Gavin Newsom

Image of Gavin Newsom
I think Thanksgiving is the perfect occasion to break open a buttery, oaky Chardonnay from California.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Thanksgiving
Image of Gavin Newsom
Prop 8 did something that no other state in the history of this country has done. It took away the rights of people that already were legally affirmed. Imagine someone putting something on the ballot saying your wedding, your marriage is no longer valid.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Wedding
Image of Gavin Newsom
Separate inherently is not equal. There's a reason why $45 million was spent against marriage equality. It's because people understand the word does have meaning. And equality comes when we accept the same notions and the same institutions for everyone, regardless of race and gender and regardless of sex orientation.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Equality
Image of Gavin Newsom
I'm sick and tired of politics and politicians as usual.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Politics
Image of Gavin Newsom
Government is the ultimate monopoly. And monopolies, as any economist will tell you, often breed complacency and a lack of innovation.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Government
Image of Gavin Newsom
You only get one chance in this thing called life. I know that is a bit maudlin and obscure, but it's a fact, and you can make a profound difference in people's lives without having a title in front of your name.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Chance
Image of Gavin Newsom
I really feel it's time to dissolve the current relationship of governor and lieutenant governor by running as a ticket.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Relationship
Image of Gavin Newsom
Government can do best by simply getting out of the way.
- Gavin Newsom
Collection: Government
Image of Gavin Newsom
The 21st Century has begun as an era of uncertainty, with a heightened focus on security and public safety.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
You've got to change incentives for good behavior as opposed to just disincentivizing bad behavior.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
The economy is not immutable; it's not about natural laws. It's about rules, and we make the rules.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Even if Donald Trump's successful, it's the beginning of the end if this rhetoric persists in the Republican Party.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
When you have a good idea, the money flows.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
As goes California, so goes the rest of the nation.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
An arts education helps build academic skills and increase academic performance, while also providing alternative opportunities to reward the skills of children who learn differently.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
I don't want to let the rest of this country drift into the abyss. I want to fight for it.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
I'm much more optimistic about this next generation because this is the first global generation.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
You don't have to be something to do something.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
I'll be kicked out before I rust out.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
I have a very successful father-in-law and family with very different political views.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
I've never been a fan of pretense or procrastination. After all, our state is defined by its independent, outspoken spirit.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
The arts can play a vital role in revitalizing neighborhoods, using and improving vacant space, bringing new jobs and new sense of opportunity, and improving public safety by generating more foot traffic and more eyes on the street.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
If you're not open, you're not transparent, you're still holding on to vaults of information, you're not going to build that trust.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
There is nothing worse than a politician that gets defensive and starts attacking the media - and it always looks bad for the politician, because you sign up for this. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
California is infamous for passing things and then waking up and saying, 'What the hell did we just pass?'
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
You need to let go of your fear and anxiety of being judged by others.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
I act on my principles, whether they're popular or not.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
If you distill the essence of everything, what life is about, every single one of us is given a short moment in time on this planet, and we all have one universal need and desire, and that is to be loved and to love. And to deny that for your own political expediency, I don't want to live in that column. It ain't worth it.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Take responsibility. Step up and step in. Because at the end of the day, folks, we are our behaviors.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Society becomes how we behave.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
There's been a gap between perception and reality, the perception being that California is on the cutting edge of gun safety legislation when, in fact, there are a number of areas where we have fallen behind.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
You can love me or hate me and disagree with me, but you sure as hell know where I stand.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
San Francisco has long been a leader in the arts, nurturing generations of painters, sculptors, poets, novelists, playwrights, film-makers, and performing artists and innovators of every kind.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
We recognize that the arts are an essential part of San Francisco's cultural vitality.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Cultural tourism surveys consistently rate San Francisco's art industry as a core reason for visiting.
- Gavin Newsom
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As Mayor, I will fully support my Arts Commission and its professional selection committees so that they can commission a full range of public art that is daring and, when appropriate, daringly traditional.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
The value of an arts education is widely accepted, especially in California.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Involvement in the arts engages kids in their community, improves self-esteem, reclaims at-risk youth, and builds the creative skills that are required of a 21st century workforce.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
As Mayor, I will lead city government, businesses, and community groups to support innovative projects that will make San Francisco streets and public places vibrant and healthy.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Livable neighborhoods with a vibrant street life will stimulate our economic life as well.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
San Franciscans know we live in the most beautiful city in the world, a jewel on the edge of the Golden Gate.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Street and park trees provide tremendous benefits to cities.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
Historically, San Franciscans have not valued street trees as much as other communities have.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
San Francisco lags behind other communities in providing a vital, vibrant and ecologically sustainable urban canopy, as well as open space in the city.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
But living in uncertain times does not mean San Franciscans must live in fear.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
City government can and must help San Franciscans prepare for emergencies in order to avoid tragedy where possible and minimize loss of life and property when emergencies occur.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
As Mayor of San Francisco, I will work hard to ensure that, in the event of natural or man-made disasters, San Franciscans are prepared and our City is protected.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
As mayor of San Francisco, I will provide the vision and work hard to make San Francisco a beautiful, well-planned city with excellent housing and transportation options.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
During the 1990s, San Francisco lived through one of the most intense economic booms of its history.
- Gavin Newsom
Image of Gavin Newsom
San Francisco can no longer afford to be a city divided between downtown and neighborhoods, with a downtown that becomes a ghost town when workers go home for the evening.
- Gavin Newsom