universe can be affected by the poet. I mean, you recall Orpheus made the trees and the stones dance and so forth, and this is something which is in almost all primitive cultures. I think it has some definite basis to it. I'm not sure what. It's like telekinesis, which I know very well on a pinball machine is perfectly possible.
- Jack Spicer
Collection: Mean
Image of Deanna Raybourn
Oh, yes. I mean to marry him. But not because I want him to give me a life. I want to marry him to share the life I already have. The difference, I think you will find, is a significant one.
- Deanna Raybourn
Collection: Mean
Image of Wendy Mass
Some choices are forever....Just because people aren't in our lives anymore, doesn't mean they stop thinking about us and vice versa.
- Wendy Mass
Collection: Mean
Image of Daniel Quinn
Animism is not a belief system, but a worldview: The world is a sacred place and we are part of it. The factuality of this statement is not the issue. To say that the world is a sacred place is to make a statement about values, not facts. It’s a statement about what you mean by ‘sacred,’ just as ‘Money can’t buy happiness’ is a statement about what you mean by ‘happiness.’ To put it all very simply, animism isn’t a belief system, it’s a value system.
- Daniel Quinn
Collection: Mean
Image of A. Whitney Brown
There are a billion people in China. It's not easy to be an individual in a crowd of more than a billion people. Think of it. More than a billion people. That means even if you're a one-in-a-million type of guy, there are still a thousand guys exactly like you.
- A. Whitney Brown
Collection: Mean
Image of Jackie Morse Kessler
Living means constantly growing closer to death. Satisfaction only temporarily relieves hunger. Find the balance, and plant your feet.
- Jackie Morse Kessler
Collection: Mean
Image of Nora Roberts
When you find nothing... it means you're eliminating what surrounds the something.
- Nora Roberts
Collection: Mean
Image of Mike Yaconelli
Speed is not neutral. Fast living used to mean a life of debauchery; now it just means fast, but the consequences are even more serious. Speeding through life endangers our relationships and our souls.
- Mike Yaconelli
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Anton Wilson
The worst that can happen under monarchy is rule by a single imbecile, but democracy often means the rule by an assembly of three or four hundred imbeciles.
- Robert Anton Wilson
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Bork
Conservatives . . . may decide to join the game and seek activist judges with conservative views. Should that come to pass, those who have tempted the courts to political judging will have gained nothing for themselves but will have destroyed a great and essential institution. . . . There are only two sides. Either the Constitution and statutes are law, which means their principles are known and control judges, or they are malleable texts that judges may rewrite to see that particular groups or political causes win.
- Robert Bork
Collection: Mean
Image of Robert Bork
By depriving the charged person of any defenses [the rulings] mean that sexual dalliance, however voluntarily engaged in, becomes harassment whenever an employee sees fit, after the fact, so to characterize it.
- Robert Bork
Collection: Mean
Image of Robin Parrish
Being fearless doesn't mean having an absence of fear. It means you press on in spite of fear.
- Robin Parrish
Collection: Mean
Image of Elif Safak
Eternity does not mean infinite time, but simply timelessness
- Elif Safak
Collection: Mean
Image of Eric Ries
Innovation is a bottoms-up, decentralized, and unpredictable thing, but that doesn’t mean it cannot be managed.
- Eric Ries
Collection: Mean
Image of Glenway Wescott
People as a rule do mean much more than they understand.
- Glenway Wescott
Collection: Mean
Image of Catherine Fisher
If it means my death, I don't care, because even death will be a sort of freedom.
- Catherine Fisher
Collection: Mean
Image of Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Just because we always have doesn’t mean we always have to. Once we know better, we should choose better.
- Colleen Patrick-Goudreau
Collection: Mean
Image of W. Clement Stone
Success is achieved and maintained by those who try, and keep trying, for there is nothing to lose by trying and a great deal to gain if successful. By all means TRY! Do it NOW!!!
- W. Clement Stone
Collection: Mean
Image of Harry Golden
If the roof caves in and the tenants are sitting in the debris, they will laugh like hell. They will endure any hardship as long as it means trouble for the landlord.
- Harry Golden
Collection: Mean
Image of Thorstein Veblen
The early ascendancy of leisure as a means of reputability is traceable to the archaic distinction between noble and ignoble employments. Leisure is honourable and becomes imperative partly because it shows exemption from ignoble labour.
- Thorstein Veblen
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary L. Francione
Humans treat animals as things that exist as means to human ends. That's morally wrong. Sexism promotes the idea that women are things that exist as means to the ends of men. That's morally wrong. We need to stop treating all persons - whether human or nonhuman - as things.
- Gary L. Francione
Collection: Mean
Image of Gary L. Francione
The theory of animal rights simply is not consistent with the theory of animal welfare... Animal rights means dramatic social changes for humans and non-humans alike; if our bourgeois values prevent us from accepting those changes, then we have no right to call ourselves advocates of animal rights.
- Gary L. Francione
Collection: Mean
Image of Jessica Fellowes
Violet, the Dowager Countess: “I mean, one way or another, everyone goes down the aisle with half the story hidden.
- Jessica Fellowes
Collection: Mean