Roselyn Sanchez

Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I can wear a sexy dress to any red carpet event. My wedding is my chance to go all the way and wear a princess silhouette.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Wedding
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
Always be your husband's best friend, make him laugh and give him a little bit of freedom - you can't suffocate him.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Freedom
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I had such a great upbringing in Puerto Rico, and it was just a very normal life.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I thought it would be easy. I thought it'd take me one year to be Salma Hayek.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I admire them for making their way up and opening new opportunities for other Latin newcomers. Latinos have come a long way and the roles and opportunities just seem to be improving.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
New York doesn't care who you are or where you came from.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I came here when I was almost 22. I'm perfectly bilingual, but I'm never going to sound like Sandra Bullock.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
Go learn the language. Go take some acting lessons. Start from zero like everybody else.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I love what I do. When a month goes by and I'm not working, I'm miserable.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I would love to do a musical. When I did 'Fame L.A.' for a year - all the singing, dancing and acting - I was in heaven. I cried so much when they cancelled the show. I mean, I loved going to work and I couldn't wait to get on the set.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I've been blessed because every single role I've done has been an educated person. I've never done the stereotypical Latina, even though I have an accent - I've always been able to play educated people. That's a good thing!
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I don't understand it, but every horror film is huge. I would consider one, but I don't know if my heart would be in it.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I was ballet dancing at four, playing piano by six, and doing commercials by 12. When I was 21, I was on the number one live comedy show in Puerto Rico. I told my parents, 'I'm going to New York to become a performer.' And I left.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
My mother always gives the best advice. When I left Puerto Rico to pursue my dreams, she always supported me and said to me, 'I'm never going to cut your wings, so don't let anyone else do that to you.' That has been my philosophy through life. I want to share that valuable lesson with my little girl someday.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I love someone who can make me laugh. And someone who's secure - I think that's sexy.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I don't believe in failure. I believe every setback is an opportunity to learn, regroup, get stronger, and try again.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Believe
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
This is my motto: Rejection is God's protection.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Rejection
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I don't believe in failure. I believe every setback is an opportunity to learn, regroup, get stronger, and try again. This is my motto: Rejection is God's protection. When people feel that they have failed, it's usually because somebody or something caused them to feel that way and taste defeat. I refuse to dwell on that. Yes, it sucks at first, and the feeling is valid, but it all happens for a reason. Let go.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
What's important is friendship and family and love.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Important
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
When people feel that they have failed, it's usually because somebody or something caused them to feel that way and taste defeat. I refuse to dwell on that. Yes, it sucks at first, and the feeling is valid, but it all happens for a reason.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: People
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I would love to do a musical. When I did Fame L.A. for a year - all the singing, dancing and acting - I was in heaven. I cried so much when they cancelled the show. I mean, I loved going to work and I couldn't wait to get on the set.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Mean
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I stay healthy through eating well, working out - simply living a healthy lifestyle.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Eating Well
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
My greatest obstacle has to be accepting that the business that I chose to be part of is based on rejection and constantly trying to prove yourself. Letting go of seeing my accent and the way I speak as a limitation. Accepting it as who I am and where I came from.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Letting Go
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
I admire them [latinos] for making their way up and opening new opportunities for other Latin newcomers. Latinos have come a long way and the roles and opportunities just seem to be improving.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Latin
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
Many things inspire me, but at this moment in my life, my daughter is my greatest inspiration. Working hard has taken on a whole new meaning since I had her. I want to make a great life for myself so she can have a great life.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Daughter
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
Five women working together is never going to be easy. It's a lot. But God is so incredible, in terms of the timing, because we are all married with kids, in our late 30s and 40s. It's a different stage in our lives. It's not about who is going to be the one that's going to pop.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Kids
Image of Roselyn Sanchez
Even though the stuff Im doing right now is relatively easy, I think in the future I would love to play things that have nothing to do with me and thats good.
- Roselyn Sanchez
Collection: Thinking