Jim Harbaugh

Image of Jim Harbaugh
Fair Oaks Farm in Indiana - listen, if you have a chance to go there, it's better than Disney World, because it's all real.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Chance
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Speeches? I don't ever feel like I'm giving a speech. I don't look at myself as a motivational speaker.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Motivational
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I care very deeply about mental health.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Health
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Growing up in Ann Arbor, all my dad's friends were coaches.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Dad
Image of Jim Harbaugh
COVID is part of our society. Wasn't caused by football or caused by sports.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Sports
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Have an attitude of gratitude.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Attitude
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Sometimes we'd be sitting down watching TV and my dad would tell me and my brother to run upstairs and grab him something. He would time us. Every time. It was like the world record was on the line. My brother and I both wanted that world record, so we'd run upstairs as fast as we could to see who could get back to my dad first.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Dad
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I respect so many people in football. There is so many coaches and people that I trust and respect, and get their advice and take very serious when they recommend somebody.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Trust
Image of Jim Harbaugh
We talk about sanctity of life, yet we live in a society that aborts babies. There can't be anything more horrendous.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Society
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Most people think of January 1st as the start of a new year. To people who espouse to Catholicism and Christianity, they might correlate that with the birth of Christ. Us in football, the start of spring practice and the first day of summer training camp are what you look at as the New Year with fireworks going off, it's your birthday.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Birthday
Image of Jim Harbaugh
It's like the human body. What a tremendous organism. It actually craves contact. It likes contact. It craves it, as opposed to a car. If you backed into a brick wall, that would cause at least $2,000 worth of damage. It doesn't have the ability to repair itself or callus over, but the human body does.
- Jim Harbaugh
Collection: Car
Image of Jim Harbaugh
If worms had machine guns, then birds wouldn't be scared of them.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
You have to be prepared to fight and finish your own battles.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I take a vitamin every day - it's called a steak.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
We play a game called, 'Peru ball,' it's a game we invented in Peru. The rules are so simple. You play with a football and one team's going one direction, the other team's going the other direction. Get the ball across the line, the length of a soccer goal. That's it, that's the only rules.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
A coach should go to practice with a whistle and I just clip a pen on it. It's really not complicated at all.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Before they had crunchy peanut butter, I would put peanuts in the creamy peanut butter.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Fans have a constitutional right to expect success and have high expectations.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I don't take vacations. I don't get sick. I don't observe major holidays. I'm a jackhammer.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I have a couple of rules. Number one, get competitive. Number two, win a game. Number three, win two games in a row. Number four, win a championship.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Apologies always seem to me like excuses.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
It is better to be lucky. But... luck comes when you are ready.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I believe it saves a good half hour to forty-five minutes a day, not having to stand in front of the hangers and the drawers and figure out what to wear.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
The thing I like about Donald Trump is he's not afraid to fight the establishment.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I make no apology for the love of competition.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I was a pretty good kid. Just loud. Loud in the house. Loud everywhere.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
What will happen will happen. What won't happen won't happen.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
When we were growing up, my dad would play catch with us, he would take us to games, and most of all he believed in us. We grew up just like him.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
People talk about cold weather and it'd be tough to catch balls. But the greatest catcher of all time, Michael Crabtree, catches everything. It's unbelievable. In the northern snowlands, down to the tropics' sunny scenes, he's catching the football. Where they throw a football, he'll be catching it.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
We joke that dad's profession was the perfect profession for Jim, because after two years, he'd be like: 'It's time to move, dad. I've lost all my friends.' We were in Iowa one time and dad felt bad because we were leaving for Michigan. He tried to break it to us, and Jim goes: 'Just in time, dad. I just ran out of my last friend.'
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
We want to win every game we play. We want to win them all.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
My mom drew a line in the sand and said they would not be putting me on Ritalin. My mom liked my competitive nature, and she stood up for me.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I like the guys that like football. And the guys that like football, they all like me back. And the ones that don't like me? They're the ones that know that I know that they don't like football. They tend to avoid me.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I didn't leave the 49ers, I felt like the 49er hierarchy left me.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I can workout in my khakis. And do. They're similar to sweatpants.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
There's a battle rhythm, a body clock that tells you it's time for football. For me, it's always I know when I get my first football dream. That's my body clock telling me it's time to compete.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
For me, there's a lot of great jobs, great opportunities I know in coaching but, for me, the Michigan job was the best job for me.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
You've got a guy sitting in a big house, making $5 million a year, saying he does not want to sacrifice his time. That is not a kindred spirit to me.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
Absolutely, you can improve and become better at toughness. It's a talent, but it can be acquired, too. I think of it like building a callus.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I'm a Tupac man myself. And my all-time favorite song, Gordon Lightfoot's 'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.'
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I always liked having a uniform. Growing up, when I was playing baseball, or hockey, or football. Always nice to have a uniform. Felt like part of the team.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
That's what a professional does, focuses every week, every practice, every play, every game, every ounce of energy you have.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
To me, we win as a team.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
We can't close ourselves off. We have to connect with the rest of the world.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
The locker room embraces the guy that is about the team, and is serious about winning.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I always encourage youngsters in America to play soccer.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
That's a very nice compliment, for somebody to be described as having grit, having some gravel in the gut.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I'd got hit by a mail truck. Broke my leg in two places. Had a cast on for about six months. I was in the first grade. Second half of first grade.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
I had a great job at school, St. Francis Elementary, where they asked for somebody to deliver milk, and they said you get a free carton of milk... the thing that I learned was that every kid that was sick or absent from school, I got to drink their milk too. I never missed a day of school.
- Jim Harbaugh
Image of Jim Harbaugh
The high road is the only road I know.
- Jim Harbaugh