Top Mean Quotes Collection - Page 151

Discover a curated collection of Mean quotes. Find inspiration, motivation, and wisdom from the best quotes in this category. Page 151 provides more Mean quotes.

Image of William J. Clinton
We live in a completely interdependent world, which simply means we can not escape each other. How we respond to AIDS depends, in part, on whether we understand this interdependence. It is not someone else's problem. This is everybody's problem.
- William J. Clinton
Collection: Mean
Image of Scott Caan
I mean, what do you do in Las Vegas? You gamble - and you go to strip clubs.
- Scott Caan
Collection: Mean
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
A turkey is more occult and awful than all the angels and archangels. In so far as God has partly revealed to us an angelic world, he has partly told us what an angel means. But God has never told us what a turkey means. And if you go and stare at a live turkey for an hour or two, you will find by the end of it that the enigma has rather increased than diminished.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Mean
Image of Jacques Monod
Another curious aspect of the theory of evolution is that everybody thinks he understands it. I mean philosophers, social scientists, and so on. While in fact very few people understand it, actually, as it stands, even as it stood when Darwin expressed it, and even less as we now may be able to understand it in biology.
- Jacques Monod
Collection: Mean
Image of Benjamin Carson
Just because somebody happens to disagree with you about something doesn't mean that they become your mortal enemy and that you should try to destroy them and destroy their life and destroy their family.
- Benjamin Carson
Collection: Mean
Image of Deepak Chopra
Negative emotions are like unwelcome guests. Just because they show up on our doorstep doesn't mean they have a right to stay.
- Deepak Chopra
Collection: Mean
Image of Orson Scott Card
Nobody ever completely means what they say. Even when they think they're telling the truth, there's always something hidden behind their words.
- Orson Scott Card
Collection: Mean
Image of Judith Butler
We're not in control [of circumstances], but that does not mean we don't exercise a certain kind of conditioned agency. That's what it means to live in a community. That's what it means to live in society.
- Judith Butler
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert Camus
Does the end justify the means? That is possible. But what will justify the end? To that question, which historical thought leaves pending, rebellion replies: the means.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Alinsky
The most unethical of all means is the non-use of any means.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Alinsky
In this world laws are written for the lofty aim of "the common good" and then acted out in life on the basis of the common greed. In this world irrationality clings to man like his shadow so that the right things get done for the wrong reasons - afterwards, we dredge up the right reasons for justification. It is a world not of angels but of angles, where men speak of moral principles but act on power principles; a world where we are always moral and our enemies always immoral; a world where "reconciliation" means that when one side gets the power and the other side gets reconciled to it.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Alinsky
A revolution without a prior reformation would collapse or become a totalitarian tyranny. A reformation means that masses of our people have reached the point of disillusionment with past ways and values. They don't know what will work but they do know that the prevailing system is self-defeating, frustrating, and hopeless. They won't act for change but won't strongly oppose those who do. The time is then ripe for revolution
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Saul Alinsky
Radicals, on the other hand, want to advance from the jungle of laissez-faire capitalism to a world worthy of the name of human civilization. They hope for a future where the means of economic production will be owned by all of the people instead of just a comparative handful. They feel that this minority control of production facilities is injurious to the large masses of people not only because of economic monopolies but because the political power inherent in this form of centralized economy does not augur for an ever expanding democratic way of life.
- Saul Alinsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Joel Spolsky
Remember, just because Microsoft can do something, doesn't mean you can. Microsoft makes their own gravity. Normal rules don't apply to them.
- Joel Spolsky
Collection: Mean
Image of Henri Cartier-Bresson
It is by great economy of means that one arrives at simplicity of expression.
- Henri Cartier-Bresson
Collection: Mean
Image of Cassandra Clare
Like letting spiders live because they eat mosquitoes, Clary thought. "So they're good enough to let live, good enough to make your food for you, good enough to flirt with-but not really good enough? I mean, not as good as people.
- Cassandra Clare
Collection: Mean
Image of Jeremy Clarkson
I mean its a weekly occurrence that somebody will complain that Top Gear was on last night - and you just sit back and wait for the complaints. But if you start to pay attention to everyones concerns, you end up with something bland and boring. So you sort of have to ignore everybody in order to do the show how we want to do it.
- Jeremy Clarkson
Collection: Mean
Image of Eleanor Smeal
I mean, how many men would have gone on to the floor of the House as Carolyn Maloney did and wear a burkha to show the fight of Afghan women.
- Eleanor Smeal
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Rees
One of the computer models for a four degree temperature rise would give rise to a 10 degree temperature rise in Africa. And bear in mind also that in the depth of an ice age the mean temperature drop compared to the present was five degrees.
- Martin Rees
Collection: Mean
Image of Edgar Cayce
Astrology is a fact, in most instances. But astrological aspects are but signs, symbols. No influence is of greater value or of greater help than the will of an individual.... Do not attempt to be guided by, but use the astrological influences as the means to meet or to overcome the faults and failures, or to minimize the faults and to magnify the virtues in self.
- Edgar Cayce
Collection: Mean
Image of Bobby McFerrin
I’m not a scholar or a psychologist, so I don’t really think about why. But I do think about what it means to sing to and with people, to offer music to them, and to ask them to spend time with me.
- Bobby McFerrin
Collection: Mean
Image of Jim Harbaugh
From what I can see it's that, if you have money you have access to justice. If you don't, it's becoming increasingly less and less access for low-income Americans and that's the crux of it. I mean, to have a society that has liberty and justice for all, it's right there in the constitution.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert Camus
As for those whose role it is to love us - I mean, relatives and in-laws (what a word)- It's a different tune. They find the right word, but it's usually the one that wounds.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Mean
Image of Rita Mae Brown
Class is much more than Marx's definition of relationship to the means of production. Class involved your behavior, your basic assumptions, how you are taught to behave, what you expect from yourself and from others, your concept of a future, how you understand problems and solve them, how you think, feel, act.
- Rita Mae Brown
Collection: Mean
Image of John Cheever
How can a people who do not mean to understand death hope to understand love, and who will sound the alarm?
- John Cheever
Collection: Mean
Image of Winston Churchill
Science has given to this generation the means of unlimited disaster or of unlimited progress. There will remain the greater task of directing knowledge lastingly towards the purpose of peace and human good.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Mean
Image of Winston Churchill
If you recognize anyone it does not mean you like them.
- Winston Churchill
Collection: Mean
Image of Bill Bryson
What this means in practice is that if you are not a born worrier you have nothing to worry about (though of course you wouldn't be worrying anyway), whereas if you are a worrier by nature there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, so you may as well stop worrying, except of course you can't.
- Bill Bryson
Collection: Mean
Image of Lewis Carroll
Well, "slithy" means "lithe and slimy." "Lithe" is the same as "active." You see it's like a portmanteau - there are two meanings packed up into one word.
- Lewis Carroll
Collection: Mean
Image of Sergey Brin
As for "Don't be evil," we have tried to define precisely what it means to be a force for good-always do the right, ethical thing. Ultimately, "Don't be evil" seems the easiest way to summarize it.
- Sergey Brin
Collection: Mean
Image of Sherman Alexie
I got hundreds of emails insulting me, accusing me of being some caveman. I am by no means a Luddite. I have two iPods. I have a cell phone. I have cable TV, HDTV!
- Sherman Alexie
Collection: Mean
Image of Laverne Cox
Beyoncé means so much to me. Throughout my transition, Beyoncé has been there as a style icon, an example of excellence, of beauty, of vulnerability. She's shared so much of herself, and it's inspiring.
- Laverne Cox
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Virilio
To a materialist, matter is essential: a stone is a stone, a mountain is a mountain, water is water and earth is earth. As far as I am concerned, I am a materialist of the body, which means that the body is the basis of all my work.
- Paul Virilio
Collection: Mean
Image of Tony Abbott
For small business men and women, less paperwork means higher profits, boosted sales and more time with the family.
- Tony Abbott
Collection: Mean
Image of Patricia Churchland
Given how long philosophers have been at conceptual analysis (I mean the 20th century stuff), and how many have been doing it, what can we say are the two most important concept results of all that effort?
- Patricia Churchland
Collection: Mean
Image of Rose McGowan
I don't know how exactly but I'm maybe perverse in the sense that I like being disappointed in something on a daily basis. Because it means that I'm still not jaded.
- Rose McGowan
Collection: Mean
Image of Albert Camus
No ends, simply means.
- Albert Camus
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Carlyle
The eye of the intellect "sees in all objects what it brought with it the means of seeing."
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Mean
Image of Thomas Carlyle
No man at bottom means injustice; it is always for some obscure distorted image of a right that he contends: an obscure image diffracted, exaggerated, in the wonderfulest way by natural dimness and selfishness; getting tenfold more diffracted by exasperation of contest, till at length it become all but irrecognis-able.
- Thomas Carlyle
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Carson
I was more worn out with the "Odyssey" than it was with the "Iliad." I mean, just comparing those two - you can see how it's changing, how the language of the "Iliad" is somehow monstrously new - and that language of the "Odyssey" is more comfortable, even for us.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Mean
Image of Anne Carson
All myth is an enriched pattern, a two-faced proposition, allowing its operator to say one thing and mean another, to lead a double life.
- Anne Carson
Collection: Mean
Image of Gelett Burgess
If you wish to be positive, which means youthful, never speak of the past any more than you can help.
- Gelett Burgess
Collection: Mean
Image of Vannevar Bush
The summation of human experience is being expanded at a prodigious rate, and the means we use for threading through the consequent maze to the momentarily important item is the same as was used in the days of square-rigged ships.
- Vannevar Bush
Collection: Mean
Image of Gilbert K. Chesterton
Stated baldly, charity certainly means one of two things–pardoning unpardonable acts, or loving unlovable people.
- Gilbert K. Chesterton
Collection: Mean
Image of Hillary Clinton
Every election is about the future, which by definition means it's more about the future of young people than it is about me.
- Hillary Clinton
Collection: Mean
Image of Paul Brunton
Living in the present moment means living according to truth and principle (but not according to hard rigid dogma) flexibly applied in the particular way required by the immediate situation in which you are. Such a way of living leaves you free, not ruled tyrannically by imposed regulations which may not at all suit the particular case.
- Paul Brunton
Collection: Mean
Image of Martin Buber
Jedes geeinzelte Du ist ein Durchblick zu ihm. Durch jedes geeinzelte Du spricht das Grundwort das Ewige an. Every particularThou is a glimpse through to the eternal Thou; by means of every particularThou the primary word addresses the eternal Thou. 164
- Martin Buber
Collection: Mean
Image of Meg Cabot
Who-who are you?" Seth asked, hesitantly."Wh-what do you want?" How else was was I supposed to reply? The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.I mean, I'd only seen the movie like seventeen times. "I'm Luke Skywalker," I said. "I'm here to rescue you.
- Meg Cabot
Collection: Mean
Image of Meg Cabot
every seven miles, in America, there is at least one McDonald's. Not a hospital, mind you, or a police station, but a McDonald's, every seven miles. I mean, that's sort of scary, if you think about it.
- Meg Cabot
Collection: Mean